88/ Joseph-Ignace Guillotin
89/ Airbus A380 (845 passengers)
90/ les Canuts
91/ Louis Pasteur
92/ le Charles de Gaulle
93/ TGV
94/ Alphonse Lavran
95/ Joseph Bienaimé Caventou + Joseph Pelletier
96/ Jacques Charles
97/ prehistoric paintings
98/ Bernard Kouchner
99/ Ile de la Cité + Ile Saint-Louis
2006-10-06 08:01:16
answer #1
answered by rrose_selavyy 2
French physicist Andre Marie Ampere, who explored the link between electric current and voltage
André-Marie Ampère (January 20, 1775 – June 10, 1836), was a French physicist who is generally credited as one of the main discoverers of electromagnetism. The SI unit of measurement of electric current, the ampere, is named after him.
Ampère was born in Poleymieux-au-Mont-d'Or, near Lyon, and, as a child prodigy, took a passionate delight in the pursuit of knowledge from his very infancy, and is reported to have worked out long arithmetical sums by means of pebbles and biscuit crumbs before he knew the figures. His father began to teach him Latin, but ceased on discovering the boy's greater inclination and aptitude for mathematical studies. The young Ampère, however, soon resumed his Latin lessons, to enable him to master the works of Euler and Bernoulli.
In later life he was accustomed to say that he knew as much about mathematics when he was eighteen as ever he knew; but, a polymath, his reading embraced nearly the whole round of knowledge — history, travels, poetry, philosophy and the natural sciences.
In 1796 he met Julie Carron, and an attachment sprang up between them. In 1799 they were married. From about 1796 Ampère gave private lessons at Lyons in mathematics, chemistry and languages; and in 1801 he removed to Bourg, as professor of physics and chemistry, leaving his ailing wife and infant son (Jean Jacques Ampère) at Lyon. She died in 1804, and he never recovered from her death. In the same year he was appointed professor of mathematics at the lycée of Lyon.
Jean Baptiste Joseph Delambre's recommendation obtained for him the Lyon appointment, and afterwards (1804) a subordinate position in the polytechnic school at Paris, where he was appointed professor of mathematics in 1809. Here he continued to pursue his scientific research and his diverse studies with unabated diligence. He was admitted as a member of the Institute in 1814.
Ampère's fame mainly rests on the service that he rendered to science in establishing the relations between electricity and magnetism, and in developing the science of electromagnetism, or, as he called it, electrodynamics. On September 11, 1820 he heard of H. C. Ãrsted's discovery that a magnetic needle is acted on by a voltaic current. Only a week later, on September 18, he presented a paper to the Academy containing a far more complete exposition of that and kindred phenomena.
2006-10-04 08:30:54
answer #4
answered by jmj 2