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I found this plant with leaves that look like marijuana leaves. each leaf has 7 leaf branches, with jagged edges. The only thing is that there is no flower thing on top which is the only reason im skeptical about it. Anyone know if it is marijuana or just another plant that looks exactly like it? thanks

2006-10-04 10:38:04 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Botany

12 answers

Sounds to me like Wild Hemp.

Wild Marijuana
Hide the kids, today we're discussing a something scarier than Michael Moore on The O'Reilly Factor - Wild Marijuana! It seems a little early to me, but annual hunt for feral hemp is on in the American mid west and stories are popping up in the local papers. . "Every year, they cut down and burn between 15,000 and 20,000 wild marijuana plants ranging from 4 inches to 10 feet in height." "That's a lot of wild marijuana" This is remnants of 50 years ago did note that "Growing cannabis plants, of either the hemp or marijuana varieties, is illegal in the United States." It's nice to see the distinction made between the different varieties.

Industrial Hemp is a number of varieties of Cannabis sativa L. that are intended for agricultural and industrial purposes. They are grown for their seed and fiber content as well as the resulting byproducts such as oil, seed cake, hurds, etc. Industrial Hemp is characterized by being low in THC (delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol) and high in CBD (cannabidiol). THC is less than 1% and in Canada and Europe the current legal level for cultivation is 0.3%. The ratio of CBD to THC is greater than one.

Marijuana is a preparation made from varieties of Cannabis sativa L. that are intended for medical and recreational drug use. They are grown for their THC content, primarily in the flowering tops and to a lesser extent in the leaves. Cannabis sativa L. grown for marijuana is characterized by being high in THC (delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol) and low in CBD (cannabidiol). The THC content is greater than 1%, usually 3% to 20%. The ratio of CBD to THC is less than one.

The THC level in ditchweed it really low, too. I have a copy of a lab analysis of 50 ditchweed plants and the results show that the THC level is less than 0.1% and the CBD level is 2.6%. So, obviously ditchweed is feral (a. Existing in a wild or untamed state. b. Having returned to an untamed state from domestication).

The tragic element of this story is that as a result of the pariah status to which hemp was relegated in the US, Kentucky hemp is now extinct. The germplasm produced in Dewey's breeding program and all that collected by the USDA is lost. The National Seed Storage Laboratory, located in Fort Collins, Colorado, is charged with the preservation of germplasm as a safeguard against national disaster, such as nuclear war. In the early 1960s, ten bags of hemp seed, the only known remnant of the Kentucky hemp varieties, were transferred there from the USDA. A USDA Yearbook report noted that "Flax and hemp are no longer produced for fiber in this country, but seed stocks of the best varieties that have been developed by research agencies are maintained." Fortunately for flax, a responsible effort was made to preserve its germplasm. Sadly, the hemp remnant was neglected. At the request of the author, NSSL searched and found these bags of hempseed. Apparently, they were never logged in as accessions of the lab. Consequently, they were not properly preserved. The bags are only labeled with numbers whose import was not recorded, so we cannot know which varieties they might have been. The seed was last grown, as far as can be determined, in 1948.

2006-10-04 11:35:35 · answer #1 · answered by Littlebigdog 4 · 0 1

There are very many varieties of marijuana and it is very hard to tell by your description because I know of other plants that are smiliar to that description. Marijuana usually has broad green leaves with 5 large and 2 smaller leaves for a total of 7. It can grow to be pretty tall and have leaves grow up around it. Most likely if it was ditch weed than it wouldn't be taken care of to prevent pollination and you'll rarely find good bud just growing on it.

2006-10-05 04:59:16 · answer #2 · answered by blueberry-yum-yum! 3 · 1 0

Possibaly. There are a few other plants that meet that description. One being Silver Cinquefoil. With out seein a pic or a better description its hard to say with any degree of accuracy.

2006-10-04 16:24:20 · answer #3 · answered by wild_outside_84 2 · 0 0

To the person who said marijuana only has 5 fingers, that's not true. And to the person who posted the question, there's no way of telling without seeing a picture. I would avoid smoking it though.

2006-10-04 19:40:01 · answer #4 · answered by higher.logic 1 · 0 1

Probably not! It is probably potentilla which looks a heck of a lot like marijuana. It could also be kenaf, which also looks like it.

Here's a pic of potentilla: http://www.plant-identification.co.uk/skye/rosaceae/potentilla-reptans.htm

Here's kenaf: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.kenaf-fiber.com/images/foglie_kenaf2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.kenaf-fiber.com/en/foglie-kenaf.asp&h=140&w=140&sz=18&hl=en&start=1&tbnid=HppceZQCiQlc6M:&tbnh=93&tbnw=93&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dkenaf%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D

I think it could be the kenaf, but there are two that look like it!

2006-10-05 06:50:48 · answer #5 · answered by plantmd 4 · 0 0

just looks like it. google marijuana and look for a picture.

2006-10-04 11:28:39 · answer #6 · answered by rere 6 · 2 0

No it isn't Pot plants only have 5 leaves per branch/twig.

2006-10-04 10:45:55 · answer #7 · answered by my_iq_135 5 · 1 3

were did you find it?.....was it still in the ground?.......does it smell like canabus?.....do you know the smell of canabus?......if not then no it most likly is not weed......ask the closest polica maaan and im sure he will tie you up with some answers....lmao....or send pics and samples and i will get back to you.....maybe haha


IE.....im just having fun.....lil bored

2006-10-04 10:49:19 · answer #8 · answered by Lj 2 · 1 1

Why don't you smell it first? Or better yet, take a piece of it and burn it. If it smells good than it has to be. lol

2006-10-04 10:45:44 · answer #9 · answered by tragictrust 2 · 2 1

I sure hope it is! Smoke it and find out, you won't regret it! ;)

2006-10-04 15:15:59 · answer #10 · answered by maryjane green 3 · 0 0

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