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13 answers

You can say miracles went out with the apostle's and for you they did. But I happen to know for me they are for today. The bible tells us, Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. amen. I was healed of cancer. I had a spot on my lung and did not want radiation. My doctor wanted me to consider it. I said no. He said we will do another ct scan in 3 months, it was gone! My GOD is a healing GOD! I love Him and He is faithful to do abundantly above all I could ask or hope for.

2006-10-03 20:51:40 · answer #1 · answered by Godb4me 5 · 3 0

I'm not sure if this counts. About 4 years ago, I rented a car and took two young cousins from NYS to New Mexico. Their parents were alcoholics, and they were going to live with their mother's family. Six kids in all - I took the two youngest, their aunt in NM took the middle two, one (16) stayed with them and the oldest was in jail. Anyway. After a long hard day in the car, we arrived in Akron. We all hit the sack right after the kids took a swim. In the morning, at 5 am, we were having our complimentary breakfast by ourselves - I was worried about bad weather, so I was plotting an alternate route further north and south just in case (tornado season). We were all alone, and suddenly about 35 nuns walk in. Older nuns, on a bus trip west to some mission. They saw my little cousin Jessica and a couple of them struck up a chat with her. She explained what we were doing, and one of the nuns came over and asked if they could pray for our journey. I said fine, because she seemed so gently insistent, and so all the nuns bowed their heads, and the head nun gave us a blessing for our trip. It made us run about 25 minutes late.
We reached our next overnight stop in Missouri about 17 hours later, to find out at the hotel that a tornado had just touched down half an hour before we arrived. About 15 miles from where we were. I can't help but think that if the nuns hadn't insisted on blessing the trip, we might have been caught in the tornado.

2006-10-03 20:47:03 · answer #2 · answered by ReeRee 6 · 2 0

I did and he is now five years old. I wasn't supossed to have children and then at 33 I found myself with child. When I was 27 weeks, my body began rejecting the pregnancy and as a result I had to have an emergency c-section. My son and I were on death's door. He was born at one pound and 10 ounces. I prayed and so did my whole family, he is still here and that little boy is my miracle.

2006-10-03 21:42:08 · answer #3 · answered by raspberryflavr 3 · 1 0

miracles are for here and now. It takes faith. I was healed of psoriasis. It was all over my body, I decided to believe in God's healing and in 7 days, all of the psoriasis was gone. It has been at least 10 years and it has never came back.

My son heard voices in his head. After hands were laid on him, he said he felt like a cap had been placed on his head. He said the cap stayed on his head for several days. The voices were gone and have not returned.

How sad that so many people believe miracles are not for today.

2006-10-03 20:48:10 · answer #4 · answered by tobinmbsc 4 · 2 0

Yup. I easily have a chum who spontaneously recovered from cancer. i recognize a guy who fell right into a tank of phosphate answer that became heated to one hundred eighty ranges Fahrenheit. He had second and third degree burns over 100% of his body. He survived, and at the same time as wearing a lengthy-sleeve blouse and pants shows no scars. My daughter became at one factor clinically determined with an incurable form of maximum cancers and does extremely properly and is regularly symptom loose. a lot of human beings have "miracles". an outstanding form of them are the present of only being human. opposite to what many Christians have self belief, "miracles" happen to absolutely everyone; all it truly is regularly required is a awesome body of recommendations, and the body can do fantastic and delightful issues. it really is designed to be healthy, yet we regularly get contained in the way. i'd be extremely fascinated although, if one man or woman might want to come to me with information of an amputee, who at the same time as vacationing a healing service, or after prayer with Christians, or absolutely each man or woman, grew again that limb. i prefer to work out the guy who became raised from the useless after being prayed for. The Bible grants such issues, yet why do we no longer see them? Why are the miracles that "teach" the divinity of Christ an same "miracles" that happen to absolutely everyone alike, inspite of non secular association?

2016-11-26 01:57:51 · answer #5 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

yes, when my brother was 9 yr. old, he was sleigh riding and was run over by a car, he was bleeding profusely and they didn't think he would make it, he lost part of his spleen and a kidney. Dr. Ririe rode with him in the ambulance all the way from McGill, Nevada to Salt Lake city, 250 miles and gave him blood the whole way, if he hadn't my brother would have died.

Also when I was 2 yrs. and 11 mos. old I fell out of a car that was traveling over 70 miles per hr. I had a fractured skull and a brain concussion, they wasn't sure if I would live either.

But for the grace of God, we were both spared.

2006-10-03 20:38:16 · answer #6 · answered by nevada nomad 6 · 1 0

I was living in NASHVILLE, TN.
We were in the middle of a drought. Hadn't rained in a month.
It had been muggy for days. Heat lightning, like you see the
flash but no thunder.
I was partying with this Native American dude. Talking about
how his folks used to make it rain.
He made FUN out of me the heathen. Said, "Yeah, get out
there and make it rain!"
I was just a little tipsy, and got a wild hair up my you know what, and walked iut in the middle of the street.
I looked up and said, "Heavenly Father, Nashville needs rain.
And it started RAINING!

2006-10-03 20:38:32 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I was once with my brother and his wife and was having a major argument with them, following the same patterns of thinking that I was right, they were wrong and feeling horrible. I decided to finally 'step back' and let 'whatever' take control and ... the change in perception of my sister-in-law was dramatic. I felt completely at peace with her in a matter of seconds and it was awe-inspiring. I felt like I had tapped into something that was very powerful.

2006-10-03 20:32:54 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

yes...i come from a background of addiction in many ways...i was sexually assaulted as a child as well....so it led to a life of serious addiction..at the end of it i was homeless,hungry and needed help...and then i ended up in jail as well....it got worse to before it got better...but god intervened and this past sept 13/06 i celebreated 7 years clean without ever relapsing and my friend all of me and my life is a miracle....god is good!!there is more than i could even put in a book....

2006-10-03 20:38:10 · answer #9 · answered by jsbrunette 3 · 4 0

i have witnessed a true islamic exorcism it was freaky but oh so miraculous u feel that god is truthful in all his words especially when he mentioned the jin (spirtual beings) it made me thank god for his mercy and for granting me life in his religion.

2006-10-03 22:53:22 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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