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2006-10-03 18:33:19 · 25 answers · asked by Ned B 1 in Politics & Government Military

I'm asking a question about war and am not looking for an enlish lesson. So you know how to spell-how about an intelligent answer?

2006-10-03 18:36:55 · update #1

Boredbook-sticks and stones now will break my bones but your tongue can't hurt me.

2006-10-03 18:39:27 · update #2

cornwyn that was a good answer but the insults will cost you 8 points.

2006-10-03 19:13:12 · update #3

cornwyn that was a good answer but the insults will cost you 8 points.

2006-10-03 19:13:13 · update #4

They dont call for the death of the American people-well of course unless they work in places such as the twin towers.

2006-10-03 19:15:37 · update #5

9/11 was planned since 1996-oh who was pre-I belive it was slick willy-but he had more important matters to tend to besides ole Bin Laden.

2006-10-03 19:18:02 · update #6

25 answers

Nobody has explained the "candle moth" syndrome to them.

2006-10-03 18:40:07 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

No-one has declared war on the USA - I believe you are talking about 9/11, which is at the root of most of today's problems, so it is important to get a detailed understanding of 9/11 before any sense can be found.

To save you a great deal of time, you can read up @

Detailed 9/11 research work

It is obvious that we do not agree on the causes of 9/11, so I don't expect the 10 points, but that will not prevent me from answering with the truth from a highly researched standpoint.
At the time of 9/11 Al Qaeda did not exist. Watch this video for confirmation

There is no Al Qaeda - video

Al Qaeda has not been reported as operating in Iraq, so even if they were an army, which they are not, then your question is still not valid.

So my simple answer is, NO, I cannot get it into my head that a non-existent army is being kept busy by an illegal invading force which is fighting to keep control of Iraqi oil

2006-10-04 12:42:55 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

A fool is a fool and so are you. Al Queda has declared no such thing, you are making that up, and you know it. I'm not going to waste my time with fools, but Al Queda is in the States, they have been here for a long time. They came with the Mexicans and you nor I can tell the difference between the two. There are hundreds in each state, on call , and patient, they do not want bloodshed. It is not their norm like it is with Americans. They are on a whole different level than us.They could bring about a strike that would make 911 look like a birthday party. They live down the street from you and me, they are all around, more and more every day, the Arizona border is long and wild and hundreds and hundreds sashay across every hour. They know who is responsible for 911. They are not calling for death to the American people, they are calling for Bush's head and the cabal that he created, and you.

2006-10-03 19:12:55 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

So you think the US should stay in Iraq and Afghanistan forever? Do we have the resources (ie money and humans) for that? Do you not understand the difference between what's going on in Iraq and Al Qaeda's attack on the US? Do you think because our troops are dying overseas, that that prevents terror cells that may already be in the US from launching an attack? Do you think that the longer we're over there killing people (and keep dreaming if you think our magical bombs only hit bad guys) that it won't increase the anger and hatred of people around the world enough to do us harm? Do you really think that if we drop a bomb by accident on someone's family, he'll be willing to "just let it go" because we gave him freedom, "the greatest gift one country can give to another?" Can you get it "thru ur" head that invading Iraq actually isn't really as closely related to the war on terror as certain marketing firms would have you believe?

2006-10-03 18:43:32 · answer #4 · answered by answersBeta2.1 3 · 1 1

We are breeding them in Iraq. They have not attacked because they wait for years.

Provide any historical analogy or social theory suggesting that you can keep an enemy somewhere - when they were not there to begin with.

Iraq was always going to fail because the civil war was/is inevitable. And, wait until the wholesale slaughter of the Kurds starts and countries try to grab the northern oil fields.

What we are going to need is intelligence (like we got from Iran and Syria right after 9/11) to fight the terrorists. To get intelligence, we need countries who will cooperate with us.

If everyone hates us, which is Bush's only accomplishment, we are at a disadvantage in gathering intelligence information. When we do get hit again, it will be so big that everyone will forget all about 9/11.

That is what the conservatives are giving to America - a false sense of security now - but victory to the terrorists.

The anti-American terrorists are stronger, more powerful, larger, more popular, gaining more recruits, and making more friends than ever - while we go in the other direction.

They already outnumber us, but we can't find them.

You do the math.



Well said. OBL said if we got our military out of Saudi Arabia he wouldn't attack again. So, we're out and no attacks. He's messing with us like he owns us.

Every time Bin-Laden farts, Washington declares a terror alert and starts running in circles like a bunch of fools. He must find it very entertaining.


rense -

There is not a single documented case of a terrorist entering the US from Mexico. Fox news made that up. They started it out as a 'there have been reports of..' story, and then over a few weeks it morphed into being real.

They did the same think with the Minute-Men, who are really just a few well-intentioned but misguided old rednecks who are doing what they think is right.

Haven't you wondered why there always seems to be more reporters than MM when they are featured on the news? That's because there usually are more reporters there.

