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Your perspective on divorce in a supposedly Christian household?

2006-10-03 13:25:40 · 26 answers · asked by CAP 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

26 answers

God has allowed divorce. However, perhaps in a true christian household you would like to think that they would respect their covenant with God and honour the marriage till death. Unfortunately we are humans who fall short of the glory of God. How you love others is how you love God, if the love in this household is gone then maybe God is not as close as He needs to be at this time. Maybe divorce is the path that the married couple have decided is the only option.

Without knowing the reason for divorce it is still within reason to expect that the married couple try to live up to their marriage promise 'for better, for worse' and seek professional help (from their pastor, other married couples or marriage counsellors).

God will never test us beyond our means. So it is also within reason to believe that He has made it possible for the marriage to succeed (given that the marriage vows were taken as God intended). But human flaws which are present in all of us sometimes will burden heavy on a married couple.

Perhaps it should also depend on the individuals attitude toward each other. If a hatred or anger exists then it is definitely not a christian attitude. A christian should strive for an attitude of love, an attitude more like Christ. Hurt (physical, mental, emotional) is often the cause of a divorce however, and that is not an attitude it is a feeling that the partner should respect. But sometimes to achieve relief from the hurt there needs to be a seperation from what has hurt the person.

Under all circumstances a married couple should bring their problems to God and let Him sort it out as He sees fit.

2006-10-03 14:22:13 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I hope you can understand, from one reasonable person to another?

Christians are people too ! We're only human. Its not good for anyone to be stuck in an unbearable situation, Everyone should have the right for a way out.

Also, being Christian doesn't mean being perfect. Nobody is perfect; not anyone; not the Christians, and not the nonchristians. Although, I'll still say I'm a much better person now than I used to be when I was an atheist and very bitter. I am better than I would be if I weren't a Christian now, but I will never be totally perfect. And no one will be. Its not realistic or fair to expect anyone to be.

And as for Christianity, our most important focus should be God, and compassion. Our highest focus should not be whether we married or divorced or not, and not forcing people to stay in a bad situation if things can't be worked out.

2006-10-03 20:59:38 · answer #2 · answered by million$gon 7 · 0 0

God's original intent was for a man and woman to stay married until they died. But, since the fall this has all changed. God did not intend for one spouse to cheat on the other one or be abusive to that spouse. However, wicked people do bad things. So, God instituted "legal divorce" to set the people free from a bad marriage. Divorce is not sin. Sin causes divorce. Some people abuse the divorce provision. But this does not make all divorce sinful. Some want to pick one scripture to make divorce wrong. This is not right. We must use all of the scripture on divorce. The Bible can not be in error. Look at the whole thing. you will see that divorce is a form of salvation for the victim in a bad marriage. That is the intent of divorce-to free the victim. A person who has been divorced is not in sin because they are divorced. Sin causes divorce-not the other way around.
John the Baptist.

2006-10-03 20:43:46 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Divorce in any household is sad. But especially for the christian household, who are supposed to be committed to, not only to each other, but to God as well, as the Head of the Family. I believe that if God brought you together, and you really take your wedding vows seriously, that you should do whatever it takes to make sure that the marriage stays together. The only time that I think divorce would be an option is where there is violence in the home, and either one of you feel at risk of physical harm.

I truly believe that if you love each other problems in a marriage can be worked out, especially if the couple deal with the problem
from a biblical standard, and if they don't throw accusations at each other wildly, and take responsibility for their own things that they may add to the problem.

2006-10-03 20:51:43 · answer #4 · answered by robin rmsclvr25 4 · 0 1

Divorce in any family - Christian or otherwise - is always a sad thing - and rough on the participants.

However, we have had 2000 years of advancements since the Bible forbade divorce (except in the case of adultery). When those laws were written, they were necessary for inheritance rights to be upheld. And, don't forget - people died at 30. They didn't have to be married for 60 years!

I believe that God knows any CHristian who is concerned about such things - and knows that the person has searched for answers and is doing the best thing for his/her family - is going to look favorably on anybody who creates a more compassionate, peaceful and loving environment for the family...even if it means no longer being together.

