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Im working on a school project and i need to come up with something to fix a problem, well i dont have a problem.... What worries you the most (injuries, hazards, inconviences, etc.)

2006-10-03 08:47:35 · 30 answers · asked by lilschneggie 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

30 answers

Mostly I worry about health, sickness, injury etc!

2006-10-03 08:49:29 · answer #1 · answered by sarkyastic31 4 · 0 1

I worry about whether or not they listen to my advice. If they listen then I know their chances of avoiding injuries or illness and being successfull are good. Although things still do happen no matter how careful or smart you are. Considering that, I am probably most concerned about injuries because I don't want anything to happen to them or for them to be in pain. Inconviences or other dilemmas are a normal part of life and an important part of growing up and I just hope they will listen to some of what I say so they won't have to learn everything the hard way.

2006-10-03 16:17:42 · answer #2 · answered by ColeBaby 2 · 0 0

To be honest everything worries you when you are a parent. My thing that worries me at the moment is giving my 11 year old enough space to spread his wings (only a little bit). I know I sound like an over bearing mother but I can't help it. He went round his friends house the other day and I let him walk there on his own, but all the time he was walking there, I spoke to him on his mobile. I just think if I'm not with him, some person could take him away (and I feel sick at the thought). I am here to protect him from harm.

There is so many other things as well, nutrition, education, health the list goes on and on. I've been told by my mum that you never stop worrying about your kids you then have grandchildren to worry about to.

2006-10-03 16:05:41 · answer #3 · answered by deebee 2 · 0 0

The thing that I worry about the most with my child is how do people treat her while she's in their care? Does she eat well? Is she changed when she needs to be? I wish I had a small camera to attach to her to record her every move so that I can see for myself how people treat her and I guess how she gets along with out me during the day. She just turned two and she is making out words but not well enough to tell me what people do to her during the day and her attention span doesn't remember things like that until it's time to go back to that same place.

2006-10-03 16:02:25 · answer #4 · answered by im2cute4u 2 · 0 0

More that anything I have worried the most about S.I.D.S.
We've taken every precaution there is; no loose blankets, sleep on their backs, no smoking, no bottles or pacifiers in bed, no pillows or toys in bed with them. But I still freak out for a split second every night when I peek in on them. At first it always looks like they're not breathing. I feel that S.I.D.S. is a serious problem in this country and parents need to be better educated on prevention. I personally know two people that lost their newborns to S.I.D.S. No one ever told them not to put loose blankets in their babies crib.

2006-10-03 16:34:18 · answer #5 · answered by Lesley C 3 · 0 0

You worry about everything. I worry that she will get hurt or sick. I worry that I wont do a good job teaching her all that she needs to know to live a productive life. I worry that the school she will go to wont be the best. I worry about her turning out like one of these 15 year olds that are always on Yahoo questions asking if they could be pregnant...........

2006-10-03 15:57:23 · answer #6 · answered by sooz 3 · 0 0

Right now my youngest son is almost 4 months and I worry the most about SIDS. My other son is 3 1/2 and I worry that he won't be as smart or ready for school as we think he is.

2006-10-03 17:18:45 · answer #7 · answered by funrdhdpeach 4 · 0 0

Security... So many sickos out there you can't even take a young child to the store anymore without having to keep either a constant eye or a hand on them. I don't trust anyone to have my child out in a public area. Heck, I even find it difficult to trust the school teachers / helpers that they can keep her safe when she is in the school yard.

2006-10-03 16:14:11 · answer #8 · answered by mama_bears_den 4 · 0 0

For my son right now is about his friends and influences all around him and his education, he's 10 so that worries me to because he is getting older and unlike my two year old I just need to make sure she doesn't climb the toys to high.

2006-10-03 15:53:00 · answer #9 · answered by medevilqueen 4 · 0 0

What causes me a lot of concern when it comes to children is the divorce rate.These children have to go through seperation, divorce and custody. Then who knows what kind of step parent they might end up with. I think the innocence of theses children's childhood are being stolen by adults.

2006-10-03 15:57:30 · answer #10 · answered by honiebyrd 4 · 0 0

I worry about my daughter being hurt by someone we trust, I worry about her getting lost and never being able to see her again and I also worry whether or not I am giving her everything that she needs to become a well balanced adult. I think the last one worries me the most.

2006-10-03 15:50:13 · answer #11 · answered by blessedbytheluvofjah 2 · 0 1

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