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I live in the mountains in Arizona and Sat. my dog got his back paw pad cut really deep on some bob wire that someone left laying in the woods when we were out for our walk. He really bled a lot and the wound is quite large and deep. No Vets were open on Sat. because it's a small town. I'm told there is nothing you can do to repair a cut paw pad. My Vet prescribed an anti biotic to prevent infection. If this has happene to anyone else's pet can you tell me how long it took to heal? I wrap it during the day so he doesn't get dirt in it and at night when he is in I uncover it so it can dry and heal. He wants to go for a walk but I'm afraid he will start bleeding again. How long before he can take his morning walks in the woods? Also how long before the cut closes up? It's still wide open.

2006-10-03 10:06:55 · 7 answers · asked by MaChick 1 in Pets Dogs

7 answers

Your DVM told you exactly right. There's just no good way to suture footpads. It's a different type of tissue, and sutures don't hold well, no matter how we do it.

Studies have even been done that show trying to suture deep pad cuts (even with tension stents) does NOT improve healing quality or time over what you are doing now. There's no way to rush it. It's going to take a good 2-4 weeks, often toward 3 or 4, sometimes longer. And that's IF you keep him from walking on it. Every time he puts his weight down on it, it's going to cause the tissue to spread and partially undo any healing that has already taken place. Even with bandaging, walking is not recommended. I have had good success with taping the foot up in a certain way (don't try it yourself, or you can cut off his circulation) to keep him from putting his foot down....it will make him walk 3-legged for a time. Your DVM will know what I'm talking about. You can still leave the footpad unbandaged when he's in...and bandage it (loosely) when he goes out, just to keep the dirt and debris out.

Other than that, continue the antibiotics until it's GOOD and healed....and rinse it out as needed with warm water and/or betadine while it's open. The betadine often stimulates a good bed of granulation (healing) tissue to form.

I've seen many that were healing quite nicely due to the above....only to have them open back up and have to start all over again by letting the dog bear weight too soon on that foot. I know he'll pout about missing his daily time in the woods (I'm heading out there right now myself, in fact)...but you just have to entertain him another way for awhile. Give him a good ear rub for me...and tell him I understand.

Good luck! Sounds like you're on the right track. :-)

2006-10-03 10:37:08 · answer #1 · answered by A Veterinarian 4 · 4 0

Hiya Machick,
oh wow hun, i had this prob not so long ago, nasty, you will have to pad and bind the pad with lint free cotton wool, and elastic plaster, only let him go pee on a lead, you will have to leave him home allot, keep an eye on the dressing if okay change it on 3-4 intervals, dont clean it if it dosent need it, you'll open the wound, keep up with the antibiotics, dont let him run around, keep him in a pet cage if you have to, it will take a good 10-14 days for the cut to star closing, but best advice, try and get him to a vet.. :-)

2006-10-03 10:24:34 · answer #2 · answered by spiritxx 2 · 0 0

Don't know how long it will take. You might want to invest in some EMT gel for your doggy first aid kit. It works like a glue to keep the wound closed until you can see a vet. My lab torn a piece of her pad off and it bled profusely. We wrapped it up after some EMT gel, and she was fine the next morning to walk on it...good thing as she was in a dog show that day.

2006-10-03 10:09:44 · answer #3 · answered by jkc92618 5 · 1 0

Depending on how deep it is, it could take 12-14 days. as your vet did not stitch it up, his walking on it is going to keep it open. It will have to heal from the inside out. that takes awhile. I would not be taking him for walks for at least 2 weeks. after 2 weeks, if it is not completely closed, I would still wrap it before any long walks.

2006-10-03 10:18:10 · answer #4 · answered by susan w 3 · 0 0

My doberman lab mix cut her pad open. They stitched her up although she tore the bandage off and ripped out her stitches that same night. We had to take her back the next day to be restitched. She then had to waer those head collars.

From what I remember she had her stitches in for about 10 days and then we treated her normal after that.

I think you may have to confer with another vet as I've never heard of one that said that there is nothing to do for a cut pad if it is as deep and as wide as you state it is.

2006-10-03 10:24:19 · answer #5 · answered by msnite1969 5 · 0 2

Well this is what I call an emergency. I if there isn't any vets on sat. try on mon. or tue. or for right now wash it and wrap a clean cloth around your dog's paw pad

2006-10-03 12:11:24 · answer #6 · answered by Kevin 3 · 1 2

One of my cats did that a few years ago. You need to take him to a vet before it gets infected. Don't wait.

2006-10-03 10:10:23 · answer #7 · answered by Redhead 2 · 0 0

I'd think about a week and it'll heal over may take two....depends on the activity of the dog and how much licking it does, keeping it " clean "

2006-10-03 10:12:23 · answer #8 · answered by sred 4 · 0 1

get him to the vet so it doesnt get infected. that would suck. make sure ydont walk him . let him play on the grass to some of his energy. and dont rough house with him it could reopen the cut. good luck :)

2006-10-03 10:14:21 · answer #9 · answered by biff 2 · 0 0

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