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I am looking for one, and if any one has one, I need one.

2006-10-03 09:26:29 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Dogs

I don't need one because I want to be cool. Infact, I'd be considered mental. I "need" one because I live in Alaska and I need a good guard dog. I could trap one, which wouldn't be hard and it wouldn't be illegal(there are no cops, every one works together. They shoot your tires if you go to fast) where I am. But I decided, instead of "ripping" it from it's family I would gt one that didn't know it's family so I could be it'd family. My aunty is a trained dog trainer, and I have had to many dogs to count. I need a good bear dog. My sister was almost killed, and it got my cat. Does that answer your question? I don't want to be killed! Is that a good enough reason?

2006-10-03 10:33:29 · update #1

I'm a she. Pink Flower? What type of dog do you suggest for gurdianship, then? Any one?

2006-10-03 11:32:01 · update #2

Look, that is the way of the woods. The dogs are trained from birth that they have to protect whoever is with them from bears.
Kids can't handle guns. Seeing a black bear on your way to school is an every day experience for the kids. You don't want to take chances. I'm sorry, but people have been using dogs for protection like that in Alaska before your great-great-grandma was born. I love my dog that I have now, and he has saved my life! I don't want to endanger him anymore so I thought I would get something that the bears rather woudn't mess with. A WOLF!!!! They have experience with the bears, and would have a higher percentage of survival then a normal dog. Wolfs don't mess wit bears? Grizzlies tend to be by them selves until mating, and they don't stay together. The only a wolf can't stand up to is a mama bear of ANY breed. A male bear would probably think that a lone wolf is a scout going through the pack's territory. I've never seen anything go so fast as a high-tailing grizly!

2006-10-04 06:12:06 · update #3

20 answers

Owning a wolf hybrid is illegal in most states. Owning an actual wolf is illegal anywhere without the proper wildlife handling permits.

See, there's a reason we have domestic dogs -- wolves are not pets. They are not predictable, and they do not belong in human society. Dragging one out of the wild and forcing it to live in your backyard is not only cruel, it's small-minded and pointless.

Wolves belong in the wild. Hybrids are, IMO, sad bastardizations of wolves, and don't belong in either world -- society or wilderness.

You aren't going to find anyone with a 100% pure wolf puppy, unless they killed its parents and ripped it from the den -- in which case they're poachers and felons. The closest you'll find is a hybrid, usually of dubious ancestry, and once again you'll be forcing an animal into society that does not belong here.

Please consider getting a dog. If you look at a Malamute or a Siberian, read up on them BEFORE you buy. They aren't breeds for everyone.

** ADDED: There are plenty of breeds that were developed to protect against predators, including bears. Consider a livestock guardian breed, such as a Pyrenees or Maremma. You could even consider a Karelian Bear Dog, although they are harder to find. All of these dogs have the size and courage to deal with predators, and the coat to deal with the climate.

2006-10-03 09:44:16 · answer #1 · answered by Loki Wolfchild 7 · 1 1

a pure bred wolf is absoulutly illeagle in every state,you can however own a hybrid.hybrids are often mixed with malmute,siberian huskies or german shepards.every state has different laws on the percentage allowed of if they are allowed at all. when i had miine in viginia the limit was 95 percent wolf mine was only 85 percent. i would strongly reccomend checking your local and state laws first. i would also reccomend picking a smaller dog you can control. wolf hybrids weigh around 110-120 and are very very strong. it took everything i had to control mine until they was trained. back then i weighed as much as an adult woman but stronger due to football.
hybid wolves are extremely clever more so than any reconized breed. they are pretty easily trained and do not back down from them,they will use your fear against you. we are talking about a dog that has to be able to pick the strong from the weak animals to feed upon.if a hybrid detects that you are weak even though you are considered part of the pack you will not be consedered the alpha.the hybrid will be the apha and he/she will try to control you.
hybrids are defenatly not a dog that a novice should have,why did i have 2 then at such a young age.dad brought them home and he knows how to train dogs and show them who the "alpha " is. without him i could not ,no way,no how done it.

if you need protection from bears i suggest you learn how to shoot a rifle and buy one. As i said wolves are very clever,clever enough not to tangle with an alaskan brown bear.if you want a reccomendatition on a rifle talk to people in your area,i know what works on black bears but not those monsters up there. no dog in their righ mind will mess with a brown bear no matter the breed.and im actually quite upset that you would put another living creature in harms way to save you.

but if you catch a wild wolf you will be putting your life in danger.if you catch an adult instead of a cub your dead,if you catch a cub as soon as it yelps the pack shows up your dead,if you manage to caatch a cub AND get hit home it will grow up and turn on you and your dead. and if the government finds out well you will be alive...but in prison,
how old are you? i was very familiar,handled and used firearms since i was 8. if seeing bears is an everyday thing maybe you shoul be bused to school or have parents take you. if your an adult maybe you should consider moving out of alaska.
brow bears will see a human with a wolf and know something is not right and if it is a mother and she feels her cubs are threatened forget it you will be dead as well as the wolf. if your a kid you wont be able to handle the wolf at all you are to small and weak to hold it back. if you have biology ask your teacher wht they think. I am just discusted that you would take an animal from the wild away from its family and freedom to put its life on the line.how would you feel if someone took you and put you on a leash to protect them from bears instead of being at home with your family.

