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Do you think Jesus can help with anxiety and depression? I have social anxiety where I get panic attacks all the time,and I have depression. My life was miserable for last 3 years,you dont call that living you call that existing.My life is going no where,meaningless. I have agrophobia where I avoid all social situations possible. I dont remember the last time I felt happy and that I am worth something. I know that God and Jesus exist through everything Ive seen,everything I felt could'be only been God's work. Now I was raised in christian family but at age of 16 stopped comletely going to church and doing anything related to faith. I started drinking ,partying,doing somethings that I am not so proud off. And at age 18 I started having anxiety and depression. I stayed home most of the last 3 years,comletely stopped socializing. Now I can't even talk on the phone or go to grocery stores anymore. Can God help me with this if I will repent and let him in my heart?

2006-10-03 13:26:45 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

34 answers

You aren't alone in your issues with anxiety and depression. I think that sometimes God allows us to go through these deep valleys as a reminder that we cannot do it in life without Him. My suggestion is that you pray for strength and really turn everything over to Him. The Bible cleary states that he will give us the strength to walk when we are weary and that we will mount up with wings as eagles and we will soar. Trust in God and lean not on your own understanding. Getting through anxiety and depression is tough. It takes being very honest with yourself, your family, friends and doctor. I truly believe that maybe Xanax can help you get through some of the transitition. It takes time and it takes patience. But you will make it through.

2006-10-03 13:40:06 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I do not know that you should repent. If something traumatic happened to you , then it would be natural for you to be depressed about it and have anxiety. I am a Christian and I have a great relationship with God but I am on medication for my anxiety and depression. It is not always even trauma that kicks it off. In my case I have a chemical imbalance so I cannot control it without medication. I think before you get too worried about it you should tell your doctor about how you feel and let him decide if you should perhaps be in a counceling/medication scenario to help get over the trauma. I used to run Karaoke and I got the panic attacks really bad about 2 years into the job. I had other issues from my past that I needed to get resolved but even after that I needed the medication because I just did not get any better after resolving the issues. I was sent to a psychologist who gave me a battery of tests (most written answer ) and it was decided from my answers that it was a chemical imbalance. It does not make a sinner to need medication. I think you should pray for Jesus to help you work through it but you have done nothing to repent for. The important thing is to find out the source of your anxiety and get it fixed.With Jesus' help you can get past this. And your life has meaning or you would not be here today. And if you need to speak to somebody just to have someone who understands what you are feeling please email me. I will answer as soon as I get it and I will help you any way I can.

2006-10-03 13:44:48 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The mind is a very powerful thing and just as placebo medications on trial patients sometime cause the person to believe the pill has worked but really could not possibly do so, God can work as well if this is what you believe but of course sometime He wants us to help ourselves as well. If we simply sit there and say "God I repent, now please cure me", the outcome we want or expect or both, may not come about the way we think.

Do what you believe is the best thing fo ryou, if that is repenting then do so, but have another course of attack against the depression and phobias...get the assistance of a good doctor who can place you on a course of treatment that will also bring you back to where you really want to be.

Divine intervension is not always meant to dig us out of things...sometimes we are suppose to think for ourselves as well and of course, lessons are always hidden within the trials we face...take time to look at the lessons, study why you believe you are feeling the way you are ... the more tools you have at your disposal, the more helping hands...the swifter the results in a positive way.

Good luck

2006-10-03 13:45:12 · answer #3 · answered by dustiiart 5 · 1 0

wHello. I feel for you really. I'm a christian, and I will tell you what I know. Your life will NEVER get better unless you allow Jesus to enter it. Actually, He never left you. You left him. The bible says He will never leave us or forsake us. It's true, and even the most devoted christians struggle with it. I go to a great church. My pastor tells us all the time to just talk to God all the time. Anytime, anyplace. In the car, at home, at school, at work, in the shower, running on the treadmill, etc. Since you have a computer, why not find some Christ centered churches in your area. Go please. Also, I went through the drug and alcohol stage. I didn't grow up in a christian home, an many years I have had to deal with anger and depression. Read your bible. Also this website is great: www.bible.com
You can click on any issue you might be dealing with. I wish you the very best. Sincerely.

2006-10-03 13:40:15 · answer #4 · answered by Unshaken Faith 4 · 2 0

In answer to your question, yes, Jesus can help with the anxiety and depression.

There is a booklet, Psychologican Health that can be obtained free from 8v@8v.com.

