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i have a problem, about 10 months ago i used to be "thinner or ideal weight", energenic, happy, outgoing, but now i dont wanna do anything i gained weight (about 60 lbs in 6 months...) and wel i wanna be happy and stuff like i used to and i cry when im alone, try to hirt myself and things like that...i dont even take care of my delf like i used to...( I MISS THE OLD ME TERRIBLY)

BTW i was with a guy 10 months ago left him for someone A LOT nicer, loves me pays attentin to me...im not going to get into to much detail but so much better...and im still with

please help me before i kill myself...
im alone right now..and terribly upset

i wanna die..i HATE myself i miss the old me SOO much

2006-10-03 20:37:48 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Other - Health

22 answers

First thanks for your answers on my questions.
Second. You should never have thoughts of suicide. I lost my best friends three years ago from suicide. It was the worst thing thats ever happened to me.He is missed by sooo many people. Ive gained alot of weight to but really its a motivation. Do you work? Go out with friends. Clean up outside, fresh air always helps. Does your friends and family know your so upset with your self? If not you should tell someone so you can go to the docs. I used to be on zolofft for depression and it worked wonders. Look at the advice you give others and put it in affect for yourself. Call your boyfriend over,dont sit at home all day. Its 4 in the morning, go to sleep lol. I would but im at work. Take some engery pills get your A** out and do something. Also to make your self feel a little better about yourself, Get your hair done or your eyebrows waxed a new pair of kicks, that always makes me feel a little better. When your craving for food, put a note on the fridge saying "Dont eat junks your gaining weight" or something like "I want to look better dont eat junky food" A true statistic if you write your goals on a peice of paper and a goal date and stick it somewhere will you will read it everyday, you are 90% more likley to achieve the goals. So just sit down and think about the good things in life not the bad, and how a cxomplete stranger cares about you let alone your family and friends. Any way hope things look up for you. Good luck hun!

2006-10-03 20:52:23 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

10 months ago you hooked up with this guy, 10 months ago you left the other guy for this one, 10 months ago you were thinner, the ideal weight said who? Maybe the other guy? Could it be your in a guilt funk over the reactions this other guy that you dumped is having?. The mind works oddly, There are hot lines to call when you are in this state of panic depression. There are also confidential mental health facilities. There is something you need to be talking about. If this new guy is such a great catch then why are YOU worse off then before? Talk to this guy you are with perhaps it is something he can help you sort out. Other wise see someone before you do more harm to yourself. And start with you... Rise early, exercise, (even if a walk) eat a fruit breakfast,
stay away from the carbs & crap foods.,I wish it could be that easy.
Good Luck

2006-10-04 04:01:41 · answer #2 · answered by quite contrary 2 · 0 1

Go see a doctor, you gaining so much weight that fast can be the symptom of thyroid decease. Being depressed is also a part of it. If it's not your thyroid then the doctor will know what to do next.

Thyroid decease can cause many symptoms including fatigue, weight changes, depression, anxiety, hair loss and neck fullness. (You don't have to have a lump on your neck to have thyroid.)

Being in a happy relationship can make a woman gain weight. I've seen it many of my friends, but 60 lbs is a bit much. It's like the woman relaxes from the anxiety that the bad relation was giving and then when she relaxes she eats better/more.

2006-10-04 04:10:57 · answer #3 · answered by Forlorn Hope 6 · 1 1

I agree with Phenne. Sure, you can experience weight gain with depression but not nearly that much in such a short time. 60 lbs in 6 months sounds like you are having a problem with your thyroid levels. An underactive or overactive thyroid can wreak havoc on your body and your moods. Have it checked out. Suggestions of going to the gym are always good for anyone... overweight or otherwise. Being physically fit enhances everything in life but you will have trouble accomplishing your goal if your thyroid is working against you. Please see a doctor! As far as missing your old self, I know exactly what you mean. Whether we are just vegging out on the couch or stuffing ourselves with chocolate cake on a daily basis most of us are aware that we will have to work to fix the things we do to our bodies. If we have always kept fit without a lot of effort then we tend to ignore what's going on, thinking we can go back to ouselves at any time we choose. Problem is that we usually keep saying tomorrow... tomorrow. For now, don't think so much about your old self. Start with going to the doctor. Next, realize that if you have someone who loves you regardless of your weight gain, count that as a blessing. Maybe you can tell him how you are feeling and ask for his support. Happiness is a decision you have to make and stick to just like anything else. I know you feel so far from happiness that you probably think you can't make that decision... but you just have to. You can get yourself back... start with going to the doctor first. Please email me if you would like someone to talk to. Take care of yourself!

2006-10-04 19:19:18 · answer #4 · answered by - 4 · 0 0

Where I am the sun is coming up start today by smiling at it, Say Thank You, be grateful to be here, and make a phone call to a mental health clinic in your area. Have none call a university hospital and ask them for the mental clinic there. Call a hospital or if you care to let your Dr Know than drive there & wait till you can be seen & heard. Don't delay this could be the first day of the rest of your life.. G/B

2006-10-04 07:02:09 · answer #5 · answered by sweetdreams 2 · 1 1

You are at a major crossroads in your life. Try and find some activities that excite you. You may not get the old you back, but at least you will be having fun. Who knows maybe your new identity will become much better than the last? Look at this as a whole new way of life. A fresh start. Congratulations on the new you!

2006-10-04 03:41:57 · answer #6 · answered by SquirrelBait 5 · 0 2

Get away from that guy! Pretend all the bad people dont exist, and pretend you're on an exercise show every day until you lose the weight you want to lose. Hurting yourself will just make people think you're nuts and they'll be afraid of you. Also if you really hurt yourself it might be a worse experience than you can imagine. It helps to spend time outdoors, especially in the evening and at night.

2006-10-04 04:09:59 · answer #7 · answered by isis 4 · 0 2

The first thing you need to do is calm down. If you think things are out of control you will have a tendency to panic, and panic is your enemy. Who you were with and when this started doesn't matter. You are what matters. Look in the mirror and say, I see a friend and a partner there. Love yourself, you are the only one who will truly take care of you. Talk to yourself and say, I promise to be your best friend. You are not alone, God will help you, and together you will win this fight.

2006-10-04 03:55:34 · answer #8 · answered by RM 2 · 1 1

You have several of the symptoms of clinical depression. There is help for you and you don't have to go on feeling this way and living this kind of life. Go to a doctor and take the medication he prescribes. Then go to a shrink and try to find out, with him, the cause of your depression.
Some depression is caused by something that has happened to you and some cases are caused by physical and chemical imbalances. If it's situational your counselor can help you overcome it. If it's chemical you may have to take your medication for the rest of your life. However, I can assure you, that this is far better than suffering from depression.
There is no need to suffer and there is need to hurt yourself. See a doctor as soon as you can schedule an appointment!

2006-10-04 03:56:20 · answer #9 · answered by Ellen J 7 · 0 2

you may have some undealt with issues running on your subconcious. you would do well to find a counsilor you feel comfortable with to work out what these issues are and of how to deal with them. you could start slowly and just do something nice for yourself like an aromatherapy facial, or massage. very nutureing. or try some flower essence therapy ;these help with emotions. You could look for this type of assistence through your local directory, newspaper or local health shop. I hope this helps. Hang in there, sometimes the darkest hour is the one right before the dawn.

2006-10-04 03:59:35 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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