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If these three religions all worship and believe in the same God, why has there been so much hostility between them? The way I see it is that since we all believe in the same God does it really matter HOW we believe in Him? Instead of fighting each other with wars shouldn't have competitions to see which one can convert the most people to God?

2006-10-03 17:56:42 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

What is really surprising is how they fight within each of these groups. I mean I have heard Protestants say "I would never tolerate a Catholic in the family!" Certainly Christianity is the original Judaic schism - say nothing for jews for jesus - and I think there are very different groups inside Islam also.

They already do have contest on conversion (except for the Jews, that club seems to be very exclusive) - what I want to know is why can they not just live in peace with their own religion and let other's do their own thing? Why do these folks want to insist that they are the ONLY ones who do things correctly? Why is it important to them that others agree?

I will stick with the others out here who are finding their own way. It's more interesting, diversity is more accepted and people seems happier and more content in my experience.


2006-10-03 18:11:31 · answer #1 · answered by carole 7 · 1 2

Very good point. Isn't it stupid to try to blow up people that don't believe in God? If I'm not mistaken that's God's job, not mine.
There was at one time hostility between the Jews and Christians, but hopefully that has been ironed out. As more Christians study the Bible especially the Old Testament, and learn Hebrew word meanings, they gain more respect for the religioin of Judaism. So Christianity is not adverse to Judaism, we just hope that more Jewish people find the true Messiah is Jesus. We know it's difficult to convert from Judaism to Christianity, so we don't push the point too much, perhaps we are being too polite, and should push more.
There is a problem with the Quaran, the book of Islam written by Mohammed. Let me explain. The Old Testament storyline has parts where the people of Isreal were invading the Holy Land that was occupied by Pagans. This was necessary, and God commanded this. The New Testament teaches to spread the religion by good actions, and by words, so violence in the name of God is forbidden entirely. The Christians believe that Jesus will come back, then the host of angels, and Jesus will take over the world violently if necessary. So until that day, Christians are not violent. Islam doesn't have this era, things are as they were when the Quaran was written. The Quaran has verses that suggest killing infidels and things like that. In context, to be fair to Islam, they were killing infidels that were worshipping idols that were rampant. They took over Mecca by force. There were instructions on how to handle this military type action.
Terrorism is not condoned by the Quaran, and killing innocent people is not condoned. There are many false teachings that are not in accord with the Quaran that various Islamic sects teach that are causing the problems. The violence is motivated by a combination of things, self righteous anger, racism, hatred, clan feuds etc. Folks like Al Queda simply want to kill all Infidels, especially Jews, and Americans.

2006-10-04 01:13:02 · answer #2 · answered by The Bible (gives Hope) 6 · 0 2

This actually goes to Esther and I am going to quote you so there is no misunderstanding

"This is a common misconception. The god of Islam is not the God of the bible. Allah has no son and Islam denies that Jesus Christ was the son of God who died on a cross, rose again, and is the only way to salvation."

Yours is a common misconception. I converted to Islam 3 months ago, prior to that I was christian, so I can speak about it because I have been on both sides of the fence. The God of Islam and the God of Christianty are the same God. The bible also denies that Jesus was the son of God when it said that the holy spirit made her with child. (This is just one of the many of things that made me look for answers) Jesus was a prophet, and is coming back. But in ALL religions GOD is the only way to salvation.

"Jesus said to the Jews "if you have not the son, you have not the Father".

There is only one way to God, and that is by Jesus Christ. No wonder Islam and the Jewish people, who are temporarily blinded to the truth of who Jesus is.....can't "get along" with Christianity. We cannot agree on these things. I'm not interested in having a war over it...but I'm not going to compromise the truth."

I think that it is funny that you say we can't get along with Christianity. My grandfather was Jewish and my grandmother was Chatholic and I am here so they must have gotten along at some point. My family is a mix of religions and the bottom line is that we ALL are children of GOD and we are all people. Mighty funny that I live my life as a peaceful person and yet a Christian was the one that made his hand to look like a gun and yelled bang at me. Real Christian like. I do agree that we should not have a war over it. I will not even debate that with you. But I am offering you this. I have been to Christian church, all my life as a matter of fact, and was preached to about hellfire and brimstone and how all the other religions have it wrong. I welcome you to visit a mosque. You will not find this there. What you will see is people joined together (literally) worshipping God. That is it.

2006-10-04 01:25:26 · answer #3 · answered by panthress 1 · 1 1

You make a good point. However all of the Muslims I know do in fact respect all three religions and believe that the Qu'ran validates both the Torah and the Gospels (as originally delivered through Jesus (PBUH)). Islam also teaches that the books of God have been perverted by human intervention over time. The Torah has been less changed than the Gospels because the Gospels were hijacked by the Roman Empire and re-written to consolidate Roman power. This is why it was only 600 years until He delivered the third, and last, book through His prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

Now the Qu'ran has been perverted and is being misused because of human intervention to cause great conflict in the world today. This is why the end of this world system will shortly be upon us. man I think we can all agree has driven himself to the brink of destruction. Nuclear war seems to be the next option on every governments mind. Soon all governments and armies will no longer exist and the Golden Age will be here.

May God guide your steps and Peace be with you.

2006-10-04 01:12:55 · answer #4 · answered by Perry L 5 · 1 1

This is a common misconception. People often want to believe that because these three religions are monotheistic and claim Abraham as a patriarch, that they worship the same God. This myth is perpetuated by the Muslims, who want to draw you to them by claiming that Islam is the final of three ways God reached out to mankind. This belief is in error.

