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are they seperate religions? im trying to find out is christianity its own religion or are their seperate types of christians? if so what are they? and is catholicism part of it?

2006-10-03 14:59:45 · 40 answers · asked by chico_33471 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

40 answers

catholicism is the first and original form of christianity, and all other sects are originated from catholicism

2006-10-03 15:00:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

Catholics are Christian just like Protestants are Christian. There are tons of similarities. However an example of a difference: For Protestants taking communion the wine REPRESENTS the blood and the bread REPRESENTS the body of Christ. For Catholics communion is taken at EVERY mass (instead of just on special occasions) and the wine BECOMES blood and the bread BECOMES the body. (The way I described it makes it sound more gruesome than it should... but you get the idea!) Also Catholics believe in the Trinity - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are 3 parts of one as opposed to being three separate things.

Catholic priests can't marry or have children. Protestant ministers/preachers/etc... can have a marriage and a family.

There are other differences I could go into, but you get the idea. And let me stress that there are more similarities between Catholicism and Protestants than there are differences.

2006-10-03 15:10:21 · answer #2 · answered by Kris 4 · 2 0

I was baptized roman catholic, when I was an infant, I no longer follow the faith because of the many changes and also because of the self righteousness of their belief. We were told in no uncertain terms that the catholic religion was the only true and real religion can you believe that, and also that anyone who wasn't catholic would burn in hell, how awful is that to teach children who as far as I know were all born into this religion, because all are baptised before you reach 3months of age. Nothing like giving a choice is there. There are a lot more reasons why I do not follow this religion and do not believe their doctrine the main one being that the vadican is so rich and powerful and that they could eradicate world hunger and poverty with their money, how will they answer to God for that one, the other is how will they ever explain how they sheltered pedophiles and child molesters in their so called religion. Instead of reporting the offenders they simply transferred them to another diocese to practice or molest if you will. Some even became Vicars.

Christians are believers that Jesus came as promised for all of mankind and believe in living life the way Jesus taught us to live, with love in our hearts. To never look for the fault of a person but rather the good that lives in all humans. Because we all have faults and we all have good, so to point out someone's fault is to say you are better then that person and really we aren;t.

2006-10-03 15:12:32 · answer #3 · answered by Neptune2bsure 6 · 0 1

christianity is the basis for the catholic religion. the catholics have more traditions based upon what was said in the bible about the fact - there were no written words, only traditions and we were to follow them as well. while others may say the catholics worship Mary and statues and other silly things, they are just that - silly misconceptions. catholicism had more tennents and beliefs based upon the "old school". if you would like some scriptures or more details to explain - please don't hesitate to email as you will be hearing some instesting things here i'm sure. many people like to claim they know about the Caholic denomination when all they know are misguided half truths.

**add on **
like i said, many misguided half truths....
they do not worship Mary over God
all Christian's and even Muslims believe Mary was a virgin
the different bible - they have 7 more chapters that others don't want to believe.
yes they have a pope, who leads the denomination but so do all the other christian denominations - they just call them different names
someone said something about having a different new testament and not believing Jesus came & we were still waiting for HIm -- that's the newest one i've heard ; ) No Rcc believe that Christ was born, lived, died for our sins, resurrected and WILL come again!
God bless!!!

also check out www.vatican.va for more details - it has the catechism which is the explaination of "where in scripture did they come up with that".

2006-10-03 15:05:15 · answer #4 · answered by Marysia 7 · 4 0

First there was Christianity and very church had it's leader.
Later councils were formed where the leaders of the church's got together to discuss interpretations of the bible.
After about 1000 years since Christianity came along these leaders both from the East and the West had a falling out over the interpretation of the word 'filoque'.
This disagreement brought about the principal split of the Church.
The church in the West declared itself the leader of Christians since it was in Rome and St. Peter was buried there. And so the Pope became infallible and the Catholic Church was formed.
The Eastern Church still had their independent church's each lead by it's own bishop.
It seems the bottom-line is that only Catholic claim the Pope to be infallible.

2006-10-05 10:52:25 · answer #5 · answered by noice 3 · 0 0

Catholicism is a type of Christianity. Christianity has several "branches" that are usually very similar, with the slight differences being in certain religious dogma and practices. The followers of some branches of Christianity are called Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, and others such as Presbyterians. The other branches of Christianity derived from Catholicism.The Catholic church has a very complex hierarchic system and is run by a network of popes, bishops, deacons, etc.

