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God is imaginary and religion is real.

If you are offended by me saying that God is imaginary then feel free to prove me wrong without using the word "faith" (which just really means believing in what can't be proved) or quoting the Bible (a great BOOK that was written by MAN to teach man how to be good... come on are you really going to tell me that you follow everything that is in the bible,.... over 60% of what is in there is about what you should or should not eat).

Go ahead make me a believer... because that is your DUTY/REQUIREMENT as a Christian.. or no

2006-10-03 19:31:38 · 28 answers · asked by Jose S 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Okay most of you guys are stupid... I don't know why Yahoo! answers doesn't do a better job of screening people.

Let's see... What has to happen before the Second Coming of Christ? All men have to become Christians... so it is your duty to convert people.. Why did the colonist do this in the Americas/Africa/Asia etc. to be nice?

And how the heck is Jesus God and he is also the son of God... and why did Jesus die for my sins before I commited them? If not believing in God is a sin then didn't he also die to forgive this sin? Sooo confusing....

Why do people think that God is a man? Don't say because the Bible says "Him" etc. The Bible was not written in English. And has anyone heard of Constantine... you should all know that he is was a Pagan but converted Rome to Christianity.. and he was also responsible for the Bible at least which Gospels were in it and which were not.

Am I wrong?

2006-10-03 20:01:51 · update #1

28 answers

I agree with you. I have not found any solid proof of God, therefore, I find it impossible to believe. However, expect to be yelled at by angry Christians for asking this.

2006-10-03 19:35:13 · answer #1 · answered by Acerus 3 · 0 1

The whole universe is filled with design. The physical laws of the universe are perfectly designed. Life is perfectly designed. Life does not come from dead chemicals even after billions of years no more than a small snail can come from the same sized nail just by laying it on the floor and seeing if it will come alive after billions of years. Wherever you find design you must have a designer. That's just logical and common sense. Who could design a universe. You can call that entity anything you want. Call it a ghost if you want. I call it God. Only a God could design a universe like ours.
The big bang theory says that the big bang is the start of the universe(the beginning of the 4 dimensions, 3 dimensions of space and one dimension of time). About 95-100% of scientists believe in the big bang. But the law of cause and effect(which Einstein called the most reliable of all the physical laws of the universe) says that anything that has a beginning needs a cause. Therefore, the universe, according to 95% of the scientists must have a cause. Let's take a look at this cause. The effect is never greater than the cause. If the effect has a certain attribute, the cause must also have that same attribute. You simply can't give what you ain't got. Let's see what attributes this effect(the universe) has. The universe has intelligence, because humans have intelligence. Therefore the cause must have intelligence. The universe has personality because we have personality. Therefore, the cause has personality. The universe has emotions because we have emotions. Therefore, the cause has emotions. The universe has will because we have will, therefore the cause must have will. Now let's see, the cause has will, intelligence, emotion and personality. That sounds a lot like the christian God to me. You can call it a ghost if you want. I call it God. You might object that the universe didn't have these attributes at its beginning. Where did they come from? Don't tell me they just evolved. Ask any information scientist if information can come from dead chemicals. We have enough info in our genes to fill a stack of books from here to the moon and back 500 times. It didn't just come from dead chemicals. The animals don't have emotion, personality and for the most part, intelligence. They also lack a recognition of morals. The lion doesn't kill and eat the gazelle and then start feeling guilt about what he did. Where did morals come from? The only answer that makes sense to me is that there's a God up there that created all this and put these attributes in this universe. I believe that God is the Christian God and that is my humble opinion.
There, I didn't use the faith and I didn't quote from the bible although used the word bible once. You say "over 60% of what is in there is about what you should or should not eat"! I can tell you've never really read the bible.




2006-10-03 20:10:57 · answer #2 · answered by upsman 5 · 2 1

well, Try the english Muslim book, Qur'aan. Anyone with sense knows the Bible was hand written after it got lost. No offense. But that is what i believe. I suggest u read the english version of the Muslim book. U will be surprised how similar it is to Chrisitianity but the content is different from the Bible as i BELIEVE that is from God. I mean seriously, anyone who tries to check if the grammar in the Qur'aan is right, and they resulted in busted computers. I truly feel thats a good religion. What i dont get is, since Islam and Christianity are almost the same (other than christians believeing in a Jesus, while Muslims believe in Mohammad) and Islam believes in Jesus too, but just doesnt follow his teachings. And yet there is so much conflict...for what? Have u ever thought why nuns are always covered up and similar to Muslims?

2006-10-03 19:53:57 · answer #3 · answered by battousai88 2 · 0 1

Are you really real or just a figment of my imagination. Without a belief in something greater than ourselves there would be no use for a religion.
There is basic hygiene and the giving of the plants for healing.Where do you think the first medicines came from .Rules on how we are supposed to get along with each other.
By saying that 60% is telling us what we can and can't eat some of that is just during the Holy days. The rest is common sense about what is safe to eat during a long trip(the Exodus) in a Hot climate and what is not.Such as Pig meat . even if eaten freshly Killed and poorly cooked you can get highly sick from it. and it doesn't travel well with the preservatives in use back then( Salted). The American settlers re-found that out the hard way when there supply of salted pork went bad.Thee are many history lessons that are in the bible that our ancestors learned the hard way.learn from them.

