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I just wanna leave and go live somewhere else, because I don't feel love and barely any God in my house. My heart is crying out for someone to care for me, and I know God has the love already for me, but I don't wanna just 'bother' God with my stupid emotions because I think God's taking me through this for a reason and I think I'm missing the point. But this hurts so much, to love someone so much but no matter what you do, they just won't love you like they used to so you grow apart with hate of each other and all you really want to do is be one of the true best friends again.I'm talking about my brother and me. It's bad enough that my father didn't love us (me), left me, and ruined my picture of a happy family, now my brother's leaving me. Me and my brother were the best of friends growing up but now that we're teenagers we wants me to die, he disrespects my mom, and he's destroying my family. What do I do? I come asking anyone with an answer or suggestion. Please help me...

2006-10-03 15:26:50 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

i'm sure there is a reason for all of this. God is obviously teaching you something. but that doesn't mean you have to suffer alone! God already loves you, more than you can imagine, and he would LOVE to talk to you about those 'bothersome' emotions, no matter how little or petty they may seem to you. sometimes God uses pain to draw people back to him... do you think he is calling you back to him now? i hope this has helped, and you will definitely be in my prayers!

2006-10-03 15:32:07 · answer #1 · answered by truth seeker 5 · 2 0

You can always go to God. With any problems. He already knows about your problems. God says he will be the father for the fatherless. Do you know what the shortest verse in the Bible is? John 11:35-Jesus wept. He wept because his friends were hurting. He knows you are hurting too.

Your brother is hurting also. Be loving and forgiving to your brother, even if he is hateful and mean. It sounds like you are both in the same boat, only he is angry and you are sad. Divorce is a very sad thing. It tears the children apart. I went through that when I was younger and my brother acted some what like yours. Divorce is also a selfish thing, because the adults are putting their needs before their children.

Talking to someone in person is a good idea, like a Pastor or counselor. Have you tried talking to your mother? She may be able to get someone to talk to you. But don't stop praying!!!

Don't ever think that God is not interested in you or that he isn't listening. He Loves you! I know that it's hard, because you can't see him and it's hard to have faith when everything is going wrong, but He does love you. Talk to him and tell him how you feel and tell your brother you love him, whether he wants to listen or not. Don't forget mom, she will need some love too! I will pray for you and your family!

God Bless!

Please be careful when people ask you to email them, it may be innocent, but you never know. Don't give out any information to anyone.

2006-10-03 16:06:53 · answer #2 · answered by sunny 3 · 0 0

I'm so sorry to hear your obvious pain. God does love you, so much we humans can't understand it. We don't understand all He does, and we never will -- until we meet Him face to Face. You need to trust Him, even more when you don't understand. That's when it's really faith, after all: trusting God when you don't understand Him.

I hope you are in fellowship somewhere, in a Bible teaching church. Some churches and/or pastors will try to tell you that if things aren't going nicely, it means you're not in God's will. That is not true in the slightest. A church where the Bible is actively taught can help you deal with the rough parts and painful parts of God's plan for you. Ask around at school if you need to find an active, Bible-centered youth group. They'll be glad you came, honest! They can help your mom, too. She must be having a really rough time of things as well. Be sure you're in deep prayer for her as well as for your brother and for yourself. (As a friend of mine often says "If you love the others around you, pleeeeease pray for yourself, too!")

The Psalms are full of deep heartfelt cries to God for His comfort. Read through some of this ancient poetry. It can give comfort, and can reassure you that God is not bothered by a hurting heart crying for Him. If it bothered Him, why would He put it in His Bible?

I'll be praying. God bless you and comfort you and your mother and even your brother as only He can.

2006-10-03 15:45:34 · answer #3 · answered by thejanith 7 · 0 0

God is there always to listen to you. It is hard when the family you come from isn't loving like you want them to be. We just saw a movie at church where this young girl gave her life to Christ, and no one else has. Her brother was killed in a car accident. She said she couldn't have made it with out Christ. There is a lady in our church that was raised in a non Christian home, and she kept coming to church, and praying for God to change their hearts. All of them are saved. It took a while. Prayer changes things. You have to show the love of Christ to all people. Even when you are hurting. Find someone to pray with, or ask others to pray for you and your family. I was raised by my mom. I have never met my dad. I am not bitter about it. My mom got saved when she was 62. She is now 70 in Nov. I was saved since I was 11. Never give up, and never give in. Satan will always try to destroy families. Keep going. God bless you.