2006-10-03 15:22:41 · answer #6 · answered by Brian 4 · 0 1

same god same religion just different beliefs catholics believe that the virgin Mary can intercede ,but the bible clearly states that there is only one that could intercede his name is Jesus 1TIM 2:5 catholics also believe that a sprinkle of water on a infants head is going to save them i got news for them that child is already saved if something would ever go wrong with him/her john the Baptist used a whole river to baptize why do you think ? being reborn is an other big discussion they think making your confirmation entitles you to heaven when Protestant clearly know that it a re generation of your heart & soul (reborn)2cor5:17 which is a gift from god for those who truly accept his son jesus that saves you from damnation john5:24. we can literally sit here and argue the case but jesus acended into heaven and be fore he left he said he going to send you a helper his name is the spirit of truth his name as will know him is the holy spirit and he will help you to distinguish there lies, i would nt worry to much about catholics there not very good recruters the jehovah witrnesses i would be more worried about they made there own bible up and they did not have any hebrew are greek scholars helping them! may god truly bless you and your family for looking for the truth,and ask your self were the apostle catholic are christian the word christian means follower of christ teaching, so then you must conclude that peter and paul were christians ask any catholic to recite the ten comandements and see how many do the break in a day and to read john3:3 verily verily i say to you exept a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of god them ask him if he tithes and why not these are also written in the bible(the first religion is judaism its the only religion in the bible)a other lie the other guys try to inpose

2006-10-03 15:30:23 · answer #7 · answered by lowcojon 2 · 0 1

Catholocism is a sect within Christianity. It is the largest of all Christian sects. Catholocism was the first standardized form of Christianity. Catholics follow the Pope, a position that is elected by a council of cradinals and follows the role of Peter, the first Roman Pope. Protestants broke from Catholocism in the 1500's. Protestants like to refer to themselves as Christians in contrast to Catholics, but both are Christians.
Christianity has many sects. The oldest of them are the Catholics, Orthodox churches and Coptic Christianity. The Protestant Reformation led to the creation of many sects, all of them denouncing the Pope's authority over Christian teaching. These sects include Lutherans, Baptists, Methodists, Episcopalians and Presbyterians along with many others. For more, see here:




Hope I helped.

2006-10-03 15:18:31 · answer #8 · answered by Michael M 3 · 1 0

Catholic Christians enjoy the fullness of all God's grace and truth.

Protestant Christians accept only a limited subset of all Catholic beliefs.

Exactly which subset depends entirely on the denomination.

Protestant Christians follow the false traditions of men, while Catholic Christians follow the sacred and apostolic Traditions of holy men like Jesus Christ, Matthew, Peter, Paul, Thomas, etc.

Protestant Christian faith tradition requires a belief in salvation by faith alone, and a belief in the revelation provided by the Bible alone, two concepts which appear nowhere in sacred scripture.

Catholic Christians understand that both scripture and sacred Tradition are necessary for truly understanding all that God has revealed.

Finally, Protestant Christians have many and various leaders, all teaching different creeds, with no divine authority to back them up.

Catholic Christians have one head pastor, the Pope, for the entire world wide church, who is the successor of St. Peter, and who governs the church along with the bishops, who are direct successors to the original apostles.

The Catholic church was given sweeping authority by Jesus Christ to make laws and govern the church, according to the sacred realities of God's new covenant.

That same Christ promised to bind in heaven whatever his church binds on earth.

That's in the Bible.

2006-10-03 22:37:50 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

There is a huge difference between Christianity and any form of religion.
Religion is based on man with their dogma and theologies. It is governed by man and its main thing is control. Control over your mind and body and not to mentioned your purse.

Christianity is a way of life. A life choice. A Way to become a part of the body of Jesus Christ and a co-heir with Him.
Its walking hand in hand with the Word of God on a daily basics.
Its hearing the Commandments of God and doing them to prove that you are worthy to be called a child of God.

God says, If you love me, do what is commanded of you through my Commandments. (paraphrased)
Catholicism is a religion. It was founded in the year 325 at the Council of Nicene when all religions wanted a part of the pie that was being divided up. Check it out for yourself.

We now are in the final years, and possible months before the false christ shows up. You need to stay informed with the Wisdom that is gained from the Bible.

I'm not saying that Christians are not attending the Catholic church. They are. They do it in ignorance.><>

2006-10-03 15:15:17 · answer #10 · answered by CEM 5 · 0 2

The Catholic Church was started by Jesus. Catholics are Christians but not all Christians are Catholic. Contrary to popular belief we DO NOT worship Mary, we honor her for being Jesus' mother, we DO NOT worship statues, they are mementos. We also DO believe that we can go directly to God. When we go to a priest it is because we want to be held accountable for what we have done and we are seeking advice and counsel. And we DO read the Bible!!

Protestants broke away from the Catholic Church because they wanted certain books omitted from the bible. The Catholic Church refused, so they "protested" which is where they got the name Protestant. Martin Luther was the first to break away from the Catholic Church, which is where Lutherans come into play. Everyone after that are break offs of the Lutheran faith. But it is all directly traced to the Catholics. They also got their Bible from the Catholics and then proceeded to omit the books they wanted to!

2006-10-03 15:14:25 · answer #11 · answered by ~Mrs. D~ 5 · 2 0

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