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The sixth stage is service stage and seven stage is purification of human mind

2006-10-03 19:59:16 · 4 answers · asked by a. c 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

4 answers

In the seventh or ultimate stage of life the Liberated or Enlightened "individual recognizes everything as a modification of the Radiant Transcendental Being. Now the Transcendental Self is no longer pitted against the phenomenal world. Instead, the world is recognized as continuously arising in the Ultimate Being, which is co-essential with the absolute Self-Identity

2006-10-03 20:12:48 · answer #1 · answered by veerabhadrasarma m 7 · 0 0

Different schools name seven steps to Enlightenment with different names and attribute these states with similar qualities.All the qualities can be reduced to one,stop inducing Evil (sincere schools offer knowledge how the personal Character was built and how can be rearranged and used into productive, harmonious life).This can lead to the utmost achievement.So called the 'highest' is seventh and indicate the Enlightenment,the moment when the one is for the instant freed from the Armour of the Ego (the image about self).
The life is an never ending story, so there follow steps further, by collecting the experience, step after step, after step...(with enhanced awareness after 7th stage) until one dies.The 7th stage is base for wilful learning.The stage after 7th is called Eternity, due to heightened awareness the time is registered in a parts of seconds and gives a feeling of endlessness .The highest stage for the humans in our form is passing (completeness of our potential on the Earth).
Mostly teachings operate with the number 7 to indicate possibilities.This serves only to inspire with this world unsatisfied ones and encourage them to undertake steps to the potential fulfilling and the life of luck.
To much classification of the material leads away from the point. The point is in doing the best we can in thoughts, feelings and deeds.This directs our life to completeness and this is just what we like,complete life, not superfluous surrogate.

2006-10-11 01:12:28 · answer #2 · answered by oceangleam 2 · 0 0

who cares we go through all different stages of live at different age maybe i wont get to thee 7th stage its hard enough getting through life never mind what stage I'm at could have been at thee 7th stage when i was 5 or gone through 10 changes by 11 yrs whose counting

2006-10-11 17:55:03 · answer #3 · answered by bobonumpty 6 · 0 0

the seven stages of human development are:
Emotional-sexual stage of life


In this state there is a process of socialization, of exploration and growth of relationships; there is an emotional sensitivity to others and to the natural world and a development of morality. This stage is normal between 7 and 14 years. Because of an inability to resolve dependency on others at the first stage of life, there may be unhappy adaptation at this point, a feeling of dissociation from the ultimate source of love, of rejection and rejecting.

The second of seven stages of life characterized by Master Da Love Ananda (formerly Da Free John). Those individuals who have their human growth arrested in the first three stages lack psychic maturity and spiritual quality. They may develop through puja yoga and karma yoga

I-transcendent stage of life

Conditional self-realization
Jnana samadhi (Hinduism, Yoga)
Sixth stage of life


As a deepening identification with consciousness itself is experienced, there is what may be referred to as "conditional self-realization". This is the condition of jnana samadhi - there is still some awareness of the individual as witness. Such orientation may be found in the jnana yoga of the advaita vedanta, the buddhi yoga of some Buddhist traditions, in Jainism and Samkhya. Errors are the holding on to the position of consciousness as separate from spirit energy and conditional objects, and to the love and bliss of consciousness by excluding awareness of conditional objects and states

Mystical stage of life


The attention is turned from the external and inverted onto the inner space of the psyche. It may be expressed through may of the methods of yoga, through the Taoist tradition, through the psychic experiences and siddhis of tantric magic and yoga. Traditionally, the orientation is towards renouncing gross physical existence; this may be through asceticism. It culminates in the conscious absorption in divine reality and loss of body sense experienced in nirvikalpa samadhi. The error is to cling to subtle objects and states or to conditional transcendence of these objects and states in conditional nirvikalpa samadhi

Vital-physical stage of life


This state occurs during the perinatal stage and the first few years of life, approximately up to seven years, and is marked by adaptation to physical existence. There is identification with the personal physical body and the development of physical, mental, emotional and psychological independence from others. Fulfilment of this stage means conscious relationships with others and with nature. More frequent is misadaptation to separation and an inability to resolve dependence

Mental-volitional stage of life


At this stage there is development of discriminative intelligence and will, and the individual is in a process of integration to a fully differentiated sexual and social person. Having adapted to this stage the individual is ready to enter adult responsibilities, social, personal and spiritual. Although associated with the ages 14 to 21, the state is not so much one reached at a particular age (18, for example) as continuing to mature throughout life. In fact, misadaptation in first and second stages and the inability of society to communicate further approaches means that most spend their entire life limited to these stages. Those individuals who have their human growth arrested in the first three stages lack psychic maturity and spiritual quality. They may develop through puja yoga and karma yoga

Heart-awakening stage of life


The spiritual aspirant animates the qualities of true faith, love and surrender at the heart. His progress is typified in bhakti yoga, in the self-transcending service to others of classic karma yoga, and in the Mahayana Buddhist path of the bodhisattva; and by the practice of traditions such as japa yoga, continuous prayer, Hesychasm, Hasidism and Sufism. The subtle, non-physical dimensions of the body-mind begin to develop. This is the "saintly life" where there is transcendence of human interests and the true and full practice of religion commences, with the ability to surrender to the Divine. This leads to close communion with the Divine, self-transcending devotional communion expressed through heart-feeling and meditation and constant service. During meditation there is movement of the spirit current from descent in the frontal line to ascent in the spinal line, with steadiness of concentration at the "third eye". The error is to consider the self separate from but entirely dependent upon the Divine who is constantly called upon for aid. The fourth stage may become an end in itself as opposed to a means of transition

Unconditional nirvikalpa samadhi

There is identification with the transcendent, radiant being in which all phenomena are seen as temporary, non-binding modifications of this all-inclusive divine being. The divine self is realized beyond the view point of the physical body, the mind or psyche, and the independent personal consciousness. When phenomena arise to notice from this formless and unqualified presence or love-bliss there is ecstasy of perfect spontaneity in sahaj samadhi. If no phenomena arise, then there is unconditional nirvikalpa samadhi or bhava samadhi. Although this stage has been entered by adepts of a number of spiritual traditions, they are few in number and even fewer have taught from the viewpoint of this stage

2006-10-03 20:00:46 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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