Repentance of inappropriate behavior is always a positive activity. However, the first priority for you should be: Raising the threshold of your confidence level to a point at which you will be able to function and have outward mobility. This can be accomplished by reducing panic attacks. How? By using successive approximation (gradual conditioning). Have someone close to you help you with this.

2006-10-03 13:29:01 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Thank you for being courageous enough to ask this - especially here (this can be a brutal place, to be sure). Not only do I believe that God can help you with this if you repent and let Him in your heart, but I am living proof that He can help you.

I used to suffer panic attacks and all kinds of terrifying mental disorders. It took time and diligence in seeking Him and seeking His Word, but God did set me free. And the Bible says He is no respecter of persons. If He did it for me, He can surely do this for you too!

I realize now that the reason it took so long is because I was very fragile. The Lord knew just how far to push me and when to back off. If He'd pushed me any harder and if He'd gone any faster, I'm certain He knew it would break me.

And that's the beauty of it. He knows you. He knows what process to take you through. He'll even teach you that He can be trusted. Trust is sometimes the biggest barrier. For some of us trust doesn't come easily. He knows this. Yet He is faithful to prove Himself worthy of our trust.

When I saw this I immediately started praying for you. I'm sure the Lord will bring many people into your life who can help pray you through - especially if you ask Him to.

2006-10-03 13:53:09 · answer #6 · answered by Carol L 3 · 3 0

Yes. Faith can help very much. Trials and tests in our life can make us stronger. Do not give into them. My life crisis led me to a church for the first time in a long time and after two years I am again coming back to normalcy.....for 7 years before that I slid down the slippery slope and did things I was not proud off...Lost a marriage, a business, a job, friends and all was a complete change of personality for me....turning to friends in a christian setting brought my thinking back, reduced the anxiety and I function again....Yoga was presented as the cure all....it is a lie....get active in a church....life is for living....don't listen to those who say no fun is allowed if you are Christian.....I found that what they consider to be fun is only for the moment...

2006-10-03 13:35:24 · answer #7 · answered by chico2149 4 · 2 0

YES, but you want and need more answer than that ....

Jesus himself was a very outgoing and charismatic individual, not beyond going to the dances on a wedding and having a bit of wine at the time, talking to all kinds of people

may be you should start by - well - having telephone conversations with people, emails, anything which will ease your anxiety level, try webcamera, try live talk, that kind of stuff,

on another level why dont you try and find a nice easy warm church to go to on sundays and check out their small groups ...

hey, we will pray for you and so will lots of people here on .. answers ...

God loves you and he doesnt' want you afraid to talk and interact, may be he has chosen you to spread the word and evangelize ... dont deny him ...
God bless you brother

2006-10-03 13:34:12 · answer #8 · answered by ralfbless 2 · 2 0

Yes, He can give you peace, and directs us to seek WISE counsel. He created doctors and therapists also. Don't try to go it alone.

Also living the party lifestyle can have it's own depressive effects. Alcohol, drugs, lake of sleep, poor nutrition, no exercise all contribute to a poor psychological state.

He's still there for you.

Mental illness and depression

Depression is sometimes caused by chemical imbalances. God sometimes uses medicine to heal but, drugs can mask the symptoms instead of getting to the source of the problem. Seek help immediately for prolonged depression or if contemplating suicide. Seek professional help. Have a good physical to rule out any medical problems. And pray for God to lead you to the right sources. God loves you and He will supply those you need if you only ask.

Those who suffer need Christian support and the love of their families and friends. It could happen to any of us. A lack of support and encouragement is the last thing one needs when faced with emotional problems that have overwhelmed them. Find someone who understands that you can confide in. Be careful when choosing someone. They need to be Godly people that can be trusted. The last thing you need is a fair weather friend who will abandon you. The devil uses people like that to bring you even further down.

2006-10-03 13:36:43 · answer #9 · answered by pops 6 · 2 1

Yes, Jesus/God can help in any situation but if you are telling how you really feel here, you need to see a competent physician as soon as you can get into see them on an emergency basis. I would say prayer and talking with clergy, but you are describing severe depression that too often leads to suicide. Get help somewhere, soon. Please

I have been where you are and talking to minister or person of God was not my answer. I had a severe chemical imbalance.
I would love to hear from you about how you feel as you try to cope.

OOPS, did not mean to say you don't need to pray to Jesus/God. That should be done as well - while you are taking other actions He led us to develop.

2006-10-03 13:33:51 · answer #10 · answered by mesquiteskeetr 6 · 2 1

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