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The Subject is about the Future of the U.S. and China!

If a war were to happen between these two countries the allies on the United States side would more than likely be the U.K. - Canada - Austrailia - Israel - and Japan

now for China..

More than likely they would have Russia, Iran, Pakistan, South and North Korea and some other countries within the Middle East and Asia on there side.

If a war were to happen over the Taiwan conflict in Asia, which side of allies is more powerful and why?

You have to remember a war between the U.S. and China would cause the United States to quit buying from China and it would stop China from selling to the U.S... Jacking up the prices in the U.S. for everyday goods but at the same time crippling China's Economy. Please give me your opinions and/or ideas and theories, it would be much appreciated. Thank You and God Bless!

2006-10-03 10:58:45 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

22 answers

I am uk. what i would ask you to consider, is that thing we call world trade and global economy,is it not just anouther form of warfare which I call economic warfare. consider this carefuly
the Ancient Roman Empire, they conquered nations by force after that, they sucked the wealth of those nations into themselves. Europe has always had somebody to try for european domination. the Roman method has been tried and failed in w.w. one and two, since then it has been modified from violent warfare to eco warfare, in which the u.k. has been defeated, the European now invade a country with comfort and convenienc, the polaticians get twice their wages in the E.U, they invaded us with superior products, like in the motor biulding ind. Britain no longer biulds truckd andcars because our companies were sabotaged by our own gov. in favour of EU invading economic forces, leaving Britain an idiot country that cant stand on its own feet and is soon to colaps, Economic warfare is the reason you are now worried about china, because they are coming out of their shell where they should have been left. we are affraid of thier cheap labour slaves and their cheap goods over powering our companies this is because rich powerful people only respect money and riches, wthout actualy saying anything they are telling China they are affraid of Chinas growth, even though we have pestered China for years to come out and be a player.we should have let sleeping dogs lie.let me put to you my strategy. First think of who we are
i beleive that the british have fulfiled an anxient prophesy, handed down from abraham to ephraim and manassah the sons of joseph that their descendants would become great nations and fathers of nations, The British empire was the cause of britain becoming fathers of nations, America New Zealand Australia and Canada, all mostly of british stock, if i say to myself there are 58 million britons,i am denying the rest of the family in those nations i have mentioned, these are special allies because they are blood kin allies bound by blood and spirit, and israel are our cousins, non blood allies should have all the rights of the blood allies because of their loyalty, when you count them there would be many in number, U.S. gov should do its utmost to unite all these, above all try to persuade britain to leave the Inpending United States of Europe and stick with USA. the USE is a danger
to the USA The USE have captured 26 countries to date and could be joined by the rest of Russia.Economic warfare causes violent Warfare eventualy, Is it not so that when george bush first came on the scene he said he wanted to leave world affairs and just protect America, but they would not let him they called him a protectionist as though protecting ones country was a dirty word, they soon dragged him back in , there are those who need to hate America and reasons to do that. if America went solo bang goes the reason for hating her.When you have gathered up all your true allies dont do business with anyone els keep to the family entice the Brits and the Spaniards out of USE and persuade the Canadians to entice the french out and the swedes maybe disrupt the USE and bring it down without firing a shot, That will be one less super power to worry about, but dont let them know what your doing, Britain could finish up on the side of USE agaist our family and true freinds in USA we dont want that.
Now instead of companies leaving their homlands for cheap labour slaves in outher lands have a price and wage economy between all allied nations giving all a chance to prosper As reguards armourgeddon we are talking ourselves into it God has prophesied this terrable thing but he also says lest ye repent. if we did we would avoid armourgeddon, make economy right make the allies right have good weapons and troops then be a family of Nations. and see what happens but dont frighten youself into war, unneccesaraly.........TRUCKER all the best

2006-10-05 05:51:13 · answer #1 · answered by trucker 5 · 0 2

Questioner, you are wrong on several counts.

