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If we instituted the draft again we would have a phenomenal number of benefits. We would have so much more respect for the united states. I dont think you could find one World War 2 vet that would tell you that the US sucks. We would also be able to handle all of the enemies that we are getting. For all of you that dont think we should be fighting the war on terrorism, what do you think will happen the moment Osama Bin Laden gets some sort of nuclear missle? You think he is gonna have fun blowing up some hills in the dessert? I wonder who they are gonna blow up first? As you ponder that...this also goes for the most recent threat North Korea. They have said they are on the verge of nuclear war with America? If we dont do something about this problem I garantee we will be speaking korean soon! Now tell me one bad thing about the draft...also I'm 18 years old and signed up for selective services, and I support the draft.

2006-10-03 08:29:34 · 23 answers · asked by xXxSmartGuyxXx 3 in Politics & Government Military

can anyone give some supporting details why they disagree?

2006-10-03 08:33:19 · update #1

23 answers

I think we should return to the military draft. A person should be willing to give 2 yrs or so out of their life to protect their belief and way of life. There are also other benefits to having a draft.

#1 A person attending high school would have a decision to make immediately upon completion of high school.

A. Go into one of the military services (Learn a skill, discipline, responsibility without having to pay. Get three meals a day, free health care)

B. Enter and complete a 4 year degree. (Learn a professional skill, responsibility, discipline and responsibility)

C. Perform some national service like the Peace Corp Learn a skill, responsibility, discipline, language and other relationship skills with overseas experience)

Now they have no choice so they chose to do nothing except hang out on corners and get into trouble.

Believe it or not and most will complain about it but we want direction in our lives. There is none for the children of today.

If a person decide not to go to college but enter the military service of their choice for 2 years

A. They were 18-19 when they entered the military after 2 yrs they are more mature. They have a potential career or job from doing it in the military.

They have a GI bill to attend college after their term is up. They become educated and can fill many of the same jobs as those that went to college directly out of high school.

B. Those selecting college would be between the same age when they enter college but look at the knowledge the have picked up while there. We need these people because they eventually become your doctors,lawyers, scientist, and politicians. Even some of those that attend college might want to go into the military as officers because of the need for attorneys, doctors, and the specialized fields required.

No where are those that are on the street causing problems.

Though I am in favor of the draft I know that all are not cut out for the draft and should not be required to go as long as they attend college or the other choice. Standing on the street corner is not a choice.

Now for the biggie, we are not at war all the time so some of the time will be peace time. But let there be no mistake the military is to defend our country so it is not like, when the military is not in my best interest I will leave. I just wanted to get my GI bill, not the war that just started last week.

The draft is simply a choice that need to be implemented so we can have a work force, college graduates and others that take responsibility for their action. The draft offer these things.

Since you don't like the draft present your plan that offer the same
skills, discpline and responsibility. I am for any plan that give our youg people guidance, a chance to make something of themselves, get them off the streets and out of gangs with self respect and responsibility for family and others.

I hope this has been of some use to you, good luck.


2006-10-03 09:17:16 · answer #1 · answered by Skip 6 · 1 3

You realise that your question is sort of a double negative and thus saying you don't agree with a mandatory draft?

In other words you are saying
'We don't need a mandatory draft... who could disagree?'

Is that how you meant it to come across?


One question for you... An individuals right to choose?

Are you actually suggesting that we force people to put their lives on the line against the 'war on terror' in order to have more respect for the US? I mean is that really one of your arguments for conscription?

When you speak to these Vets why don't you ask them if all the death was worth the respect they now have for the US.

The reason we went into Iraq was because of WMDs and we are still waiting for those to materialise. Despite the common misconception nuclear missiles aren't that easy to come by or develop without someone noticing. I find it highly unlikely that Osama Bin Laden will have the opportunity to get his hands on them without someone noticing. If he seeks them out it is very likely to give him away.

Also for the record most countries don't announce they are thinking about war with a country. You think the Koreans got together and one guy says
"Hey everyone it's been a while since we had a war I think we should start one... What do you think?''
Then someone answers
''Sounds like a plan but we have that bake sale to organise first... Let's pencil it in for January 2007...Oh but to be fair to our opponants let's give them a heads up that we are 'on the verge'....''

