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Some of you say that its because they bring diseases, did you get infected???, they don't pay taxes (which they all do because they get some of those taxes taken out of their check)and they dont claim them back, you say that they take your jobs, did you lose your job because of one them?? I wanna know TRUE and REAL reasons PLEASE not all those bullsh*t racist answers!! PLEASE

2006-10-03 12:41:02 · 40 answers · asked by nona 3 in Politics & Government Immigration

40 answers

I dont have a problem with immigrants.I find it wild that america thinks its ok to weed out those who are simply trying to make a better life for themselves.

2006-10-03 12:44:02 · answer #1 · answered by dsgg 2 · 3 6

Poor immigrants are limited in all countries because they tend to be a burden on the economy and infrastructure. That is more true, the more services you give to the poor.

In our country, even if poor people pay all taxes they are supposed to, they simply don't pay much in taxes. They pay nowhere near the cost of their children's education and the health care and services they use, as a group.

We have to pay for those services. That is not only money out of pocket, it is failing schools for our children, failing and unaffordable health care for our sick, and failing social services at a time when the baby boomers are winding up their productive years, and services should be flush to take care of their needs in the future.

Wages are driven down so our lower middle class finds it hard to make ends meet, making more likely that they themselves will fall below the poverty line, and teen agers and other Americans with fewer skills have difficulty getting jobs that pay a wage that will support a family. Wages are LOWER now in real dollars than they were in the early 80s.

Meanwhile, degraded education tends to erase upward mobility for our own children and accentuates the split into rich and poor, with a diminishing middle class.

My kids are in LAUSD. When I went there it was one of the better schools systems in the country, and 80 to 90% of Californians went on after highschool to some form of higher education. According to recent news, LAUSD's drop out rate is right now ranging around 60%, there is no PE or computer lab or music unless the parents fund it privately for the entire school, and most programs that can be cut have been cut to try to bring up ESL scores due to the 'no child left behind' act. Other, American, children are left behind the rest of the country's children, however, as their needs are not addressed.

Ask your question of any parent who has a kid in public school in an area where illegals concentrate. Or ask a parent who has a disabled child needing aid degraded to serve a mass of poor who shouldn't be here using those services.

Racism is simply an insult. It has nothing to do with the real issues.

2006-10-03 13:31:13 · answer #2 · answered by DAR 7 · 1 0

I do not care where you came from as long as you come through the front door not the back. Being a company owner I have to spend about $125,000 a year to make sure some of my Immigrant workers are legal. Because some do not speak English very well , I paid to send them to night school to take "English as a second language". It has worked out very good for them & I.I employ Americans, South Americans,Canadians& Indonians.They are the best workers you would ever want.

2006-10-03 13:28:22 · answer #3 · answered by BUTCH 5 · 0 0

ILLEGAL!! If we live here legally and have to obey all laws or get thrown in jail or prison. Why should someone just come here and do what they want and get way with it?? Do you think you could just go to whatever country you want and live and not have to live by their laws? Why don't you try it and see what happens? Yeah, I am sure the illegals who jumped the border and work jobs paying cash take out their tax money and turn it into the IRS. Yes, I am sure that happens all the time.

2006-10-03 13:22:54 · answer #4 · answered by AveGirl 5 · 2 0

On a personal level I like the Mexican immigrants - legal or not. They seem more family oriented than a lot of the millionaire yuppie engineers out here. But it does seem like it is difficult to get a truly non-biased approach to the cost/benefit of their being here. On the one hand you hear bemoaning of all the jobs they take. But this last week pear growers had to let thousands of tons of pears rot in the tree because of a crackdown in immigration. No "real" Americans stepped up to pick the damn fruit off the tree. So I am suspicious of the "stealing my job" argument. On the other side - having kids in school that don't know an ounce of English and who don't have parents guiding those kids to anything resembling academic excellence is a drain on school resources and a drag on their Anglo-American peers. The parents are just first generation immigrants who have no idea of the value of university prep or how to get there or beyond.
And then there's the taxes issue, the money sent back to Mexico, the social services outlay. The issue really cries out for an independent analysis and a pragmatic approach to policy.