(1) You automatically presuppose that an "Alliance" system a la the First World War is in place. Thus, you imagine that if the United States went to war with the PRC, that Israel would step in as well. Such notions are fantasy; they ignore the realities that sovereign nations place their national interests first, and democracies are answerable to their electorates. On top of that, none of the alliances you mentioned for either the American or Chinese side make sense, save the US-Japan one, as there is a mutual defense pact already in place with both.

(2) You are assuming that Taiwan would be the flashpoint rather than North Korea. In such an instance, non-intervention from other nations would be far more likely (beyond the level of protests, of course) since the whole PRC-Taiwan affair is an "internal matter". The PLA has been prepositioning troops and munitions for years preparing for an invasion of Taiwan. Given an absence of the 7th Fleet from the region, the PLA would easily hold the upper hand.

(3) China' is still run by the CCP; if necessary, they have the discipline and the means to enforce a wartime command economy rather quickly. The Chinese are also used to privations that the American public cannot possibly fathom when it comes to making sacrifices during wartime. The greater loss would come from those Japanese and Western businesses who maintain research facilities and manufacturing capability in China proper to take advantage of cheap labor and easier access to the Chinese market; such infrastructure would be no doubt rapidly seized by the PRC and prove a means to increase the capabilities of a war economy, or at the very least prove useful leverage against multinational corporations.

War is never a given. War is more accident than design, and plotting a collision course between the PRC and the United States solely on the basis that the two should fight is nothing short of fantasy.

2006-10-03 13:13:56 · answer #2 · answered by Nat 5 · 2 0

First of all, why would a war between China ans USA would happen? What would be the cause? USA is very powerful, but can they send other troups to China? They already have so many in Iraq and the middle east. How many troups would be sent there anyway? Would it be enough to fight a more than 1 billion citizens country?

I don't think this would be a great thing for the USA to be at war with China, and I'm pretty sure the other countries would look at it in a neutral way. Of course, everything depends of the cause.

USA must realize that opinions around the world regarding their foreign politics is very important and should decide wether USA would stay as powerful as they are now. Middle east shows us everyday that a war is won with troups and not only bombs and airplanes. It wouldn't be easy for the US to win that war if they even win. At best, it would be another Iraq, with less countries implied.

2006-10-03 11:30:47 · answer #3 · answered by jocerichard 2 · 0 0

I will readily admit that I am not informed enough to answer this question.

I wanted to say that I think it is a shame you restricted who can answer in the way you did. Often information about the country you live in is far more thorough and accurate in another country. You would probably get more informed and balanced views from people who live in some of the countries you banned. It's just an opinion but if this is for an essay or something I think it would be worth opening it up to a few others.

I live in the UK and often find out more about what is going on here through reading the German press and vice versa. Also countries not involved in this imaginary war have nothing invested in choosing sides and are more likely do pick based on the facts.

I'm gonna check back to see the answers you get anyway because I find it a very interesting question and you managed to phrase it in a way where it isn't clear what stance you take. That in itself is pretty amazing as usually with these heated topics you can tell which answer the asker wants to see.

2006-10-03 11:11:22 · answer #4 · answered by â?¥MissMayâ?¥ 4 · 2 0

A Canadian Perspective: You forgot about the 1 billion in India.

They are on the US side.

But your point is moot. Whoever shoots first over Taiwan wins.

The American public will back a move where the US "wins" through a strategic first strike, but they have no appetite for long term engagements of any sort, no matter how just the cause.

If China goes in first, the US will treat it as some third world aggressor invading another (not true, but that is how it will play in the heartland) and let it slide.

So whoever goes first, wins.

None of the US allies are willing to send their sons and daughters to die for Taiwan. They can be counted on for other types of conflict, but not the one you are outlining.

Neither side is likely to do anything so blatant, as each of the US and China have too much invested in each other to get into a shooting war with each other.

the longer peace is maintained, the less likely open conflict will be. China has enough problems on its western borders with Islamic upheavel to invade Taiwan any time soon.

