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I live in the West Coast and Most Mexicans get alone well with Whites.
But Why in Miami where the Cubans live now ( 85% of exiles live there..). the whites doesn't live anymore there?
Why most Whites who were living in Miami diring the 60's before the queer and the Cubans arrived in 1959, flew away from there?

2006-10-04 11:58:57 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

Mexico is the Most Important Country and Partner for the USA in Latin-America or Hispanic-America or Ibero-America or North-America.

2006-10-04 12:08:44 · update #1

6 answers

There are white people in Miami, they are just the minority.

2006-10-04 12:01:05 · answer #1 · answered by Carol R 7 · 0 0

actually the most importan nation to the us for economics is canada. we do more business with them far more than mexico.

You must know Hispanics as the govt calls us are not all the same.

We did not all just immigrate yesterday either. Some of us have been here for generations like me. There are white ones you know!

for more info on the economy of the us and canada and mex go to www.firstgov.gov and search.

educate yourself.

2006-10-04 19:36:55 · answer #2 · answered by CCC 6 · 0 0

Where does it state that Mexico is the most important country to the US? Are you kidding me? Britain supports us more than any other country! Are you stating an opinion? What is your source?
It anything Mexico is the least important country to the US!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-10-04 19:06:41 · answer #3 · answered by proud mom ♥ 4 · 1 0

I just moved from Colorado to FL and love it here--I think crime scares most ppl frm Miami cultures or life styles have always enriched my life----crime doesn't

2006-10-04 19:16:21 · answer #4 · answered by abc 2 · 1 0

Once one moves ya had better vacate cuz within a year they take over. lmao

2006-10-04 19:01:57 · answer #5 · answered by Devils_Advocate 3 · 1 0

Because Some hispanics are dirty and me personally i wouldn't wanna live near anyone that is dirty.

2006-10-04 19:02:54 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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