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This is going to make me sound really narcissistic and attention seeking, that's really not the case.

Could these be the symptoms of BDD?

I feel different to everybody else.
I avoid lighted places.
I sometimes look at everyone else doing everyday activites and think "They're brave, I wish I could do that".. I just don't have the confidence.
I can never fully concentrate on something, I'm always pre-occupied with paranoid thoughts that people are looking at me.
I have to wear my hair half-way over my face in public.
I physically cannot bring myself to be seen by anyone without having spent at least 2 hours applying makeup.
I sometimes have to stop what I'm doing and weigh myself otherwise I get restless.
I spend at least 6 hours every day doing things entirely related to my faults.
I used to feel that there was a fault with every part of me, now it's as though every part of me IS a fault.
Sometimes I'm about to leave the house and I look in the mirror and feel so sick tha

2006-10-03 08:21:42 · 6 answers · asked by J 4 in Health Mental Health

Sometimes I'm about to leave the house and I look in the mirror and feel so sick that I physically can't bring myself to leave the house. The importance of the plans don't matter, I still can't do it.
I get annoyed by compliments.
I get uncontrollable urges to look in the mirror, but have to turn away straight away because I feel disgusted by what I see.
I always restrict my food intake, sometimes I don't eat at all, sometimes I purge and sometimes I can't bring myself to swallow.
I always try to cover up my faults with my hands and things, meaning usually I have to keep my hands over my face.
I feel down.
I can't relax or be myself at all in public.
I'm always trying to conceal or improve at least one bad point about my appearence. Sometimes I spend ages staring at the points and imagine how they could be.
I have constant thoughts of suicide.
I'm obsessed with my weight and terrified of calories.
I really hate myself.
I often wish I had the money for surgery and have consid

2006-10-03 08:22:20 · update #1

Sorry about the length. My computer broke so I couldn't paste the rest of my sentence.

2006-10-03 08:33:46 · update #2

6 answers

Maybe. If you're depressed, get counseling. There may be other factors at work as well.

In the meantime, can you get on a diet and exercise regimen? That will make you feel better.

I never liked my body growing up. But that was all in my head, I was always attractive. I have since got into working out like crazy, and my body is hot! Yes, I may not be "perfect," but who is? You could see the most fabulous looking guy or girl, and I bet there is at least SOMETHING about their bodies or face that they don't like.

A recent article in "Psychology Today" found that most people are more attractive than they THINK they are. It was a few months ago, but I'm sure you can google it.

Here's a quote I like, from Norman Vincent Peale:

"Change your thoughts, and you change your world."

Luv Jack

2006-10-03 09:19:49 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I majored in psychology in college. Based on what I learned there, I would be more inclined to say that you have a low self esteem, possibly depression, some anxiety problems. Body dismorphic disorder isn't the first thing that comes to my mind but you could have it. My suggestion is that you not worry so much about putting a label on your problem as getting the help you need. Start by bringing this list of concerns to your doctor. There are medications that can help with most of your sypmtoms. If your health plan requires referrals, request a referral to see a therapist and a psychiatrist. I believe your problem is too complex for a general practitioner to handle.

Good Luck.

2006-10-03 15:31:58 · answer #2 · answered by Gypsy Girl 7 · 0 0

Yes, I've watched a few things on the discovery channel about it, and you sound like it. I think one of the things they did was look at themselves in funhouse mirrors and learned to accept themselves, and learn that appearance is not all that matters and working on other things they had to offer. Work on self confidence, find a counselor or something if you want, or take a martial arts/self defense class to raise your self esteem. (Actually, that's bad advice on my part because I always feel like I'm being criticized if people say I have low self esteem) But just keep in mind that most people really don't care that much, do you analyze other people's faults for 6 hours? No, we're all our own worst critic.

2006-10-03 15:28:43 · answer #3 · answered by Jenny 4 · 0 0

no its just anxiety and your very paranoid

Don't worry about your appearance everyone wants to look perfect and hate looking like a freak but really some people don't care and thats the personality not the looks that get you friends

you just need a good friend to talk to and that might biuld up your confidence if you have siblings thats also perfect to practice and biuld your confidence

And that you don't eat which is why your are like this and if it carries on it will get worse try to eat lots of fruit and don't think about calories all the time its fat that you need to think about

You can always talk to a psychiatrist but you don't have to but it will help

just try to think positive and the good things about you and that you are just like everyone eles

2006-10-03 15:36:16 · answer #4 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

doesnt sound like BDD. like the other person said maybe depression and anxiety, low self esteem. BDD is when you hate seeing yourself with, say your legs (you wish you didnt have legs at all) so they purposely "get rid" of them so surgeons are forced to amputate them. (say by putting their legs into dry ice until there is nothing left).
but unless you go to a psychiatrist you wont know for sure, they are the only ones that can truly diagnose the problem.
best wishes!

2006-10-03 15:42:42 · answer #5 · answered by sit down if you cant stand me 3 · 0 0

quite possibly...if you had said, "was a child pop star, recorded the album 'Thriller', got in some legal trouble, sold my Neverland Ranch and moved to Dubai" I would be 100% convinced...

Seriously though, yes sounds like you should see a psychologist...anxiety disorders can be helped

2006-10-03 15:26:28 · answer #6 · answered by Tom 4 · 1 0

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