2006-10-03 20:32:15 · answer #5 · answered by tristanrobin 4 · 2 0

It happens. I think the common misconception with Christians is that they are perfect and don't make mistakes. When in all actuality we are going to make mistakes as well and if that was marrying the wrong person well the consequence of not being able to make a relationship work is divorce. I do believe that God honors people for doing the right thing and if that is divorcing someone versus staying in a relationship ... well God is going to honor you by doing what is best for the both of you.

2006-10-03 20:28:26 · answer #6 · answered by Alicia R 2 · 1 0

Preys Jesus - the classic 'no true scotsman would do * ? theory? well done

my spouse had parents who had been unfaithful for years, living a lie, but to the kids all was well until scandal broke out

these were devout church goers, part founders of a small church

when the only justification for divorce happened (man was proved to be unfaithful) the church advocated healing over harm of the family

the father abused the daughter again and the mother finally left him and abandoned her evil christian ways of idiotness

reality bites

supposedly, RIGHT

christian is not just in claim or faith but supposedly the object of faith of the legend of Jesus was to live well, help others and fight for social justice and oppose those that harm others...

but since Jesus was Jewish and Paul was more a gentile and con man....those that listened to Paul are called 'christian' who justify no deeds and more faith while ignoring others in need and justifying harm to self, others while thier leaders get away with selfishness double standards

2006-10-03 20:39:03 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Personally, as a Christian, I believe that God will give me the perfect person and I won't get divorced. Besides that, I have vowed that who ever I marry will have to divorce ME because I married them for a lifetime, not for a romance. If we had kids, it would be hard for them. I think that America spends too much time on kids with divorced parents instead of the divorce itself. From my viewpoint, there shouldn't be divorce because the people are breaking the vows they made in marriage.

2006-10-03 20:48:52 · answer #8 · answered by Cap'n Crunch 2 · 1 1

Old Testament allowed it but did not condone it because of people's "hardness of hearts". (See the list of sources). Basically it is pride and hurt pride that keeps one or both persons in a marriage building walls, demanding their own way, refusing to compromise, and frustrating reconcilliation. To maintain relationships, often one or both parties need to bend. Jesus explains divorce in Matthew, and Paul later expands on the subject.
All of the laws and regulations of the Old Testament brought the nation of Israel out from a scattered group of tribes, who had served as slaves to other peoples. (You can hardly fault them for that, even Quebec wants their own identity). They protected from rampant venereal disease and helped to form stable partnerships to nurture children under very primitive conditions.
Deuteronomy 24:1-4, KJV , Deuteronomy 21:10-14 , Matthew 5:31-32 , Matthew 19:3-9 , 1 Corinthians 7:10-14 , 1 Corinthians 7:15 , © 2005-2006. Pastor Jim Feeney Ph.D. Online Bible Studies and Free Sermons. http://www.jimfeeney.org/divorceandremarriage.html

2006-10-03 21:00:46 · answer #9 · answered by Jimmy Dean 3 · 0 0

Matthew chapter 19... you need to read it..But in a nut shell here t is...man and woman get married, they become 1 flesh. what God has joined,let NO man put assunder, don`t follow the laws of the land on this, follow the BIBLE,who soever put away his wife,except it be for,fornication, which is sex BEFORE marriage, and marry,another, committeth adultery,and whosoever marries her that is put away committeth adultery........ Now people will tell you that fornication, is adultery, but its NOT, it is sex before marriage, when this was written, and should be now too, but women were suppose to be virgins when they married, so if a man married a woman thinking she was a virgin, and she wasen`t, he had the right to divorce her. FORNICATION AND ADULTERY ARE 2 DIFFERENT THINGS, LOOK THEM UP..you have the right to divorce, but not to remarry as long as your wife , or husband lives, when they die you are free to marry who you will. I think Timothy has something about divorce in there too.

2006-10-03 20:39:59 · answer #10 · answered by theladylooking 4 · 1 0

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