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7 answers

For what it's worth, I live in Silver Spring, Maryland (right at the edge of Washington D.C.)

Or, you could just click on people's avatars and check out their 360 page, if you're that curious about other people.

2006-10-03 07:53:44 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am a ticketless trveller in a engineles space ship there is sheduled to not to stop anywhere and at anytime .; but travellers are thrown into it every moment even without their consent and without any name tag . So was also thrown into this ship without my consent and without any name tag though I did not buy a ticket.The other travellers who were already in the ship assigned a name tag to me and let me also travel with them and share the comforts with them.
i found that the travellers are alighted down fromt ehspace ship at random without thier consent esactly the same way they were thrown in. i enquired withthe other travellers and none of them had a ticket and none of them knew their destinaton. Each of us were clenching firmly to our respective seats as if it were our own property and wer trying to tke poesseion of the sats that were falling vacant elsewhre too nt ralising the fact that those who were firmly holding them earlier were ejected randomly at unexpected destinations without the seats as they had to loose their grips over the seats as they could on to them.They came without any lugggage and went away wihout any luggage .They came without knowing where they cxame from and went wher they did not know .Some said that they went ot hell to be put on a owen and some others said they were sent to heaven.t they say it is flying at terrirific speed . i thought that I se the same sky above me eery day .but they say that there is nothing and what i see as blue vault over my jead is nothing and it is sim;ply a Maya - the divine magic of vision .tha ti see . i see what is not present . they say. They say what i se every day is not the same sky and what I saw yesterday , I would neer see agin before iI alight down from the spaceship.. they also say that no one who comes after me at any time would evr be able to see the sky that we see to day.though we ar supposed to go round and round the sun,I thought that there was some astronaut who was steering the spac ship . but they say that ther eis none else and we are the astronauts ourselves .so i am an untrained astronaught in a space ship capable of riding with a special suit as the astronaughts who leave the earth's atmosphere .who do not hae the protection of the earth's atmosphere while they leave it to go inot the same space that I am already goin tinot even withour a space suit .So I am a an astonaught .Tha is my idendity.

2006-10-03 11:17:52 · answer #2 · answered by Infinity 7 · 0 0

Happy Agnostic with a nicotine habit

2006-10-03 07:53:54 · answer #3 · answered by Blackacre 7 · 0 0

I am but a grain of sand in the greatest of deserts, or a drop of water in the largest of oceans. I am that that I am, no more and no less.


2006-10-03 11:10:46 · answer #4 · answered by Fenix 2 · 0 0

I am me, no more and no less. I am an expression of life experiencing all that I encounter by expressing my ideas of who I am in relation to everything that I perceive as not me.

2006-10-03 07:53:45 · answer #5 · answered by thewolfskoll 5 · 0 0

What is the point, I could say I'm in Bora Bora and you'd never know

2006-10-03 07:50:16 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Good Q. Everyone should search to find themselves.

2006-10-03 08:10:51 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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