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11 answers

Are you crazy??!!!

What if your girlfriend gets very sick during pregnancy or suffers from an ongoing health problem after childbirth? Side effects of pregnancy could be as benign as kidney stones, or uncontrollable drooling, or worse, Bell's Palsy, diabetes, stroke and hemorrhage. Can you take care of all the baby's needs by yourself and work for a decent living if something happens to your girlfriend? What if something happens to you?

Are you ready to have a mature conversation with your child's teacher/guidance/counselor principal about their behavior? Will a teacher/principal fully respect you and help even when they see how young (and probably dumb) you are?

Can you correctly diagnose a cold from pneumonia or the stomach flu from food poisoning and know when to go the pediatrician versus the ER? CAN YOU PAY FOR IT? Will a doctor fully respect you and help even when they see how young (and probably dumb) you are? Do you know how to choose a good doctor and health insurance plan in the first place?

Do you as a 17-year-old have choices of various health insurance policies through your employer? How much is deducted from your paycheck for it?

Who is going to take care of your child when you're at work? How much does that cost? Do you know how to judge a clean daycare center? What if someone bullies our child; can you deal with that maturely? Who can pick up your child after school? What about if they need to be picked up early? Have you thought of afterschool programs for your chilld? Can you afford that?

Will you have time to read to your child, teach them the multiplication tables, spot their strengths and weaknesses before the authorities do? Can you be a credible advocate when approaching authorities to get your child tutoring help, occupational therapy or more advanced work in school if they actually turn out to be smart?

What will your child think of you being so young (and probably dumb) to have them at such a young age? What will they lack that their friends with older parents have in abundance?

Have you started to save for your child's college education?

Are you ready to cease to have a social life? No going out whenever you feel like it? Can you afford both a babysitter and a night on the town? Do your friends really want to hear you talk about your child all the time? And, if you don't talk about the kid all the time, then what is wrong with you?

Do you live in a safe, clean home that you can pay for every month, on time? How do you test for lead paint? To whom do you complain about it? Do you know how to make a balanced meal?

What happens when you're 26 and meet another woman? Do you think she wants to see your child from a previous relationship every weekend? What if your current girlfriend doesn't like your new girlfriend? Will you trust the future boyfriend of your current-girlfriend? Is he treating your little girl or boy respectfully? What if he doesn't like the idea of someone else's kids around him? Can you raise your kids by yourself?

Ultimately, do you have a will? Do you know how to get a will drawn if you don't have one already? The attorney you used to close on the home you purchased for your new family could refer you to one... wait, do you live with your parents or in a dorm? Heaven help your child if you live in a trailer...

What if something happens to you now? Does your will state a guardian for your child? Does your life insurance cover your burial, or, heaven-forfend, your child's burial?

WHAT IF YOU HAVE TWINS! Multiples are occurring more and more nowadays...

Think about these questions and discuss with your girlfriend before answering them truthfully. NO SEVENTEEN YEAR OLD SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO GIVE BIRTH. I don't care if you're the trailer park queen or Paris Hilton. Pregnancy and childbirth is a natural thing, but so are strokes and heart attacks. All can have medical and psychological complications.

You are only 7 years away from being a ten year-old! Take more time to experience life without being tied down! Get a great job, turn it into a lucrative career. Live longer so that you have some stories to tell your child. Thirty is the new twenty, meaning that people in their early twenties are still teenagers and should be exploring their futures without being held back.

Get a puppy.

2006-10-03 10:29:17 · answer #1 · answered by ERNIE 2 · 1 0

if your smart you will think long and hard. Having babies is a responsibility that even the most prepared people have trouble with. In a lifetime of a child you spend over a million dollars raising the child. you need to have good steady jobs most likely both of you and usually work opposite shifts to save on daycare because it is so expensive these days. I had my first at 18 and my second at 21 and have struggled to provide for them for years. Having a child is a sacrifice and those name brand clothes you buy for yourself go out the window to pay for diapers formula and other baby needs and as they grow their expenses get to be more and more. I'm not saying it isn't possible but know what you are truly getting into before you take that leap. You also need to consider how stable you and your girlfriend are. Do you know that you are going to stay together forever etc. raising children later if you separate is rough on you and them. weigh your options do lots of research and make sure this is the best decision for you. Good luck.

2006-10-03 09:25:37 · answer #2 · answered by njredgrl32 2 · 0 0

That is great if you want to think about the future and all, but first off, before you start thinking about having babies, you need to think about how you will support one. Graduate high school, go to college, get a good job, get married, and then think about having babies.

Babies are a wonderful thing and I think it is awesome that you and your girlfriend want to have them. I wish my wife and I were able to have children; we would probably have 3 or 4. The most important thing is that you are willing to committ your whole being to that child. Don't just have babies to have babies. Know that you are willing to be completely in that babies life. That baby is completely dependent on you.

So whether or not you decide to have children early or wait, remember that having babies is a big responsibility and should not be taken lightly. Take your time in making this decision as it will affect you for the rest of your life.

2006-10-03 09:25:02 · answer #3 · answered by jjodom1010 3 · 0 0

Before you start thinking about having children, ask yourself one very important question: Can you support yourself and your girlfriend on your income alone and still have enough to support a baby on top of that? I can practically guarantee you the answer to that question is "no," so step back a second and realize what you're getting yourself into here. Once your girlfriend gets pregnant it's not like you can take the baby back if you decide you don't want it or can't deal with it. You're talking about being responsible for another human being FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. Do yourself a favor: Go to college or trade school and get a degree or learn a marketable skill before you think about having children. If you don't, you'll spend the first ten years of that child's life being broke and miserable. You have plenty of time to have children -- don't be so anxious to go down that road.

2006-10-03 09:18:20 · answer #4 · answered by sarge927 7 · 1 0

No way! It was hard enough for me to have a child at 19 (pregnant at 18)! I'm 25 now, and I just barely got a little freedom because my son is in first grade now. Get some education under your belt, and some money saved, and a wedding date, and THEN I would think about having kids. It's great that you want to have a family though. Alot of guys want to stay away from that responsibility. It's better to wait at least 3 more years til you're almost done with college, or done already. That way you will be able to financially support a child. Hope this helps!

2006-10-03 09:19:43 · answer #5 · answered by Caelan's mom 3 · 1 0

No, wait until the both of you have finished your educations and have decent jobs. Not only do you need to be able to support yourself and your baby, you need the emotional maturity that a few more years will bring.

2006-10-03 09:22:10 · answer #6 · answered by mockingbird 7 · 0 0

No wait until you are out of school and have a steady job, income, place to live, married and in love!!!! You still have a lot of growing up to do. Do not rush having kids. You need to be able to support them and be dependable!!! Why are kids wanting to have babies and ruin that child's life??? I do not understand it!!!

2006-10-03 09:16:12 · answer #7 · answered by housewives5 4 · 1 0

Sounds like someone needs to take home a baby think it over. Take one of those computerized dolls home for two days and you won't want a kid anytime soon.

2006-10-03 09:17:46 · answer #8 · answered by rochelle s 3 · 1 0

WAit a few years. Don't make anymore welfare babies. There are already far too many of those around

2006-10-03 09:14:29 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

NO WAY!!! Too young!! Enjoy your youth. Wait til your twenties, travel, experience life, make mistakes, learn about yourself, and most of all........too young!!!!!!!!

this has been a paid advertisment by me

2006-10-03 09:16:14 · answer #10 · answered by charlemagne85 2 · 0 0

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