Do you actually know how poor North Korea is? That combined with the cost of war.

Maybe you should read up on WW1 and see the impact a mandatory draft had on the young men of that time.

Fighting for something you believe in or even dieing for it is all very well but that CHOICE should never be made for you!

I also KNOW you don't want any real answers to this question. All you want is people who will agree with you to make you feel better about the view you have. I bet you didn't even read what I said fully before you gave me negative feedback. If you made a strong argument you might have had better results but your question was worded very badly to start with and the 'pros' were pathetic. I am glad you said you were 18 and an adult becuase I thought you were much younger.

Try to avoid the double negatives in future.

I also think you should stop taking things in without actually thinking about them... You obviously love listening to the panic merchants that are today's media but maybe put some common sense in there and form your own views! Read both sides properly and pay it some thought!

And as you ponder that... I'm gonna find someone who actually wants an answer and not validation.

2006-10-03 16:00:29 · answer #2 · answered by â?¥MissMayâ?¥ 4 · 1 2

A draft must be the absolute last option. A military of volunteers who WANT to be in uniform is always preferable to one in which a great many who serve don't want to be serving. The fact is there are no greater opponents to a draft than the Joint Chiefs of Staff. They remember Vietnam and the division caused by the draft. Again, a draft must never be ruled out but it must be the last option.
I salute you for signing up for Selective Service.

2006-10-03 15:48:54 · answer #3 · answered by Wayne H 3 · 3 0

If you have a war that needs to be fought, like WW2, then you don't need a draft. People will join the military because they believe in the war. The Vietnam war, which was the only time in US history where a large scale draft took place, was also a very unpopular war. So I think there shouldn't be a draft, in order to keep the government from fighting in wars that shouldn't be fought (according to the popular belief of the citizens).

2006-10-03 15:47:39 · answer #4 · answered by Take it from Toby 7 · 2 1

Most countries in the World do one better than the draft. They make it mandatory for males at the age of 18 to serve a certain amount of time in the Military

2006-10-03 16:26:42 · answer #5 · answered by SuperSoldierGIJOE 3 · 2 1

we don't need a draft because people enlist every day. how will a draft earn the US more respect? we want quality people in the military that want to be there. and i'm pretty sure that osama has nukes. all it takes is some cold hard cash to get them. if you are in support of the draft, why don't you just enlist? and it is required that when men turn 18 that you sign they for selective services, its not an option.

2006-10-03 15:41:49 · answer #6 · answered by Emily E 4 · 2 1

I was in the Army during the draft era, and I was in during the all-volunteer days.

During the draft era, the NCO's spent a lot of their time just getting "soldiers" to get out of bed and make formation. Little time was spent actually training them to do anything. That all changed with the all-volunteer force.

Even if that weren't so, there's a fundamental contradiction between forced conscription (universal or otherwise) and "freedom". Conscription only exists in countries that are not free.

2006-10-03 16:07:56 · answer #7 · answered by open4one 7 · 2 1

A draft would never work again because we would be drafting a bunch of crap into the active military. I can see a conscript army of reservists and national guard in order to make sure all able bodied men served at least two years no questions asked. After serving for two years they would have to maintain their soldier skills like they do in Israel.

2006-10-03 16:00:55 · answer #8 · answered by xian w 2 · 1 2

I would agree with phil, but there should be no deferrment for college. in my era people went to college to avoid the draft.
Those draft dodgers are now our teachers and lawyers and politicians. oh yes some draft dodgers got married and had kids right out of school. Their kids are the druggies and rif raffof today.

2006-10-03 15:44:36 · answer #9 · answered by jekin 5 · 2 0

A draft would be a mistake of unbelievable proportions. The disciplinary problems alone would not make it worthwhile.

You think we have problems with people going AWOL now? Imagine what it would be like with a draft!

Commanders would have their plates full just handing out non-judicial punishments for various breaches of military conduct.

It is better to have those who choose to serve their country, rather than those who are forced against their will.

2006-10-03 15:46:16 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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