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Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 13:24 teaches that baldness is caused by sin.

Please explain.


2006-10-03 18:00:22 · 12 answers · asked by kirstycristy 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

12 answers

First of all, you need to understand that in this part of the Book of Mormon Nephi is quoting whole chapter of the the book of Isaiah (as recorded in the record that he had). In this particular chapter he is quoting Isaiah 3. So, the passage that seems to have you upset is in the Bible as well. So, rather than asking what Mormons have against bald people, you should be asking what God has against bald people.

The answer to this is nothing. You also need to take the verse in context. In this chapter God is condemning the daughters of Israel for their worldliness. They were becoming prideful and were expressing that pride in the form of costly clothing and fine hair styles. So, in order to humble them, He was going to take these fine things away from them including causing them to become bald. So, it was not that God has anything against baldness. It was the fact that these women who were so proud of their hair would see becoming bald as a punishment.

Addendum, I just have to point out again. This is a quote from the book of Isaiah. So, before people start criticizing us for this, you really ought to go back a read the Bible.

2006-10-03 18:13:28 · answer #1 · answered by Glenn Blaylock 2 · 7 0

I was raised Mormon (left the flock years ago), and this came up when we were studying the Book of Mormon.

Baldness is not caused by sin. What that verse refers to is the Lord punishing people who are vain by taking away the signs of their vanity, including their fancy clothing, tinkling jewelry, and nicely styled hair. It doesn't mean baldness is CAUSED by sin, it means that the Lord reserves the right to take away all the things that make people vain, in an effort to humble them.

And if you've ever been to a Mormon church service, you know that they have nothing against bald people. Half the men in any given congregation are balding or completely bald :)

2006-10-04 01:07:46 · answer #2 · answered by Bronwen 7 · 8 1

Sure! I would love to refer you to a marvelous 4-volume commentary on the Book of Mormon called "Treasures from the Book of Mormon" by W. Cleon Skousen, or "Lehi in the Desert" by Hugh Nibley. Here is what Skousen says about that section of scripture: "Many of Isaiah's prophecies (who Nephi was quoting) were against the northern Ten Tribes who were about to be conquered by the Assyrians (721 B.C.). However, he also had a message for Judah. Isaiah wanted Jerusalem to know that because of wickedness she was going to pass through a terrible travail in the coming centuries. He had seen periods in which Judah would lose both her stay and her staff which are interpreted to mean the staff of bread and the stay (support) of water...as though he could see the vision of that terrible future day. He said Jerusalem would be ruined and Judah would be fallen. And all this because they had rejected the commandments of God...It will be appreciated that these prophecies concerning Judah were fulfilled a considerable number of times in the past, but also apply to Judah in the latter days. This is the principle of multiple-fulfillment in prophecy...Isaiah knew that each time the culture of God's chosen people collapsed, profligate women would have their role in it." (pages 1283, 1284 of volume 1). Skousen also notes that Bible commentator Adam Clarke says "that because this kind of women become involved in gross immorality, they are often the victims of social disease. He feels this is the meaning of this passage." The verse you are referring to is actually part of a description of women who have lost their spiritual foundation - they have traded their spirituality for worldly fashion and the favors of men. That is to say, Isaiah was preaching about how the tendency to become involved in immorality will lead to degradation. It has nothing to do with baldness in and of itself. If you have studied events in the Bible in the past, you will know that prophets were continuously warning the Israelites to stay away from fertility cults and heathen immorality time after time, and yet some of the kings actually married heathen princesses and engaged in those rituals (like Ahab and Jezebel, for the biggest example). The prophecies of Isaiah also stand as a warning against immorality in the present day and future, in my opinion, especially with the Second Coming of Jesus Christ approaching. The people who support immorality as a business will not have any of the support of the Lord, in other words, which is why there is a prohpecy of the loss of all of those items associated with such degeneracy, including the fashions and hair. Also, I have heard that some related diseases, such as syphilis, do indeed cause patchy baldness. Please re-read some of the other excellent answers here. Have a happy day, and I send you a smile. :)

2006-10-04 16:09:30 · answer #3 · answered by Cookie777 6 · 3 0


You are at it again. If you actually read the whole verse you would have seen that it is an exact quotation of Isaiah from the BIBLE. Perhaps you should spend more time reading the scriptures to understand God's word than to try to prove the LDS church wrong. If you have an issue with Isaiah's words, perhaps you should take it up with God.

Stop wasting your time and everyone else's.

2006-10-04 07:45:21 · answer #4 · answered by whapingmon 4 · 2 0

Ha, ha. Very funny. Fellow Christians, don't let KirstyCristy fool you! This same verse is found in the Bible, which you all hold dear to your hearts (read Isaiah 3:24). I wish to direct your attention to the answer posted by Glenn Blaylock; it is a very good answer.

2006-10-04 11:59:13 · answer #5 · answered by hmmm... 3 · 1 0

And now my brethren, if ye were righteous and were willing to hearken to the truth, and give heed unto it, that ye might walk uprightly before God, then ye would not murmur because of the truth, and say: Thou speakest hard things against us.

2006-10-04 02:59:23 · answer #6 · answered by Isolde 7 · 0 1

The mainstream churches , catholics & protestants don't subscribe to those additional books (eg. Nephi) the mormon proclaim their founder hear from God & wrote them. I must admit being a christian myself, its the 1st time I heard of such seemingly strange idealogy.

2006-10-04 01:18:22 · answer #7 · answered by ? 6 · 0 4

Lol! It's true! I just checked the net!

The Book of Mormons also state that "Indians accept the LDS gospel that they will again become a "white and delightsome people."

The Book of Morons, indeed.

2006-10-04 01:10:38 · answer #8 · answered by Cassandra 3 · 0 6

why don't you go ask your bishop, or your Sunday school teacher, or your seminary teacher that same question.
or you could read a little further and rally see what it means.

2006-10-04 01:07:19 · answer #9 · answered by grumm_dmons 2 · 2 0

I thought it was caused by hormones, medical treatments, or razors myself.

2006-10-04 01:05:03 · answer #10 · answered by GreenEyedLilo 7 · 0 1

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