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i just watched kingdom of heaven and ... it says all the mulems where merdered in the town of bethlyhem durring one of the crusades isent this the conversion by the sword the pop should be talking about besides the mohamidian words ?

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2006-10-03 09:26:30 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

Christians and Muslims each killed each other in the Crusades.

Christians have grown out of it!


2006-10-03 09:28:20 · answer #1 · answered by C 7 · 3 2

The Crusades was a war started by Muslims by, as usual invading lands which did not belong to them, in the name of Islam.
If Muslims killed in a war are considered murdered, then all the Christians killed by Muslims in the Crusades were also murdered.

Read the Injil (Gospel), you will see that Jesus really did stand for Peace.
Also read the life of Muhammad, and then tell us whether you think beheading all 900 men from the Jewish Qurayzah clan and selling their wives and children into slavery in the name of Islam
is an example of a peaceful religion?

Just look at the root of the religions, look at the original role models, and you will know where each respective religion is coming from, regardless of what people have done since in their name, and regardless of what people like the Christianaphobic JT says on Yahoo Answers.

2006-10-03 10:23:02 · answer #2 · answered by A.M.D.G 6 · 1 1

Firstly, yes, I am Muslim and proud of that fact - I chose this religion (the only one accepted and prescribed by the Creator) after reviewing different philosophies over many years...

My mother is Chritian and my father is Muslim. Prejudice succumbed?

The crusades were not initiated by Muslims converting people by the sword. That is an obvious myth for people of even minimal understanding. The crusades were an instrument, decided by the ruling Christian parties - statesmen and clergy - to wipe out an ever-increasing Muslim following (read: Threat).

Countless people were viciously and mercilessly killed by the mercenary forces fighting on behalf of the Christian church. These included Christian as well as Muslim victims and unbelieving innocents as well caught in the middle of the fighting.

The Knight's Templar were established and cemented in this time who profited in the extreme from these raids and skirmishes.

In conclusion read about Andaluscia.

The Muslim forces moved through this area spreading the universal truth of Islam. The citizens who did not agree were treated under the best hospitable means and lived in peace, Christian or not, under Islamic rule. No comparitive Christian mass-murders for not converting/reverting.

These cities then underwent Renaissance-like times and the advances made in every facet reached its zenith. An isolated example? I think not...there are many others.

Ignorance breeds ignorance - tools of Iblis.


2006-10-10 23:16:46 · answer #3 · answered by akashan 2 · 0 1

A brief story of the crusades

Muslims started the crusades by invading Christian lands and trying to convert them by the sword.

Christians repelled this attempt and continued to kick their asses all the way back to Jerusalem before they were finally repelled back to Christian lands.

The matter ended in a stalemate.

In conclusion. Crusades were fought over land not God. Open a history book.

2006-10-03 09:33:27 · answer #4 · answered by Josh 4 · 3 0

Most non-Muslims have not studied Islam. But then again many Muslims don’t live by the basics of Mohamed’s teachings. Here are some excerpts about Muslim basics:

“Islam, The Religion Of Peace”
The model world, according to Islam, is a world of peace. Islam in itself means a religion of peace.

There are many verses in the holy Quran and hadith, which emphasise on compassion. For instance, the Prophet said: "O people, be compassionate to others so that you may be granted compassion by God."

Once a person came to the Prophet and asked him, "O Prophet, give me an advice by which I may be able to manage all the affairs of my life." The Prophet replied: "Don't be angry. Even if people provoke you, don't lose temper and forgive those who make you angry. Adopt forgiveness as your behaviour."

One of the hardest things to follow for us imperfect humans is to willingly think and act with compassion and forgiveness towards the “other”. Yet it has been taught by a number of “religions” including Islam.

But the concept appears to us as “not logical”, “impractical” or “unrealistic”. So we find excuses or make “interpretations” or pick more “logical” parts from our holy books to “justify” our actions, and forget about the basic truth.

That’s why we have Jihad and why we had “holy wars” and why we are still condemning and fighting “the others” (infidels or whatever!). That’s also why we have various fractions of Muslims or Christians or Jews or Buddhists etc., though they ALL teach the wisdom of compassion and forgiveness.

Just imagine! If all humans would willingly (not because they have been told) act out of compassion and forgiveness toward the "others" there truly would be peace on Earth! - No, I'm not perfect either!

"If any show patience and forgive, that truly would would be an exercise of courageous will and resolution in the conduct of affairs." Qur'an: Sura 42:43 (Counsel)

2006-10-03 09:40:27 · answer #5 · answered by fresch2 4 · 0 2

Both sides killed in the name of God. The conflict was about the Holy City. The Muslims thought that it belonged to them. The Chrisians thought that heathens (the muslims) were polluting it.

It was in a time when illiteracy was rampant, and people took the words of their leaders as gospel. There were honorable people on both sides. People have blown it up today to be this great war of oppression and hatred, when in fact, it was a conflict between a few leaders who were brainwashing their simple populus to follow them into battle.

Get over it, it happened centuries ago, life goes on. No apologizing needs to be done to anyone, no retribution needs to be carried out.

Hope this helps.


2006-10-03 09:36:27 · answer #6 · answered by Reasoner 2 · 2 0

Many crusader orders killed and pillaged christians throughout. There are many accounts of christian nations not wanting crusader armies to pass through their lands out of fear of pillaging.

Some orders were disolved and declared heretics even. The Knights Templar for example.

edit: what Josh is referring to are the attacks against the Byzantine Empire, in response to which a crusade was mustered inorder to repell the attackers. Or so i've heard, i haven't looked into this as both sides claim the other one started it.

2006-10-03 09:35:01 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The Crusades started only because Christian pilgrims were being robbed and murdered by muslims.
The Crusaders were simple European noblemen who volunteered a their own expense to protect the pilgrims, often at the cost of their own lives.
Since when has Hollywood become the source of correct knowledge?

2006-10-04 05:01:08 · answer #8 · answered by lordofthetarot 3 · 1 0

Anyone who takes anothers life is NOT a Christian, even if they claim to do it in the name of Christianity - surely that's not hard to figure out!!

2006-10-05 12:47:02 · answer #9 · answered by Hols loves Jesus (o: 2 · 0 0

Yes, our ancestors a thousand years ago were barbarians.
We now have religious freedom.
Why haven't Muslims likewise progressed?

2006-10-03 09:35:15 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

First please review history....the crusades started with a muslim invasion of Europe.
The pope was giving a scholarly dissertation and quoting from Christian and Islamic writings and scholars. Because most people can't truly understand the concepts in the dissertation they misunderstood and took offence.

2006-10-03 09:32:37 · answer #11 · answered by Robert b 4 · 3 2

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