2006-10-03 12:26:14 · answer #2 · answered by cuervo25_1 3 · 1 0

It's against the law unless you first obtain the proper permits and training. Your local game warden can give yout the details of how to go about that. If you obtain one and keep one illegally (without the proper permits), you'll be subject to ENORMOUS fines and/or jail time.

Why do you 'need' one?

(Btw....there is no approved rabies vaccine for use in wolves.)

***Edit*** To Gigglebuns, re: "did anyone read this thoroughly?"....um, if you look at the timestamps, you'll see that all of the answers before yours were made BEFORE the asker added the additional details.

To the asker: What you need isn't a wolf, then. You need a Malamute, a Husky, or a Great Pyrenees. Something along those lines. But if you're set on a wolf, get in touch with your local or state game warden for how to go about that. I wouldn't count on anything short of a gun to protect you from a determined bear, however. Sorry to hear about your kitty. :-(
But I'm glad your sister is alright.

2006-10-03 09:39:46 · answer #3 · answered by A Veterinarian 4 · 0 1

i would like to know why you would want a wolf puppy. do you have kids? do you have any idea how hard it is to raise a wolf puppy. it will alway be wild no matter how much you train it. you will alway have to be alfa you can not leave it at a boarding place. so are you going to travel with it at all times. or are you one of those nuts that think it cute and it would be fun to have a wolf puppie. not put any work in it and then have to have it killed or find someone else to take you problem. or are you going to chain it up and then it gets mean and will bit or kill other dogs cats or kids. well what is it with you. have you ever had a dog? and no i dont think you can just buy a wolf puppie. and if you think i am made i am i love wild animals but i have a brain in my head that tells me that they are wild and i not trained to handle them. and i dont want other people to get hurt because i dont know what i am doing. but you just want something that different so you can show off and that makes me mad. you are the kind of people that make the wolf look bad because it does what come nature. grow up and get something you know something about that if you do mess up you will not hurt others because of it.

2006-10-03 09:38:47 · answer #4 · answered by jackie 4 · 2 1

1. You don't need one.

2. They are not domestic dogs.

3. It would be cruel for an person inexperienced with Wolves to get one.

4. You would need to make sure you have the propre licensing, permits, insurance, facility, enclosure, etc.

Why do you "need" a wolf? To show off? So people will think you are "cool?" A wolf is not for the inexperienced individual. Even people with plenty of "wolf" experience get hurt and killed.

2006-10-03 09:34:02 · answer #5 · answered by libertydogtraining 4 · 2 1

illegal in most places..you would have to research it to see if it is legal where you live which is very unlikely. These dogs can be very unpredictable and do not always make good pets. Why not get a husky or malamute...they look like wolves but are't. What are your reasons to want such a pet. Most people that want them, want them for the "cool" factor..which is NOT the right reason to have these dogs. Many of them end up in living their lives out in rehab facilities after owners decide it is not the right pet for them, or they are confiscated because people own them illegally. A rehab near me here in California has about 50 of these such dogs. Do your research before you obtain this dog....please.

2006-10-03 09:35:14 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

did anyone read this thoroughly? he "needs" one for "protection". besides that, wolves are not domesticated animals, bred for a particular purpose, such as "protection" or "guardianship", you should look into german shepard dogs or a bull breed. do some research, you can find the right kind of dog for the job. ofcourse, as a dog-lover, i wouldn't enourage a sort of training that would in anyway be cruel to any animal, but it is a dog's natural instinct to protect their home and master. a wolf, not being an animal acustom to being handled by humans-nor should they be- would most likely not be a good choice for a "job" like that. i would see them as being kept as an exotic pet instead of a working animal.

2006-10-03 10:55:34 · answer #7 · answered by gigglebunny_54 1 · 0 2

In some states it is legal with the proper permits. But why get one? It's cruel to an animal that does not belong in captivity, and they are EXTREMELY hard work. And if you get a dog instead, get a rescue, as so many puppy's are bred, and then unwanted!!!

2006-10-03 10:03:26 · answer #8 · answered by gemma_trusty 2 · 0 1

you have to have a permit to own a wolf, sorry but they really do not make good pets, they have been known to turn on there owners and other people, it's in there nature to be WILD. I would really consider a nice bread of dog.

2006-10-03 09:35:43 · answer #9 · answered by shishkabob 3 · 1 1

I've had wolf dogs...they're wonderful!
But they're not dogs and the behavior is different.
They have a stronger prey drive and children can be bitten if they act like prey.
Get a husky puppy.
I rescue wolf dogs.
MOST people cannot handle them and so many have to be euthanized.

2006-10-03 09:42:26 · answer #10 · answered by ? 3 · 0 2

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