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Preface: Im Hispanic. Our country already has too many freaking people in it; adding still MORE people will just strain systems and dilute resources that much more. Clearly we cannot allow anyone in the world who wants to come here do so. Every sane person will agree to that. But for some reason if you replace the word "anyone" with "Mexican" millions of people including almost all latinos (go figure) suddenly lose their minds and decide this country can handle any influx imaginable. Actually, *hint hint* they're not doing any analysis, they're just spouting bullshiat based on emotion and/or old-fashioned Sesame Street caliber tribalism. We don't owe non-citizens anything. I'll repeat that. We don't owe non-citizens anything. Helping out non-citizens is one of those "nice to do" things. It's not something you do if it hurts real citizens. A massive increase in competition for resources versus a much smaller increase in those resources = hurting real citizens, lower standard of living.

2006-10-03 18:50:29 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

If you break a law and don't hurt anybody, the punishment can't be that great.But if you're breaking laws and that affects other negatively, e.g. those navigating the proper immigration channels, then the punishment should be steeper, like, I don't know, no FEDERAL money for education. Jeebus, there's no steaming bullshiat imaginable that California won't entertain.

I have to think the root cause of 99% of the country's problems is this: politicians put votes above all else. This means the popularity of issues takes precedence over the impact and net value of issues. So any proposition that will negatively impact the country will still go forward (or equivalently, fail to be opposed, same diff) so long as it's popular. This, my friends, is horse shiat.
The only way to salvage our little 200-yr old project country is ACCOUNTABILITY.

2006-10-03 18:50:46 · update #1

20 answers

Yes I agree!

2006-10-03 18:52:06 · answer #1 · answered by katie k 2 · 4 3

My parents country didn't need fixing. That's why. Life there is still going along very nicely for everyone. Only thing it was a little island, and that just doesn't appeal to some people. So both of my parents used a LEGAL program at the time, where they joined the US military and served to gain LEGAL citizenship. I agree with everything the original question asker said.

2006-10-04 05:01:10 · answer #2 · answered by 1Edge3 4 · 1 1

You do realize how much of the American economy is based on the labor provided by migrant workers, of whom a large percentage are illegal immigrants,right? I'm not saying that we should have an open border policy, but you can't be so naive as to think that closing our borders will solve the problem without creating another, equally pressing one. And, if a person has made it into the country, been here for several years, and been a contributing member of society, I don't think that they should be rewarded with deportation. Come up with a real solution, and post that.

2006-10-04 02:06:18 · answer #3 · answered by bodyworkbymabel 2 · 4 2

It's not just the illegal immigrants, it's also the people who hire them and give them jobs, people who give them anything without proper paperwork and citizenship just so they can make more money off them and so they get cheap labor workers.

The result leaves americans and US Citizens withOUT jobs, without homes and other resources that WE have a RIGHT to have and what we NEED to survive.

Since businesses are always out to save money and have cheap labor and landlords are out to rip people off the right thing to do is to fine the employers and the landlords and deport the illegals.

2006-10-04 02:28:28 · answer #4 · answered by carebearashee 4 · 0 0

No, I refuse to agree with you on this subject.This 200 yr. project was established with the intention and purpose of giving a home to the immigrants looking for a better life. Our resources can cover much more imaginable than most of the people on here can figure.Everyone likes to make assumtions as to were our tax dollars go, but I guarantee you that nobody has researched the governments financial statements,set budget or bal. sheets.
More money leaves this country to help others than dealing with the immigration problem (yes, i did say problem).you say accountability well let's start with this government's accounting records.I can do an audit if you want to help, do you have 5yrs. to spare.

2006-10-04 12:21:23 · answer #5 · answered by desayunogratis 3 · 1 3

I know what you mean about too many people in the country, when I'm out driving, there are just so many freakin cars, everywhere, even at times and in places where you would think there shouldn't be that many.

2006-10-04 01:57:23 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2


2006-10-04 01:58:02 · answer #7 · answered by saturn 7 · 2 2

Those laws were designed for reasons. EVERY other country has them including Latin American countries. Yes the people who hire undocumented and illegally documented workers workers who have stolen Social Security numbers.

Stealing a social security # in itself is a crime and if the laws are not enforced then why doesn't EVERY one just go steal a social security number and assume a new identity.

Our country has 300 million people , that is alot of people. Its always growing. We have only a certain amount of money.

