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OK, UFC has been in the states for like almost 13 years and has gone through 2 ownerships. Pride FC is in the mainstream in Japan and has been around for only 9 years. The UFC wants to replicate that kind of revenue success stateside that Pride has. Pride this month on the 21st is going to have it's first ever American debut in Las Vegas at a venue where a lot of UFC fights have taken place over the years. My question, do you think UFC will now do a show in Japan and get into a territory war with Pride for fanbase or not? OK people, let'em rip!

2006-10-04 09:14:31 · 13 answers · asked by scorpion187us 4 in Sports Martial Arts

I'm liking the answers so far but can someone send me something about this so called Pride/Yakuza connection scandal? This is the first time I honestly ever heard of such an investigation.

2006-10-04 16:15:54 · update #1

13 answers

Don't be fooled by those who say that Pride won't be around because of their ties to the Yakuza. If the company who owns Pride is sacked, expect another company to take over right away. Pride is much larger in Japan than UFC is here in the US. Pride has a larger following here in the states than UFC does in other countries. If the UFC doesn't be careful, they will lose a large part of the American market to Pride.

It's really hard for the UFC to compete because they can't pay their fighters the amount of money that Pride does.

2006-10-04 11:21:08 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

UFC has already had 2 shows in Japan during the 90s and they both did quite well. Those shows were during the first two years of PRIDE and towards the end (or at least the end of their popularity) of the Pancrase and RINGS organizations. Now PRIDE is going to Las Vegas on the 21st just a week after UFC 64. UFC has a bigger fanbase in the States and the UK. PRIDE has a big following in Japan while their popularity in Brazil is virtually the same with a minor edge in popularity for PRIDE. UFC probably won't go to Japan for another few years. Dana White said he is trying to get UFC shows in Canada, the UK and Mexico. But who knows? UFC might go to Japan, but I hope PRIDE continues despite being under two, one current, investigation.

2006-10-04 13:56:49 · answer #2 · answered by nonexistentdog 3 · 0 0

it is possible that it might generate some buzz here in the states, and it might even open up more opportunities for the UFC fighters to garner more matches.

as for the PRIDE scandal, I'm not so sure, the Yakuza are some of the most slickest mafia organizations in the world so it wouldn't surprise me if they've got their fingers in the PRIDE revenues. As far as a fan turfwar several fighters have gone to PRIDE for more experience and returned to fight in the UFC.

I think both organizations would benefit better from working together and make more money by combining their efforts here instead of going toe to toe about who's got the better shot at having a broader fanbase.

But if it is true that there is a laundering scandal in the PRIDE circle, we'll soon find out. so we'll see if things work out in the contract negotiations or not.

2006-10-04 17:31:30 · answer #3 · answered by quiksilver8676 5 · 0 0

I keep up to date with all aspects of mixed martial arts as I am an advocate of the sport, but I haven't heard of any scandal involving anyone. To answer the question of the UFC going to Japan I say" why not?"It is obvious to true fans of the sport that currently Pride has more depth in its fighters than anywher in the world, but that is not to say that things won't change. In fact I think they have to. UFC is more popular but Pride is more talented. Some kind of cooperation would thrust this sport into the next level. I personally would love to see fights take place all over the world.

2006-10-05 18:45:11 · answer #4 · answered by iakobus2000 1 · 1 0

UFC has traveled abroad before (Japan and Brazil) and it as been awhile since they have traveled so it wouldn't surprise me if the UFC was fought in another country during the 2007 year.

Pride fighting is promoted through the Dream Stage Entertainment (DSE) group. Some Japanese tabloids have printed that the DSE is just a front for Yazuka (which is sort of like the Italian Mafia or Chinese Triads). I think that it is just speculation and just something the tabloids printed to increase sales and draw attention to the mags since Pride has a big fanbase there. (Although it would explain how DSE can afford to pay higher salaries to the fighters.)

2006-10-04 22:38:03 · answer #5 · answered by Mariposa 7 · 1 0

UFC and Pride have different rules. Pride is a lot more brutal. I think UFC would have to change their rules a little to compete in other countries. Pride is coming to the states but it won't be as good as Pride that you see now because of the US Laws Pride will have to change their rules when they are in the US.

I think there is room for both Pride and UFC in this world.

2006-10-05 05:51:17 · answer #6 · answered by BigKilla 2 · 0 0

Martial arts in Japan are like the NFL in the US in terms of popularity, so I think there is room for both Pride and UFC in Japan. The biggest difference between Pride and every other mma organization is they pay their fighters more, which leads to the best fighters gravitating to their league. As long as Pride is #1 in Japan they will likely continue to generate more money than everybody else and keep the best fighters. It does make sense for them to branch out to the US market, which could eventually rival the Japanese market in terms of revenue and number of fans.

2006-10-04 21:41:18 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

UFC has done a show in Japan. PRIDE is alot more popular due to the widespread acceptance of martial arts in Japan.

2006-10-04 15:05:50 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

UFC is first going to Europe, plus UFC has made alot more money than Pride. UFC has been better ratings than hockey, basketball, and baseball playoff games. UFC has no need to go international but Dana White the president said UFC will be in England soon.

2006-10-04 14:53:08 · answer #9 · answered by gohorns_ut 2 · 0 1

I think it might generate a little buzz in japan but once the UFC fighters(not all) are compared to Pride fighters it wont be such a big deal as MY opinion is UFC is not up to Pride's caliber

2006-10-04 10:24:11 · answer #10 · answered by DyrtByrd 4 · 1 1

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