These remote similarities between Islam and Christianity are at best superficial. The differences outweigh the similarities.

An example:

In Islam, the Qur'an states rather clearly, "Proclaim: Allah is One. Allah is Eternal. He neither begets nor was begotten." (Surah 112:1-4)

In Christianity, we believe that Jesus was begotten. (John 1:14) Jesus clearly states that He is God: "Truly, truly I tell you, before there was an Abraham, I am!" (John 8:58) Naturally, there are many other examples I could use, but it wouldn't really help.

Now, we have a conundrum. Either Islam is right, and Jesus is not God, nor begotten; or Christianity is right, and Jesus is God, and is begotten. We can't have it both ways. Islam will never hold to a belief that Jesus is God. And Christians will not accept that Jesus is not God, and is not begotten. Therefore, they do not worship the same God.

2006-10-04 01:11:20 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

We don't believe in the same God. Jews and Christians do, but Allah is not Jehovah.

The same is NOT TRUE concerning Islam. They are not worshipping the same God as Jews and Christians. Let's look at the clear facts. Mohammad grew up in Mecca in Arabia, belonging to the Quraysh tribe in charge of idol worship at the Kabah shrine, containing the black stone and at least 360 idols. The word for god or idol in Arabic is "ilah." Allah was the name for the main idol worshiped in Mecca. The name was probably originally derived from the two Arabic words "al" and "ilah", meaning "the god" or "the idol."

Allah was also used as THE PERSONAL NAME among the Arabs for the moon god. Its symbol was the crescent moon found on many idols from pre-Islamic Arabia. Every year there was a pilgrimage to Mecca to worship Allah at the black stone. People were taught to turn towards Mecca several times a day. One month every year, beginning and ending with the crescent moon, was dedicated to fasting.

Mohammad built upon all of these already known forms of idol worship. The only thing that was new was that Mohammad declared the pagan moon deity "Allah" to be the only true god and forbade the worship of all the other idols in Mecca. The basic confession within Islam is, "Allah is greater [greater than all the other idols]. There is no god but Allah and Mohammad is his prophet." Professor Augustus H. Strong makes an accurate assessment in his "Systematic Theology" when he declares that Islam "is heathenism in monotheistic form." Mohammad simply took the chief deity within the pantheon in Arabia, and made it the only god, keeping the pagan practices associated with this idol worship. This is of course in complete contradiction to the basic message about the one and true God found in the Bible, both in the Old and the New Testament, where idol worship is strictly forbidden. Abraham was chosen to leave cult worship surrounding the moon god in Ur of the Chaldeans, to go to a different land, in order to give mankind the revelation about the only true God as a loving Father and Savior.

To confuse the issue, Mohammad declared that Allah is the god of the Jews and the Christians. Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus were all prophets sent by Allah. Since Mohammad's beliefs did not agree with the Scriptures, Mohammad declared that the Jews and the Christians have perverted the Scriptures. Therefore Allah has rejected them and cursed them and has sent Mohammad to replace the Bible with the Koran; and to replace Judaism and Christianity with Islam. It is the duty of Islam to subjugate and destroy the infidels, the Christians and the Jews. Islam is Satan's most powerful and successful plan to destroy true faith in the God of the Bible.

In Islam religion and politics are joined together. Allah is not primarily interested in individuals. Love is a completely foreign concept in Islam. Allah is destined to rule the world. That is the basis of Islam. Everything else is related to this goal. The world is divided into two parts, Dar-al-Salaam meaning "House of Peace" where Allah rules and Dar-al-Harb, "House of War" where the people are not in submission to Allah and Islam.

2006-10-04 01:07:26 · answer #6 · answered by Dragon Sword 2 · 0 2

I don't believe the wars began as religious. If Catholic nations had oil and different borders, we would be reading terrible propaganda about them, not Muslims.
I don't think we should be competing with one another or tryng to convert one another.
We should be working to "convert " ourselves instead, to live in a better way. For example: "Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that ye may (learn) self-restraint".
al-Qur'an 2:183
Also, we are not called to hostility:
"O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other)."
al-Qur'an 49:13

2006-10-04 03:56:57 · answer #7 · answered by thinking 2 · 1 1

not a big deal... people should worship Allah n being a good muslim... at first... n there's will be no war....
the injeel, Torah n Holy Koran.... all from Allah... but then when the contents of the TOrah n injeel had been changed especially about what ALLAH had stated that Prophet Muhammad is the Last messenger... those who were very irresponsible and changed the contents,,, is the one who responsible for all the differences between this three religion...

2006-10-04 01:09:26 · answer #8 · answered by uci 2 · 2 1

well brother if more people believed that like you and i do... or took the time to study other faiths.... we would live in a much happier world

Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.

holy quran 2:62

this is what my Quran says so i agree that it is our job only to worship God in our own way and display a good example so that those who do not believe one God might know the purity of faith... not desperately try to convert each other

peace be on you

2006-10-04 01:09:26 · answer #9 · answered by Submission 3 · 2 1

This is a common misconception. The god of Islam is not the God of the bible. Allah has no son and Islam denies that Jesus Christ was the son of God who died on a cross, rose again, and is the only way to salvation.

Jesus said to the Jews "if you have not the son, you have not the Father".

There is only one way to God, and that is by Jesus Christ. No wonder Islam and the Jewish people, who are temporarily blinded to the truth of who Jesus is.....can't "get along" with Christianity. We cannot agree on these things. I'm not interested in having a war over it...but I'm not going to compromise the truth.

2006-10-04 01:00:47 · answer #10 · answered by Esther 7 · 5 2

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