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Please help- she's a 14 week old lab. We have a two year old lab also that would never think to go in the house, but this one is sooo naughty. My husband says if this doesnt get better immediately we have to get rid of her. She's destroying our house, she poops in her kennel every time and I'm strapped to the house all day long because if I kennel her for even five mins, I'll have a huge mess to clean up!!! I'm Soooo frustrated, I really dont want to get rid of her, she is such a sweetie, but weve tried everything! I have her outside all the time, too and she'll wait till she comes inside to go! FYI, we have her in a very small kennel for now, she only has room to stand up and turn around, so when she goes (at least 4 times a day) I have to give her a bath which is a pain in the butt, and shes naughty and poops in the house, too. I give her treats when she goes outside and praise the heck out of her, but I seriously need to fix this NOW before my husband gets rid of her, and I go crazy

2006-10-04 00:06:57 · 9 answers · asked by Becky 1 in Pets Dogs

9 answers

you need a smaller kennel if the dog can poop on one side and lay on the other it will. feed and water the dog only once a dog at the same time. walk it after it eats. walk it in the same place every time so it knows that's the place the poop. don't put anything in the kennel that will soak it up.walk it after feeding then a half hour after that and walk in as much as you can.its work but you want the dog. clean up the mess in the kennel with vinegar.and the treats thats what shes pooping out in the kennel.when your outside with her just stand there dont play with her just walk and let her poop. the dog man

2006-10-04 00:27:31 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Was this dog paper trained by the previous people? If so, you are going to have a hard time training her. First, 14 weeks is still young and you are expecting too much from her. The best thing you can do is take her outside on a schedule. She has no clue with the association of going out and doing her business. When you feed her take her out shortly after she is done. Same thing when you give her water. If she gets excited(when someone new comes or if you come home after not seeing her for a few hours)take her right outside to go. At this age, they will go about every 1-2 hrs. If she successfully goes outside, praise her like crazy and give her a cookie. That will reenforce positive training. Your kennel is the proper size for her now, but make adjustments as she grows. If you are going to be sucessful with this dog, you need time and patience. If you can't give either, then I suggest you find her a good home. If you stick it out with her, it will be so worth it. Labs are wonderful dogs and they strive to please you. Do not act negatively(yell or hit) if she messes in the house or kennel. Just pick her up, clean her up and then clean up the mess. Remember to keep the schedule the same every day.

2006-10-04 00:36:48 · answer #2 · answered by hazeleyedbeauty1967 6 · 1 0

I think you may be expecting too much from such a young dog. We went through a similar ordeal earlier this year when we got a West Highland terrier. We got him from a pet store here in Japan.He was already 14 weeks. He was used to doing his business right there where he slept. We had a heck of a time training him and there were a few times I was ready to throw in the towel and find him a better home. I just didn't feel I was the right person to train this dog and I was so sick of cleaning up after him. We kept him in a small kennel at first. Then when he got a bit bigger we moved him into a pen that it is one corner of our living room. We put up gates so he does not have access to the entire house. He is confined to the family room and kitchen. The key for us was to put him on a schedule. We walk him first thing in the morning. Before anything else gets done he gets walked and we always go the same route. Then he gets breakfast and then spends at least 20 minutes in the backyard right after breakfast. After dinner he gets his second walk. When we first put him on the schedule I made sure to put him out every hour. But it didn't take long before he was used to his routine and he just stopped going in the house. He now tells us when he has to go out. And he rarely poops in the backyard. He tends to only poop on his two walks. He has favorites spots on his walk that he likes to go.

I think you should stick it out. Find some more information from sites on the web. I went on an information hunt and that is where I found that it is best to not let the dog have the run of the house. Remember that your dog is still very young and needs some time to adjust. Good luck!

2006-10-04 01:10:23 · answer #3 · answered by Amelia 5 · 2 0

I feel your pain. My lab mix puppy had the hardest time learning not to mess in his kennel. He is a VERY smart dog but could not understand not to go in the kennel. I eventually got a smaller kennel and when he did have an accident I made sure to bleach it out well because if he could smell urine, he would pee in it again. Eventually he got the idea. I know you are frustrated but hang in there. Keep him on a schedule of going outside regularly as well as maybe consider not feeding or watering him a couple of hours before you plan on crating him. One other thing, as long as he wasnt paper trained before you got him, you can line the kennel with paper so that if there is a mess, it is alot easier to clean. Good luck and hang in there, my little lab mix has turned out to be a wonderful addition to the family and well worth the frustration...

2006-10-04 01:01:48 · answer #4 · answered by Karri G 2 · 0 0

Sounds like the kennel is too big and she has learned to go there instead of outside. Reenforce your housebreaking. Take the dog for a walk, at least 30 mins 2 times a day. Make sure she does business outside. Labs are active dogs and need lots of exercise. When a dog has a lot of energy built up it is harder to train. Take the dog for a good walk then start some basic sit/down/stay training. Check into clicker training also. You just need to take charge of the dog and be the leader of the pack.

2006-10-04 00:25:53 · answer #5 · answered by Dalmatian Rescue 3 · 1 0

In May i got a lab mixed puppy and we had alot of the same problems you are talking about. Set her on a schedule. We always walked at 6am, 12pm, 5pm, 7:30pm, and 10pm. And twice we took long walks when we went out. All the puppy training guides say don't punish for going in the house well we did that for 2 months and it got us nowhere. If she goes in side spank her. Take her out side. When she goes outside say good girl and love on her a lot. she needs to feel she is being good. Get a smaller krate also I know the one you have may be small but when they are that little it needs to be tiny to reinforce the don't poop where you sleep. It does take time. Our dog was six months old before she was really house broken and now if she isn't taken out on time she may have an accident. Good luck. It is really hard to house train. We will never get a puppy again.

2006-10-04 01:03:43 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sounds like your kennel is to big. If there is more room than just to sleep and do some stretching then that is why. they will pick a side and use it as a bathroom. Try a smaller cage. Hope this helps. Make sure after you feed dog take her out about 45 min later thats usually when they got to go most after they eat.

2006-10-04 08:15:57 · answer #7 · answered by four2love 2 · 0 0

Tie her to the kennel for a while and she will understand not to poo there!

2006-10-04 00:11:52 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

u shouldn't have dogs

2006-10-04 00:16:43 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

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