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These are the two religions that destroyed a number of encient cultures in the world. Yet they (at least Christianity) say that whatever God made is divine! Would these religions look very beautiful had they been restricted in and around their place of birth?

2006-10-03 09:41:53 · 24 answers · asked by Yinglen J 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

24 answers

Jesus Christ has an Everlasting Kingdom that will destroy the false religions. Jesus Christ is LORD.

2006-10-03 09:46:08 · answer #1 · answered by t_a_m_i_l 6 · 0 3

Excellent ! Bravo! Even I sometimes think like that. In fact Christianity and Islam are the only two religions which believe that conversion to their religion is the only way to reach god. They regard all others as "pagans". The sole aim of the POPE is the "CHRISTIANISATION" of the world. They ( so-called(sic) missionaries) have already destroyed the indegenous cultures of both the americas. they are now hellbent on destroying the asian cultures. Just see www. joshuaproject.net.The Spaniards said to the last Inca Ruler Athahualpa that if he cares for his life then he better (sic) CONVERT to christianity. Even when he converted under pressure they mercilessly KILLED him. Is this the reward for converting to christianity? Islam is no better. In fact what the (pervert) missionaries do indirectly the islamists do directly. Saudi Arabia asks for the religious affiliation of people entering its borders.The status of minorities in Islamic Countries is, well the less said the better. Many of them are converted to Islam against their wish. But the so-called :"Secular" media doesn't report it at all. St.Paul was the first corrupter of the christian Faith- Thomas Jefferson. Had christianity and Islam been restricted to their places of birth then our world would have been the best place to live . May god give brains to these fundamentalists.

2006-10-05 03:02:21 · answer #2 · answered by geoff 2 · 0 0

That's impossible for these reasons:
1.If those religions were not true and more convincing to people they would never have been spread this much.
2.Don't forget that the Muslims specially built a great civilization and returned the world back from the dark ages to technology and science..Muslims translated the old books of the Greek and Persians and invented many inventiones and discovered many things in all branches of science..and when the Europeans began translating what the Muslims left in Spain specially in Tulaitilah the beginning of the European scientific advancement started.
3.The Romans and Persians were responsible for destroying the ancient civilizations not the Christians and Muslims...I'll talk about Muslims who are my side..Muslims gave freedom to the people of the new terretories they conquered to join Islam or not..and they set them free from the Romans and the Persians..
4.The wars between Christians and Islam in the name of religion was responsible in killing many innocents but the war in the name of race like in WWII killed hunderds of folds more than those wars..look in Borondi in Africa when the Huto and Tutsi started their racial war..look in Yoguslavia...it was about Racism..the Japanese and the Koreans and Chinese..no Christians or Muslims here but millions of lives lost.

My conclusion that whenever there is greed and intolerance..and if you add racism there will be a disaster whatever the religion or belief present.

2006-10-03 17:07:28 · answer #3 · answered by mido 4 · 1 0

This world would have been a better place to live in.

Europeans spread Christianity only for political domination. They didn't want the ugly Africans and dark Asians to dine and travel with. Then would they be happy to say Hallelujah together in the Heaven?

Muslims say Islam means peace. And that is what they don't want at all! From the sand piles in Morocco to the evergreen forests of Papua New Guinea, and from Norway- the land of the midnight sun- to the beautiful hillocks in South Africa, they are in conflict with someone or another. If they don't have an enemy as a Christian or Hindu or Jew, they will surely find someone from within! So when Sunnis and Shias hunt the heads, it is none of your business to meddle with. This is our way, because Islam means peace!

My neighbour still weeps for his daughter who passed away 17 years back.
I weep for the Egyptian, Mayan, Persian and many other civilisations that met immature death.

2006-10-04 16:10:15 · answer #4 · answered by Baby 4 · 0 0

The religions have not destroyed any cultures. Some of the followers of these religions are misguided and in their zeal to defend their own faith have destroyed some parts of these cultures. But this has nothing to do with the religion itself. As believers in a religion we believe we have a duty to spread that religion. As a believer in Islam I want my friends and neighbors to find the same peace that I get from my belief's. The problem is that some people do not respect the rights of others. But i do not think that any group of people can entirely destroy a culture of another religion.

2006-10-03 17:43:19 · answer #5 · answered by brendagho 4 · 0 0

Marx had it partially right on his position about religion....but then again, how many atrocities have been committed in the name of communism and capitalism?

If one truly believe in a higher power, then would have to be naive to think that his higher power only designed one way to worship him...moreover, what would a divine power get out of being worshiped? He (or She, or It for that matter) you would think would be above that no?

My take on it is that one should believe in anyone or anything they want to believe in - as long as it meets two conditions:

1. That it is a direct connection - no organized practice, rituals, ..etc. If you believe in G-D, then your connection is direct with him. If He can create the world, the stars, the universe in 7 days - I think he can Handle listing to each one of individually at the same time.

2. That it governs you in a moral manner and espouses the Live and Let Live philosophy.
Alas, human nature is one that will not allow Utopia to be reached - as long as we have wants and needs, and needs driven by wants.