2006-10-03 16:26:48 · answer #4 · answered by salvation 5 · 0 0

God loves you, it says so in his word, and even though Dads and brothers on earth will let you down, God will not, I know this from my own expieriance and the testimony of others, He's a great Dad, you can talk to him all the time, it says in the Bible that he even see the little sparrow fall, that means that no problem is so small that he will ignore you or push you aside, he cares about all of our problems. I'm sorry about your brother. I know what it's like for someone to hurt you, but I also know that God has a plan for everyone and we need to trust him because he will work everything out for our good.

2006-10-03 16:01:08 · answer #5 · answered by Monika B 2 · 0 1

You have a great deal of pain right now. I'm so sorry you have to go through this.

When you say you want to go to God right now, though, you can, you just don't realize it yet. Close your eyes, quiet your mind, and begin to recite a simple, short prayer that you know from childhood. Say it quietly, over and over... it will soothe you. A certain amount of peace will follow, and you will know that you are loved. This is God, and God is available to you right here, right now. You are here on this earth for a reason, and you are having these experiences for a reason. God doesn't want you to cut that short. God needs you here, and will send you comfort, if you but ask. And you have.

I feel certain that you will feel better soon because I can't imagine one person reading this and not saying a prayer for you right now, and prayers have been scientifically proven to help.

There is a reason for our struggles. You are not alone, and you are loved. And you have helped me to remember myself, as well. Thank you.

2006-10-03 15:36:44 · answer #6 · answered by Singinganddancing 6 · 1 0

I'm sorry ur having such a hard time. I know these things aren't easy. If you have a school counselor, go talk to them. They can help you figure things out, some options. If not at school, go to your nearest mental health center and tell them you have a problem u need to talk to someone about. They will help you anyway they can. They r good people, and they care. Some of these places are called 'crisis' centers. Look it up in the phone book. p.s. Hang on, there is help if you'll seek it.

2006-10-03 15:35:27 · answer #7 · answered by Constitution 4 · 1 0

that's crazy thinking god word says he will never leave you are forsake you . in the garden where Adam and eve resided , they both have eaten from the tree of knowledge god came looking for Adam and Adam said i was hiding from you because i was naked god responded who told you were naked i am asking you through god words who told you ,who told you couldn't come to god. Satan because he comes to kill and destroy peoples life's. if every body waited to get right with there jobs there lives there drugs there alcoholism you wouldn't need to go to god then ,No god will take you just like that he wants to mold you , that way you can help somebody in the same situation later it might be hard at first but your brother will come back and become a christian you first need to break that bondage and the family curse then your next step is to believe Jesus his his son and he died for your sins and every thing else will work it self out you got to remember that it took a long time to get to this point , to night just get on your knees and ask god to reveal him self to you he will meet you

2006-10-03 16:11:22 · answer #8 · answered by lowcojon 2 · 0 0

I think you need to call your pastor to come over and talk with you and the family. Your brother is going through the terrible teens as I call it. Too young for this but too old for that. Where do I fit in etc Sounds like he maybe drinking or taking some type of drugs to change in such a way. He does not want you to die...he is just angry and taking it out on you as well. Have a Police officer check out his room for drugs, or have your mom to. Watch him closely...if he is on drugs he maybe on something that will make him dangerous., than he even realizes. With drugs you must be on top of things. Check daily for things. Have someone check his wallet when he is unaware as well.
This is time for Prayer my dear and I suggest you begin to pray for your brother, yourself and Mom and Dad. your family. Don't push God away, this maybe a test to see if you believe in him and as you do, Pray, ok?
Our prayers will be with you as well.

2006-10-03 15:39:18 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

oh honey, you are not bothering Him. He wants you to go to Him, You are His child. He weeps when you weep. I will say this about your brother. He has anger in his heart. He is also young and full of hormones. Pray for him that is all you can do. Pray for your dad, too. Did he say he hates you, you dad? Sometimes dads are in place in their life where they are unable to be a dad. That does not mean he doesn't love you, it means he is confused. Your brother sounds like drugs might be a factor. Drugs do terrible things to the ones we love. His addiction is more powerful then his need for love and friendship. So this is also not your fault. Be there for your mom, pray for her and yourself for stength and patience in these times. Jesus says "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27. He is there, just ask. I'm sending many hugs and lotsa love. I hope and pray you find peace in Jesus. {{{{hugs}}}}

2006-10-03 15:41:12 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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