Every Male citizen has to register for selective service and serve in the armed forces if they are called upon , Illgal immigrants while some may serve, don't HAVE to like EVERY citizen does.

Our economy may be partly agricultural but that is not what propels us forward and makes us wealthy its our industry cars and machinery. Not food.

Pro illegal - you say rights for ALL people , but you care nothing of the rights of the people who already live in this country.

Don't tell me , well do you know any of them ? Yes I do quite personally. I know them well. Dated and have the child of an illegal immigrant. They lived in an apartment 4-5 of them , shared rent , worked in a resturant or doing construction.I looked at their finger nails and asked them why they had long pinky nails. They told me it was for the "coca"as in cocaine. If they are SO poor why are they buying cocaine?

about the social security #s - The father of my child Enrique Jimenez-Moreno went to Mexican town - a place in Southwest Detroit payed $200.00 for a social security # . He went to Nextel and tried to get a phone and a contract. They ran this # and it came up as someone else's.

You say it's OK to break laws. If its OK for one type of person to break the law but not for another. If it's OK for one person to break the law then it has to be fair. It should then be OK for everyone to break the law.

For those who are pro - illegal . Host a family of Ilegals. Let them eat all of your food, let them sleep in your bed while you sleep on the floor. You say let them in . Don't complain later on when you have NO job. Don't want to hear it.

2006-10-04 01:57:34 · answer #8 · answered by primamaria04 5 · 2 4

here's what i think. i'm of polish descent and my great-grandfather fled austro-hungarian oppression and europe's gathering storm. it was illegal for him to leave austro-hungary according to the despots who ran it! should he have listened? hitler killed every person in his childhood village.

it was legal for him to do enter america, however, and the coal company even paid his pasage over because at the time of his immigration, there were no unions. bringing him in legally didn't cause wages to rise even tho capitalism predicts that greater demand for labor should have driven up wages.

today, thanks to unions, americans have a high standard of living and high rates of pay. bring in people legally, and these protections apply to them!!! how can a businessman avoid that? have them come in illegally. and so the businessmen who run our govt ensure that that happesn.

Secondly, are you aware that in Mexico, many flower sellers were murdered in cold blood by Mexican storm troopers because the sellers committed the crime of continuing to sell flowers where they'd always sold them without a license, tho Fox said they needed a license. They said they couldn't afford that and the govt killed them - including a boy.

Right now in Mexico, a province has said their governor is corrupt and is demonstrating in the streets, calling for his removal. fox's response - military air craft flying over the demonstrators, and now more deaths.

I'm glad you're in and you've got yours, but with my family legacy, i can't really say - zip up the border and **** the huddled masses, I'm in!!!!

But, apart from the sickening values put forth in such an argument, how can you realistically expect people to stay in those conditions when there's work a plenty here and businessmen who want to pay them. (if you don't think there's work aplenty, i'd like to know why a recent immigration raid on a georgia town has shut down the factories for lack of workers and is killing the local businesses for lack of customers...)

Hint Hint - we have been turning children into corpses in iraq at a cost of 2 billion a week. we could easily afford universal health care for all americans - old, new, and pretty new, like you.

basically, anyone feeling strongly anti-immigrant today has fallen for republican propaganda. if you keep in mind that the republicans have been the ones in power while this huge influx happened, and yet they're the ones decrying it, and yet they're also the business owners profiting from it, you have to start feeling a little used if you're paying attention.

used - and in your case it's like right out of 1984. You sold out your people, sold 'em out under the spreading chestnut tree. and they didn't even have to get you into room 101, just appeal to your greed. ouch.

2006-10-04 02:01:49 · answer #9 · answered by cassandra 6 · 2 4

"Our country already has too many freaking people in it; adding still MORE people will just strain systems and dilute resources that much more" is not a true statement....We do not have an overpopulation problem...Try China or India...Stop using sensationalism/rhetoric to get make your point...

"I'm glad you're in and you've got yours, but with my family legacy, i can't really say - zip up the border and **** the huddled masses, I'm in!!!!" thank you Cassandra, well said!

2006-10-04 02:00:35 · answer #10 · answered by D 4 · 2 4

I'm hispanic as well. I don't like illegal immigration either I don't care what the reason is. If you can't get here legally and at least TRY to learn English, don't come or you'll get thrown in jail where you belong.

And I'm talking about ALL illegal immigration, not just Mexicans.

2006-10-04 01:53:10 · answer #11 · answered by Yay for Summer 3 · 5 4

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