Urine Gone Spray - you can get it on Ebay.
2006-10-04 04:00:38
answer #1
answered by Stefanie C 2
Many sprays, and household cleaners, such as bleach and general disinfectant actually have another aroma which attracts dog's back to the same spot, so they're not recommended.
A proven remedy, is biological washing powder, mixed with lemon juice and water, so it's watery, not thick, and just sponge it into the carpet, and then dry off the excess with kitchen towel. This will work on every other type of flooring too.
2006-10-04 09:19:37
answer #2
answered by Anon 4
to be honest if it has soaked in over a period of time, you will have to replace the carpet. If it is fresh, make up a solution of biological washing powder and with a sponge dabb it on. The enzymes in the solution will eat the odour causing microbes. Then with another sponge with clean water, blot again and get out as much detergent as you can and then blot dry with lots and lots of kitchen roll.
Personally I think carpets are unhygienic things anyway and trap smells and filth. Add a pet into the equasion and it's even worse. I wouldn't have a carpet anywhere in my home.
2006-10-04 04:13:34
answer #3
answered by fenlandfowl 5
I used to use Soda water, as the bubbles neutralise the smell and the stain, it always worked a treat. All you do is put the soda water over the urine and let it soak for a few minutes and then use kitchen towel depressed to get the excess liquid from the stain, leave to dry and no smell, no odour.
2006-10-04 09:40:19
answer #4
answered by Rob 2
HA HA a dog peed on your carpet!
Try using white vinegar straight on the carpet. That will kill the smell. Then pour a small amount of lemon juice in the same spot. That will deter any animals from going there again.
Honestly stay away from chemicals with animals in the house. You never know what kind of effect it may have
2006-10-04 04:25:38
answer #5
answered by shauny2807 3
We use a combination of baking (bicarbonate) soda and water. We just mix up a batch of that 1 box to 1 gallon of water. Spread it on the carpet, until it reaches the padding underneath and then scrub with you carpet scrubber as usual
2006-10-04 04:08:13
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
put some fresh lemon juice in the vax, normal cleaners smell like urine to dogs so this encourages them to pee there.
2006-10-05 09:20:39
answer #7
answered by hunter935@btopenworld.com 2
Suck it up & rent/buy/borrow a carpet steamer & steam clean the carpet. I once hired a company to steam clean all my carpets & they got out all stains. If you can afford it find a steam cleaner to do it for you. What we put up with for our pets, huh? But I couldn't live without mine either. Good Luck
2006-10-04 04:08:51
answer #8
answered by curiousgeorge 5
Vinegar and water. (straight vinegar if its really bad). Vinegar neutralizes the acidity of the urine (its alkaline) and it kilss the odour. It is also perfectly safe to use around your pets so I would definitely try it before trying a commercial chemical.
2006-10-04 04:04:11
answer #9
answered by K M 4
plain and simple warm water and washing powder, mixed 2gether. using a middle bristled brush gently rub the stain from the carpet also leaves a fresh fragrant.
2006-10-06 06:26:33
answer #10
answered by boo1971 1
Get rid of the dog.
Or the carpet.
2006-10-04 18:11:37
answer #11
answered by Anonymous