Let me throw something out there - all these wars in the name of one deity/ideology or another - is it really religion, or real estate?

2006-10-03 17:04:21 · answer #6 · answered by W 3 · 0 0

Firstly, those two religions are uncomparable in doctrine. They shouldn't even be put in the same sentance. But if you're talking about Christianity and Islam as organized, government-forced religions alone, the world might be better off without them.

True Christianity is a relationship with God, and shouldn't be characterized by the people who have used the name of "Christian" but have gone against what Jesus Christ taught (peace, love, forgiveness, etc). Without Christians ("little Christs") the world would be a very unfortunate place to live in.

2006-10-03 16:50:36 · answer #7 · answered by kate 3 · 0 2

The answer is the Sanatana (Ever lasting, always prevailing) Hindu way of life. Here no conversion sort of thing is there. We consider all people taken birth as Hindus. So no question of conversion, so no quarrel of religious disputes. The main disputes canme when muslims tried to impose their islam by sword, either convert or die, else Hindus never tried to convert anyone in the world to Hinduism, nir given any bribe or prizes to come to hinduism; they just preached the way to God, the eternal peace, & people simply tried to follow, like Radha Krishna society (ISCKON), etc. We not even called those people as converted to Hinduism, whostarted following it. As they were Hindus only.
Rest all religions are designed by man only.
Hinduism is prevailed as a default by Eeshwara, the God Himself.

2006-10-05 03:35:24 · answer #8 · answered by Ashish B 4 · 0 0

May . but there is a very important serious thing to be concerned and to worryaboutr for boththe chritians and muslims . they are not going to e sure wher they will be at the second comming of the jesu and the Day of judgement .Both the religons have said that on an appointed day what even the prophets who made the religons themseles did not know , Allah would send his angels to raise all the dead from the graves (both believers and on-believers)( may be they would bring the souls that already departed from these bodies that were buried on death and kept in some freezer elsewhere as they could not have been consigned either to hell or heaven even before the judgement day) and all thiose who are living at that time and take to somewhre before the god to e ordered to be sent to heaven or hell as the case may be on the bases if the FIR(first Inifrmation Report - a case diary maintained by Allah . similarly chritianity also says that all those buriied and those who are living at that time would be taken by jesus hiself directly and kepot in the mid air to be decided and ordered to be sent to heaven of heall as the case may be . now th epoin ti whether who will come forstand gather all to be judged and if the two com on diferent dates the one that comes second will have none to take to the court to be charged as he will find all the graves (christain graves or muslim graves of Hindu graves ) all empty . It is not known whether both of the come on the same day and if so will there be a war between the two as both have said that all those buried ( irrespective of whether he is a christian or a muslim or hindu or any other religion- because any man belonging to any realigon other than the one to which the angel of Allah or Jesus crhist comes )will be taken away. Or how the persons will be apportioned between the two as both of them are not going to spare the souls that do not belong to their respective religions . would they be splitting all the persons into two and share them or will they both wage a war to take possesion of all the souls to fill all the vacancies in thier respectie hells and heavens,
Any whow we may anticipate one thing . the Islamic angels will be fiery and will surely wage a war as the prophet in his qurain relies more on sword tan any thing ans seems to e very firery in character . For sutnately one set of hindus will escape fromt the clutches of both Chritianity and islam as they are creamarted and burne to ashes and the ases also disolved in the rivers and seas . so the angels of Islams and Jesu both being grave -diggers would not get them .May be the Hindus have with their wonderful intelligence has contrived a special method of escaping from the grave -diggers even a long time before the birth of the grave-diggers.
All is said and done there would have been no prospect of peace inthe world wherever , these two religons would have been confined asit is in the nature of thier blood to poke their nose into other's affairs as per their respective dogmas and this nature would never be condusive to peace and amity among the humans whether they are here in this world or elsewehre in heaven or hell. even in hell they won't be peaceful .or peace to remain anywhere . How can there be peace if some members of the society continue to interfere with the other as if it is their birth right to interfere with the others as dictated by their respective religious doctrines . Just as we keep the solicitors and
canvassers out of oru residences , we have to keep them out of their living laces by law .if the humans are tolive in peace . Sooner or later such a situation will be created by these two religons . In the entire world , it is these two religons that seem to be responsible for disturbance of peace among the human socities today. if they mind their won business without interfering with others , the entire world can be at peace .That is the onlyway for peace in the world .

2006-10-03 17:43:49 · answer #9 · answered by Infinity 7 · 0 0

Human beings are not that intelligent.

Of course, if we're talking the WORLD, then the animal kingdom manages very well without these nonsensical ideas. We're only a small part of creation

2006-10-03 16:51:15 · answer #10 · answered by Bad Liberal 7 · 0 0

The sooner humanity kicks off the shackles of religion the better. What a horrible devisive mechanism for breeding human misery.

2006-10-03 16:44:17 · answer #11 · answered by Bran McMuffin 5 · 2 1

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