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2006-10-03 21:44:59 · 71 answers · asked by stevelydon11 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

71 answers

We buddhist believe that all other religion are equal and the Great Buddha actually can transform into other religious teachers with his great compassion to save this world...and anyone can save this world is the god, no matter it is your god or mine....
Everybody's religion is the same and equal...it is only the human structure that different, thus make everybody mind think there is a different( but actually we are all the same)....

we believe only religion can unite this world, religion are from of education and teaches us these:

1. No killing Respect for life
2. No stealing Respect for others' property
3. No sexual misconduct Respect for our pure nature
4. No lying Respect for honesty
5. No intoxicants Respect for a clear mind

These are the 5 basic guidelines we need to follow inorder to be worth to call a human. Plus compassion and loving kindness.

Here are a brief detail of the above why I say this:
If we steal from another, we steal from ourselves. Instead, we should learn to give and take care of things that belong to our family, to the school, or to the public.

Proper conduct shows respect for oneself and others. Our bodies are gifts from our parents, so we should protect them from harm. Young people should especially keep their natures pure and develop their virtue. It is up to them to make the world a better place to live. In happy families, the husband and wife both respect each other.

Being honest brings peace into the world. When there is a misunderstanding, the best thing is to talk it over. This precept includes no gossip, no back-biting, no harsh words and no idle speech.

The fifth precept is based on keeping a clear mind and a healthy body. One day, when the Buddha was speaking the Dharma for the assembly, a young drunkard staggered into the room. He tripped over some monks who were sitting on the floor and started cursing loudly. His breath reeked of alcohol and filled the air with a sickening stench. Mumbling to himself, he reeled out the door.

Everyone was astonished at his rude behavior, but the Buddha remained calm. "Great assembly!" he spoke, "Take a look at this man! He will certainly lose his wealth and good name. His body will grow weak and sickly. Day and night, he will quarrel with his family and friends until they abandon him. The worst thing is that he will lose his wisdom and become stupid."

Little by little, one can learn to follow these precepts. If one sometimes forgets them, one can start all over again. Following the precepts is a lifetime job. If one kills or hurts someone's feelings by mistake, that is breaking the precepts, but it was not done on purpose.

So to me every religion is the best/worst, good/bad...coz there is no different.

2006-10-05 13:44:15 · answer #1 · answered by myhorsalwayswins 3 · 0 0

There are three main religions: Jewish, Christianity, and Islam. These are the religions that were sent by Allah to the people so that they will know how to act and react in the vast universe. There is nothing like best religion, but there is the last religion which is Islam, it is the last religion that Allah sent, and the Prophet Mohamed is the last messenger from Allah.

Since all the religions have encountered changes “تحريف” by man, except for Islam and the Quran it never changed. Therefore, I believe it is the most trustworthy religion.

To be a true Muslim there are 5 cornerstones:
1.Testify that Allah is the one and only god, and that Mohamed is his messenger.
2.Perform the prayers (5 times a day).
3.Give away money (Zakah)for your poor relatives, the needy, travelers, and orphans.
4.Fasten the whole month of Ramadan except if you are ill or traveling you can compensate for the days you loose when you regain your health, or settle down.
5.Perform pilgrimage to El Kabeh in Meccah; if you can afford it, and healthy enough to do the rituals

If you want to know more about Islam and Muslims, view the Saudi ch 2 and the Iqraa Channel there are lots of translated programs that will help you.

By the way religions are not competitive, but people are. Religions complete each other. Islam is the last religion and therefore it has all the instructions you need to live a happy life and be awarded Allah's love and pardise in the after life.


2006-10-03 22:53:46 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

When do you look to a religion? When going through the evolution in your life you come to a stage when the question 'who am I' and the related question 'who or what is behind the orderliness/chaos in the situation in which I am' comes to your mind. It is then that you look for answers and end up with the task of understanding religion and God. Now, I would say your religion should answer these questions logically and convincingly and also give you enough opportunity to search and find the answers to many other related questions through your own experiences. Don't follow blindly what is said in the scriptures unless you feel and experience after experimentation that they are indeed true.If your religion says that other religions/faiths are cheats or that the followers of them are pagans then beware.It would mean that your religion is looking for only sheeps who can be herded and not for thinking feeling souls.A true religion will never claim exclusivity. I would suggest you do some research about Hinduism and you may get an answer to your question.