Good Question.

2006-10-03 12:36:14 · answer #5 · answered by aka DarthDad 5 · 1 0

I dispute your set of allies. I think you've got the US allies roughly right-- Israel wouldn't join in that and likely that the others may give logisticaly support at best.

Pakistan is an ally of the US at this point-- they wouldn't join with China. Nor would middle-east countries-- they don't even fight to deal with things in their own area, what makes you think they'd send people to asia?

I doubt Russia would join the fray-- China and the Ruskies were at odds with each other for years. And Russia has enough issues to deal with. I seriously doubt they would join in.

US would beat the crap out of China. But the problem on the economic front would extend way beyond trade-- China could put the squeeze on the US with all the debt (e.g. US Treasuries) they hold. Then they would flat out stop buying them.

We we would be awefully stupid to join in a conflict for Taiwan.

2006-10-03 11:04:32 · answer #6 · answered by dapixelator 6 · 5 0

I think this would be the start of World War III. However, to say which side would win is nearly impossible. It would probably be the Asian Allies because of China being the world's strongest military force. That combined with the fact that nearly all of these countries have nuclear weapons of mass destruction (although we do too, they're more likely to strike first) spells doom for the American and European powers. Whoever wins, however, will have just as much victory as whoever loses.

2006-10-03 11:25:30 · answer #7 · answered by Eli V 2 · 0 0

There wouldn't be a war between the US and China anytime soon, because it would be too costly - for China.

Over the last 15 years, Chineese financial institutions have underwritten over $300 Billion dollars of the 3 Trillion dollar US national debt, and a war would be devastating to those profits, or potentially even to the loan repayment.

Businessmen on both sides appreciate the bottom line enough to make sure that something trivial doesn't destroy profits.

2006-10-03 11:09:25 · answer #8 · answered by norcalirish 4 · 4 0

when wars happen economics of trade become moot. China's production would shift to the military. There would be nothing left over for sale to an enemy. The USA would be scrambling to get production ramped up again, and might not be able to get her population to sacrifice consumer goods for war purposes. the war would likely be fought through the areas that others are thinking would stay out of it. the oil resources of the middle east being a prize for both sides. One of them might decide to just Nuke the whole area to deny access to the other side. Who India sides with would be the determining factor. The soviets would likely side with USA to protect interests in oil in the northern middle east, but would likely wait until everybody else was basically exhausted before entering the conflict, just like the US did in the word wars. Europe would likely want to stay out but would also be drawn in by their interests in oil and the Mediterranean. I doubt that much of the war would happen in the Pacific Ocean, the subs would render that unusable.
Unless of course it went Nuclear and then it is totally wild.

2006-10-03 11:44:56 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

China would be a lot bigger problem than Iraq simply because it
does have some nuclear weapons capable of reaching the USA
but China's large land army is nothing more than a bunch of targets as were Iraq's large land army...Iraq had the 4th largest army in the world in 1990....
Russia, Pakistan and South Korea would NOT join China.
If Pakistan joined China, India would promptly attack Pakistan.
I believe the entirity of the NATO forces would come to the aid of the US and her supporters.....France could provide the wine & cheese...

2006-10-03 11:24:25 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Ok, im a UK citizen, just to clear up my allegance.

Now, to this idea of a War. I believe that soon, China will be able to economically dictate to the rest of the world, as America is doing now, because it is becoming the industrial heartland of the world. Im not saying thats good or bad, im just saying its rpetty inevitable.

Any war between these allied 'blocs' would inevitably go Nuclear. However, we must rememebr the my country, the UK, is part of the EU. If the EU decides to remain neutral and guard its own interests ,we may have a third dimension of European Nations allied in their own bloc, with Britain included.

2006-10-03 11:02:34 · answer #11 · answered by thomas p 5 · 3 1

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