2006-10-03 12:49:46 · answer #5 · answered by HomeSweetSiliconValley 4 · 1 3

I have never heard desease as a reason for being against illegal immigration. Many do not pay taxes. They are paid under the table or at low enough wages that no taxes are withheld. They use many resources either themselves or by bringing dependents with them i.e, medical resources, education, law enforcement. A really big problem where I live is that they do not have liscenses or insurance to drive. They do not know the laws and cause many accidents that injure and even kill themselves and others. I don't believe that these reasons are racists. I would feel the same if they were Canadians, French, English, Swedish, whatever.

2006-10-03 12:46:55 · answer #6 · answered by Answergirl 5 · 6 3

First, they are ILLEGAL, and second, some illegal immigrants come to America and dont know how to speak ENGLISH!!! It's because of the non-english speaking ones that now some jobs require you speak Spanish as a second language. And I don't want to learn Spanish just to cater to their needs.

When the first immigrants founded America, the were speaking ENGLISH!!! Just like in other countries such Germany, when you travel there they expect you to speak German!! And I know some countries have some signs in English, but ENGLISH is one of the most spoken languages in the WORLD!!!!!!

Thats why I believe ILLEGAL immigration is wrong.

Hate it or love it.

2006-10-03 13:09:10 · answer #7 · answered by mAnGa_LvR 2 · 2 0

Yes I lost my job becaue of them and I can't get another one in my chosen profession, one which I have 20 years experience at, and used to be a skilled trade, in the construction industry. Also I'm seeing more and more help wanted ads written in Spanish, no English. This is what I shouldn't be pis-ed off about, right, because I'm a racist right.

2006-10-03 13:01:20 · answer #8 · answered by booboo 7 · 2 0

what do we have against them? how about the fact that they are here illegally. Not all of them pay taxes either i dont know of any that do. In order to pay taxes you have to have a social security number dont you? How does one get such a number if they are illegal? Instead of asking us why we are so against them why dont you tell us why you are for them?

2006-10-03 13:21:34 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You are so wrong on many counts that it is laughable.

They all pay taxes because it's taken out of paychecks? Um, excuse me, but if they're illegal immigrants (Aliens), they cannot get a taxed paycheck. That requires a social security number or a visa (greencard). They are paid under the table by scrupulous employers who do not want to pay a fair wage to US citizens.

2ndly, they hurt the economy. Unlike with the jobs issue, they CAN get benefits such as medicaid and food stamps. Now, you tell me... they're NOT paying taxes, yet they collect benefits. Hmm, who do you think is paying for those benefits if they aren't? That's right. Me, and all the other working class Americans.

Sure, there are many Americans that are also on benefits, and I dispise them equally.

Thirdly, they come over here and then have the nerve to complain about our country. They have a rally saying they want to be US citizens, and then the idiots sit there waving mexican flags and singing OUR anthem in spanish. Yes, you're right, that is such a great thing.

Forth... They want us to cater to them. They expect products to be sold with both english and spanish labels. They expect people to speak spanish so they can communicate with them. I'm sorry, no other country in the world would put up with this. If you come to MY country, you damned well better be ready to learn my language and customs, not bring your language and customs here and expect me to bow down and learn them for you.

No, illegal immigration should stop.


To the gentleman who pointed out the pear tree issue...

Farm hands are not required to be paid minimum wage. The farmers are using illegals because 1) They're willing to work long hours for little money. 2) They send most of the money back to mexico to support their family, which is why they're willing and 3) they don't complain about unfair work conditions.

Let me ask you, how much is your rent/mortgage payment? Do you think you could live off of 3.25 an hour? Hell, I have a hard time living on 10.00/hr or more. Perhaps no americans are willing to pick the fruit because the farmers are not willing to pay a fair wage for work done. How can you work 12 hours a day and support yourself, or better yet, your family in america? Our money goes so much further in Mexico than it does here. To them, 3 dollars an hour is a lot of money. Why do you think the illegals tend to live in a house that has 10 or more people living there? They can't afford to live off those wages either.

Excuse us for being a bit more picky about where we work and under what circumstances, most of us like to survive, and thats not possible on 3.25 an hour. Next excuse?

2006-10-03 12:47:58 · answer #10 · answered by iswd1 5 · 3 3

any amount collected in taxes is dwarfed by free healthcare we give them because we are humane.

They broke the law to get here, making them criminals.

And look around for job loss, all the jobs high school kids used to do are being done by illegals, as well as what used to be no brainer labor jobs for the undereducated/low skill Americans.

Peddle your nonsense somewhere else sister, that wall is getting built and I hope they build some machine gun towers to go along with it.

2006-10-03 12:49:21 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

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