Yes, it's your age. You need a credit history in addition to a high credit score. 7 years is considered a decent length of time. Keep the credit card you have open, even if you don't use it. The longer you have it, the better. Time is your only allie at this point. Everyone's been there, but be patient and don't make the mistake of many and get burried in debt.
If you still want another card, try Orchard Bank.
2006-10-04 07:46:52
answer #1
answered by Courtney 2
If you have a card through your bank (and it is a credit card, not a debit/check card) REALLY think hard before you close it. It would be MUCH smarter for your credit to leave it open even with a 0 balance. You're only 20, so you only have 2 years of history....what you want is to keep the same accounts open long term so you look more 'stable'. HISTORY makes up a large chunk of your score.
Are you sure all your scores are close to 690? You could have lower scoreso n the other 2 which make it hard.
If you've only had one card, ever, consider a store credit card and pay on that for 6 months and hten try to get a newer one.
btw, i second staying away from Capital one-- customer servicce there just SUCKs.. However, My husband has both Premier & Orchard Bank ( To build his credit) and yes, they do have bad fees (I think it was a $250 limit and almost half that was already filled with fees)but it has really helped his scores to get up there-- and their customer service is actually quite good.
2006-10-04 10:18:17
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
First off DONT close that card! Put it in a drawer once it is fully paid off and just dont use it if you dont want it. Or better yet, use it once a month to buy a pack of gum and pay the bill off in full so they report on time payments on your credit reports. As for getting another one, your best bet would be a local credit union. See if your parents or friends belong to one, they will generally be a lot more lenient in giving you a card than some of the bigger banks. I would STAY AWAY from chase, capital one, first premier, orchard. I have heard many horror stories from these issuers for all kinds of seedy practices..
2006-10-04 09:38:03
answer #3
answered by alferzz 2
First of all don't close that credit card account. One of the ways credit bureaus determine your score is based on the length of your credit history and if you close that account you're credit score may go down because you will no longer have a history of an account in good standing.
2006-10-04 07:37:18
answer #4
answered by Sunrise Otter 2
Get an Orchard Bank mastercard.
I have a credit score of 516 and have 3 credit card charge-offs on my report and I still got one!
They help people establish or re-establish credit
2006-10-04 08:00:35
answer #5
answered by sem3578 2
Orchard Bank. They help rebuild your credit. Your initial limit will be low, but they raise it periodicly. Also, there is a fee which is charged to your card, I think it's an annual fee. They report to the agencies regularly. The interest rate is on the high side.
2016-03-27 04:51:10
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I second Capital One, I got my first one with no credit with a credit limit of $500.
2006-10-04 07:40:31
answer #7
answered by Holla 4
Have you considered the Imagine MasterCard at You don’t need to have good credit to get a great credit card. $350 Gold Master Card
2006-10-04 16:08:41
answer #8
answered by iamdamoon 1
Go to Capital One's website. They have a wide variety of credit cards to choose from. There is a good student card with a low APR--but it has a $200 limit. But if you're wanting to build credit then it's a great card to have. Just go to their website and look around. I think it's
2006-10-04 07:36:12
answer #9
answered by [ Xtine ] 2
Try taking a card from the Bank of Pakistan. One fine day you wlll find the FBI at your doorsteps with a warrant to search and arrest you for funding terrorist attacks in the US and EU !!!
I have been duped oin my Amex so many times by these ignorants during my visits there - have lost close to 10000$
2006-10-05 07:44:33
answer #10
answered by Beyboo 3