Here's the thing, I was once in the same situation. I dated a guy, and after 8 months (really) he still hadn't kissed me, even though he knew I wanted to. The thing is, even though guys play all tough around their friends, their biggest fear is rejection. Even though he knows you want to do things, he still can see a senario in his head where you tell him no or get mad at him. He feels like he needs to be in control, but no matter what anyone tells you....the girl controls the guy....emotionally. You may very well have to make the first move. Some guys need a little prodding. You could ease into it and let him take over. Regardless, he will start doing it on his own once he gets used to it.
2006-10-04 10:54:07
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Don't worry, maybe he is afraid of rejection. You telling him and saying it's okay, may not be enough. You should try and make a move yourself, or you can just talk to him about it. Sometimes when I like a boy I just tell his friends about the situation and they keep encouraging him until he does it. Whatever works, I am sure he will like it. But you have to respect his shyness and not force it.
2006-10-04 17:54:50
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
you need to make the first move make teh setting comfortable and have funn lol but deff amke the first move if it hasn't happened in 8 months
2006-10-04 17:52:51
answer #3
answered by nickiejh 3
Have you tried kissing him first? Believe me, no matter how old we get, we can be nervous around a really beautiful woman.
2006-10-04 17:52:39
answer #4
answered by Oompa Loompa 2
what u do is just be yourself 4 him
u look in his eyes really hard then you
do it yourself
if he does not make the move than u
go for it gurl
2006-10-04 17:54:18
answer #5
answered by ashley:anastatic 2
if he's not gay then he has probably liked you for a long *** time and wants everything to be perfect. (are you sure he's not gay?) he respects you very much (unless he's gay). youre his dream girl and is in no rush (8 months?!? must be gay!).
2006-10-04 17:55:00
answer #6
answered by WreckinShop 5