2006-10-03 22:20:32 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Too wide a scope for any really meaningful answer.
Of the Abrahamic religions, the only one to really consider is Judaism. Both the other offshoots (Christianity and mohommedanism) are cults that took the bits they liked from the Bible as their main beliefs and added bits and pieces from local pagan beliefs and holy books to try to give a greater appeal. For example, the story of the nativity is, in fact the story of the birth of Mithras. Shepherds watching the birth, wise men, star in the East, etc. On top of that, his last meal with his followers was bread and wine, after which, he was taken up into heaven. Oh yes, his birth in a stable in muid December. Familiar, isn't it???
Mohommedanism rewrites history (??) so Ishmael is the potential sacrifice, not Issac. Abraham is a mohommedan, and, and, and.......
BtW I refer to it a mohommedanism because although the believers claim to follow allah, in reality, mohommed authored the koran himself and altered the god of the jews into a more vicious, brutal minded god, appropriate to a megalomaniac warlord. Many of the statements in the koran are lifted not only from the Torah, but also from the despised and hated book (to mohommedans anyway) called the Talmud. so, like other religions, they actually follow the inventor of the religion ie. mohommed. Christians follow Paul and Simon (mysogenist woman haters and zealots). The Jews, well it's one religion that's too old for anybody to be sure, but probably Abraham and his major (said to be) descendants.
Of other religions, Bhuddism seems to be a reasonable choice. It's less a religion and more a way of life so less susceptible to action by crazy zealots.
The modern "religions" such as Wicca also bear study. the claims that they are "invented" are largely irrelavant as that applies to all religions if you go back far enough. However, neo-paganism is liked by the environmentally friendly tree huggers.

2006-10-03 22:13:36 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I guess we will only find that out once we are dead, but hopefully its a religion where you get to a better place after you die no matter what you did on earth. personally I will prefer it if recartion was true then everyone lives forever just as somebody else every time you die. I would have liked to be born 100 years later in 2086 because with science improving humans will leave longer and longer and in the futre we may live up to 200 years old. I suppose the plannet would get over crowed with people older than 100 years. I think you will seee from this message that I dont want to die I would rather live for ever than go to heaven

2006-10-03 22:50:24 · answer #5 · answered by aaaaaaa 4 · 0 0

I don't believe in religion. What religion was Jesus? Simple answer, none, because there was no such thing back then. When you find God, you just know it, and it doesn't really matter what religion you call yourself. I am well versed in the Bible, and have yet to see the word Catholic, Muslim, Southern Baptist, Jehovah Witness, etc.. To claim to be the perfect religion is hypocrisy, because the church body is imperfect. I can go on and on about this, but basically, it doesn't matter, if you are a believer, and you believe that you are living your life according to Gods Will.

2006-10-07 18:24:39 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

To me the best relies on the teachings of Jesus - but that is very definitely not christianity. Jesus did not found christianity he challenged the religious orders of the day - he had no temples he taught that we are our own temple and he wrote no rules and orders he taught people to seek their truth. This is definitely not the way of the christian church which imposes the truth from a bible - not one single word of which was ever writen by Jesus.

If you seek the truth you seek outside of any boundaries - seek in all religions the foundational truths - real spirituality comes from that search for truth - and is totally personal. It will draw on islam, buddism, hinduism, taoism, christianity, paganism etc - all religions present the views of a few spiritual guides - but often they are corrupted by power politics and used to enslave people - see past that, discard the man made rules and at the heart is true spirituality.

My faith and my beliefs relies on my search and on my understandings and becomes my own religion - and that must be the best - for me. You need to go off on your own quest and find your own if you have what it takes - or you can take the lazy route and believe what someone else has written and become enslaved by their beliefs.

2006-10-03 22:17:43 · answer #7 · answered by Richelle 2 · 0 0

I suggest Christian born-again
as it says in John 3:3

and other religions have beliefs which contrast some of their own beliefs

but it is still you to decide... try learning about every religion before choosing
then choose which you think is best

2006-10-03 22:46:49 · answer #8 · answered by Geloid 2 · 0 0

The best religion is that from whom u belong. The best religion is in which u abopt. So my meaning islam is the best religion but also all religion are respectable for us. As i my religion is best. Same for you like u say my religion is best like no other. So my point of view no one can challange to other religion.

2006-10-03 22:28:22 · answer #9 · answered by Ahmad 1 · 0 0

No religion is ‘the best’.

People with different mental dispositions need different religions. One religion simply cannot satisfy everyone.

Therefore, for the *individual*, the concept of one religion and it being "the best" is very important. Without this one cannot develop genuine faith and follow it faithfully.

With regard to the *community* we obviously need the concept of several religions and several "bests". Pluralism.

Different religions have different views and fundamental differences. But it does not matter because all religions are meant to help bring about a better world with better and happier human beings.

If your religion has that as its goal, and you are attracted to it, it is 'your best' religion, but always keep in mind multiple religions are 'best' for society.

2006-10-03 21:59:51 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Islam is the last religion as a result the best religion is Islam

2006-10-03 22:52:01 · answer #11 · answered by First♥ 3 · 0 1

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