2006-10-03 19:53:55 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No one can prove or disprove the existence of God. That's the basis for agnosticism.

God doesn't want blindly obedient followers, cowering and scraping and following his every command. He wants loving, devoted children, living according to their natures, in happiness.

See the difference? It's why God gave us faith instead of certainty. If he appeared in the sky all the time, we'd have certainty. Instead, we have JUST ENOUGH evidence to believe in Jesus and his message.

That's the gift. Jesus is the way to God the Father.

Now, here's the best challenge I can think of: I'm going to buy a shotgun tomorrow, and I'm going to go out and kill some schoolchildren. Want to join me? It'll be a blast. I know just where we can do "drive-bys" and we'll have a great time. There'll be no consequences for us, we'll just have fun and watch ourselves on the news.

[not actually doing this.]

What's stopping you? Where is your moral center coming from? Why WOULDN'T you be willing to cause someone else harm, grief and suffering?

It's because you have a sense of right and wrong. You know good from evil. It's not something your parents taught you. They merely taught you consequences. It's not something the world teaches you. It merely enforces it. YOU have an innate sense of good and evil. Where did it come from?

Hint: you're not really an animal. You're a human being. God knows this, because he made you that way.

You're asking good questions. Keep it up. God likes people who are "discerning".

btw: the Bible was written by a lot of men over a huge period of time. It tells the story of the coming of, and the life of, someone who could do things no other human being could do....and his message to humanity....

2006-10-03 19:47:37 · answer #5 · answered by roberticvs 4 · 2 1

I am a materialist, and i am surprised when you said "it is your duty as christians to convert me" because not everyone is christains. I believe there is nothing supernatural in this universe and there is nothing that proves that there is a god. I agree with wat u said about the bible, Adam & Eve? priven wrong! evolution. Noah? how the hell will he get animals on a boat, them willingly go on. The bible is a complete fraud and a lie. If you dont believe one thing on the bible then you are not christian, so if you do not believe in adam and eve, then well done, the first step to becoming a believer.

How do we know that the bible wasnt changed by the clergy, because everyone knows that the clergy rules everything for at least 1500 years and they didnt encourage people to learn to read, because they read the bible for them and then we didnt know if they were lying or not (or if they changed the ible in any way).

2006-10-03 19:44:00 · answer #6 · answered by Vixe 2 · 0 0

Just a little example. Go to your refrigerator and take out an egg and try to stand it on its end. It will fall over unless you prop it up some kind of way. The rest of the example you will have to wait approximately 6 months for. When spring comes around and I'm talking about within the hour, try again to stand an egg on its end. You should be able to accomplish this with no trouble at all. Then ask yourself, Is God imaginary? I think you will find your answer.

2006-10-03 19:54:23 · answer #7 · answered by Calill C 6 · 1 0

Why do you need proof? If you don't believe, then it should be a done deal...

So many times when I see questions like this I wonder why so many of those that don't believe even bother to inquire as to why some do believe...if one is compelled to answer you, that person is cited as either being delusional or just plain ignorant of the "obvious" fact that "God does not exist"; what does it profit you to step on another's faith and belief if your intellect and belief suffices you? The same is to be said of our so-called Christians--the teachings of Christ cultivate tolerance and humility in your souls--why do you battle to dominate the wills of those that dont believe? Children of God are distinguished by their ability to bring peace in the face of the enemy which is discord and chaos--they are not bound by religion or belief or unbelief in God--they are chosen--whether they choose God or not. God is real for the believer and a true believer peacefully respects the non-believers choice not to believe...it is your own soul that is in danger when you seek dominion over your brothers...have faith and let God be God...

2006-10-03 20:19:05 · answer #8 · answered by George A 5 · 1 1

Actually, you are the only one who can make you a Christian, that's what it's all about. No one can prove that God does or doesn't exist, but the only way to explain the existance of the universe is if God created it as it says in the Bible.

2006-10-03 19:37:38 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

i really hope your not this stupid . people that really believe recieve a peace that is beyond understanding we dont have to prove it to anyone it has changed many peoples lives made it better more meanifull the bible is a guide for us on how to live and have a personal relationship with God /food come on really read it. the world is helped every day by christians feeding the poor the hungry i dont see you doing anything i hope you do it is a choice that you can make or not if not live your life with no hope die rot in a grave and dont worry about it then.but for me i recieve something the world can not offer peace in my soul

2006-10-03 19:52:37 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

well if humans are imaginary beings then God is also . who said its christians duty to make u believe its not our duty but our we are doing out of compassion out of love . we came to know this god , who once seemed to be just a imaginary being, but i just tried him he did speak so i believed and following him. if u keep waiting for some to fullfill their duty in your life by proving our God , u wait. may be atleast when in u are in hell , u might understand that u are not day dreaming in the ever burning fire

2006-10-03 19:47:06 · answer #11 · answered by francis 2 · 0 0

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