If you think it's easy, come out next summer and try to walk from my house to the border - it's a mere 45 miles. If the desert doesn't kill, you'll be OK as long as you don't cross any drug-runner turf - they don't like strangers at all. You can bury a lot of bodies in the desert - and there are

In fact, Mexico is the most difficult way for terrorists to enter the US. JKF or Canada are safer and easier

2006-10-03 18:48:13 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

Not sure what your question is.....but perhaps you need to get some info from sources other than Fox news. Try reading some international papers, without the "liberal bias" as you republicans are so fond of saying. By the way, liberal and bias is an oxymoron. You can't have both. Buy a dictionary and look up the word liberal and you'll see what I mean. It's funny to me that Bush supporters seem to think they are completely right - and that Bush is saving the world from terror - but yet the rest of the world - THE REST OF THE WORLD - dissagrees. Does that mean that the rest of the world is filled with a bunch of idiots?

2006-10-03 18:38:01 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Ned...can't you get the kindergarten concept of cause and effect?

Oh yeah...you can't...you're a Republican.

Well, I'll try anyway. If you look back on US and World History (6th grade level is probably enough, but the higher you are able to read the better), you see that The US and the UK have been continuously f**king with the entire Middle East for well over a century now. A lot. Every democracy that has formed there, we have been instrumental in overthrowing to replace with dicators like Saddam Hussein. Everyone with the slightest clue knows that he was a CIA asset for well over 30 years! We backed him in a military coup against a democratic government. The democratic government didn't want to sell us oil, you see. During the Iran/Iraq war, we officially supported Iraq, sending them arms and money, but we also supported Iran, sending them arms and money. We egged on the whole war in the first place hoping that one or the other would win and the winner would be friendly to the US for helping and give us lots of cheap oil. To finance this, we traded cocaine for guns with the Nicaraguan Contras. You remember the whole Iran/Contra deal under Reagan, right? And yes, it did happen, everyone was convicted, then everyone was pardoned by Bush Sr.

Then we go over there and build a US military base on Muslim holy ground.

So this Osama guy decides he's had enough and demands that the US get rid of the military base on the holy ground. Of course, we don't, so he gets pissed, and since Bush was stupid (or complicit), we got hit on 9/11. Supposedly 19 guys...15 from Saudi Arabia, none from Afghanistan or Iraq...do this, so we attack Afghanistan not even giving them time to give Osama up. We destroyed the whole country, then went on to invade and occupy Iraq, which had nothing to do with anything and where the leader hated AlQuaida and banned them from his country.

This recent NIC memo (NIC is a republican think tank) says that the "war on terror" has actually created more terrorists (and more terror attacks on US interests), than we are killing.

This will never end until we fix what we broke (with no more guns), make reparations to the people as best as possible, pull all military bases out of the area, and formally apologize for the damage we have done to the People of the Middle East for the last century. As long as those people have no food, water, electricity, medical supplies, etc, we will have an enemy that will do whatever it takes to get us out. An enemy that will grow every day we continue killing people. It's time to fix the two countries we destroyed. That's why WWII worked...we cleaned up afterwards, and we did it quickly and well! As long as people feel attacked, they will be defensive and violent. If people have jobs and make a decent living, they aren't really motivated to go blow themselves up.

K-thor...you forget...we funded Osama. He had been a CIA asset almost as long as Saddam. We created AlQuaida and the Taliban to fight against the Soviets during the Cold War. After the fall of the Soviet Union, they started noticing that we were an even bigger threat than the Soviets ever were and started trying to get us out of there.

2006-10-03 18:56:07 · answer #7 · answered by corwynwulfhund 3 · 1 3

Al Qaida isn't a country and the war in Iraq is doing nothing except acting a recruiting poster for more young people to join the battle from all over the world! Most terrorists aren't in Iraq, and the money that the U.S. is spending is just denying our country security. So therefore, get through your head that we are hurting ourselves by fighting in Iraq.

2006-10-03 18:40:27 · answer #8 · answered by Mama Gretch 6 · 1 2

That logic might be sound with a conventional foe, but the nature of this adversary makes it foolish to believe such a thing -- not to mention that the people responsible for actually attacking us on 9/11 have been basically ignored by this administration in favor of its stupid, ill-planned, and ill-executed adventure in Iraq. Get that through your head, you ignorant partisan pansy!

2006-10-03 18:36:32 · answer #9 · answered by BoredBookworm 5 · 3 2

I do not believe we are keeping them over there. I think that they are biding their time. I believe that many groups are using their name to scare people. It's like anyone with any agenda can just say that name and get attention. How do we know who is a true member and who isn't? I appreciate everything our country does to protect our citizens.

2006-10-03 18:39:32 · answer #10 · answered by rosezealous 2 · 0 1

What the point? anyway if your protecting amercian's cowred act to fight on otherland with other people, that is not justifiable at all. ONE EXPLOSION (9/11) Just 3500 people killed was (Drop in the OCEAN of innocent People Killed By Amercians) not fair too, US has bloodshed too much now its turn. Every dog has its day.

2006-10-03 19:10:24 · answer #11 · answered by aarshi72 3 · 1 2

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