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Well I took a pregnancy test this morning and it was positive. I don't know what to do cuz my Birth Control pills (Ortho Tri Cyclen) seem to have failed me after two months of taking it. I'm soo confuses and have no idea how I'm going to tell my family and the guy. My mom has been through soo much that explaining it would bring tears to my eyes and this would just drive her nuts. I feel ashamed, she has always told me since I was 12 that I'm a bad kid cuz I like voicing my opinion and she was right. I'm a bad kid .I just feel like running away, I'm already so sad when it hasn't even been a day I want to wait a week to be really sure but by the I will probably loss about 10 pounds. Please if u have any advice please I need it cuz I’m lost. I'm 19 years old and have been with the guy for 1.5 years. I have goals and dreams but My world is falling upside down. IF your are a teen reading this please learn from me and protect yourself even if u are on the pill.

2006-10-03 07:21:59 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

24 answers

first of all...Birth control can give you a false positive! You MUST go to a doctor or a free clinic before you freak out! Birth control is a hormone that makes your body feel like its pregnant, hence the reason you shouldnt get pregnant! Go see the doctor, dont run away. consider the options, abortion, adoption, keeping the baby! there are so many options for moms now! infertility couples that will be willing to adopt a baby! you must see an OBGYN first! then figure out afterwards, you can possibly get a false positive with birth control!!

2006-10-03 07:25:29 · answer #1 · answered by berrycbtrfly 2 · 3 0

I am 22 years old now but when I met my husband I was only 19 years old and he already had a daughter who was 10 months old. After three months I wound up pregnate. I wasn't sure we would even stay together but we did and got married a year after she was born. We now have three beautiful babies.

Please don't let anyone make you feel like you are a bad kid for getting PG because what's meant to be will be. We all have dreams. I'm going to college right now so that I can pursue my dream tomake my childrens lives better.

Having a child is hard both physically and emotionally but that is a small price to pay with rewards so great.

Once the child is between 1 and 2 if you cry they will be there to comfort you like you will be for them. It'll be a learning experience for everyone.

I would stop taking the nirth control pills until you know for sure whether you are PG or not.

Go to the Health Departmeant to take a test even if you go where noone knows you so you can be certain. The people who love you most will understand but you have to take the first step and talk to someone.

I'm sorry you feel alone at a time like this.

2006-10-03 07:36:03 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First of all you arn't a bad kid, no matter what anyone says. You're a teenager, and you're not doing anything that most teenagers don't do. You were even being safe, most teens don't even take that step. Try to relax. Sit down and write what's going on. Write anything that you feel, that should help you to be able to process things so you'll be able to handle it a little more logically. What do you want to do. Would like to try to have the baby, or would like to look into adoption. If you start making decisions now, when you tell everyone it will be less chaotic if you know what youre going ot do and can back that up with facts. If you need help there are plenty of support groups out there that will be more than willing to help you make decisions, and then support them. Remember that you ARE a good kid. If you wern't you wouldn't care what your parents think, and the father wouldn't be someone you've been with for that long, it would have been a one-night-stand. If you open up the phone book to the yellow pages the first listing should be an abortion clinic, but it's really a support for pregnant teens. Wish I could help more!

2006-10-03 07:33:41 · answer #3 · answered by Melissa, That's me! 4 · 0 1

You are not a bad kid! Having and voicing your own opionin isn't a bad thing at all. Don't be so hard on yourself.

You are right, you should have used condoms even with the pill, but it's not something you can take back. If you are pregnant you have to look ahead. You have to first and foremost tell the father. Then you and he should go to a pregnancy counseling center to learn about your options. You could keep the baby, put the baby up for adoption or have an abortion. Find out as much as you can about all your options, nothing is simple when it comes to an unplanned pregnancy.

As for your mom, show her that you are mature by making a good decision for this baby. Even if she is angry or upset with you, you still have to be strong for yourself and the baby. You are an adult and you can make your own decisions, no matter what your mother thinks about you.

Good luck, and don't get too down on yourself.

2006-10-03 07:29:12 · answer #4 · answered by S. O. 4 · 0 0

WOW....if that doesn't sound exactly like me. You need to go to planned parenthood(or even a hospital) explain what you asked on this question, and find out for sure. DON'T freak out, there are always positives in every situation. And I can say personally, what your mom has to say about it is not really important. Given that I don't know your current living situation and the details of your relationship with your man....I can't give you any other advice but you do what you feel is RIGHT. I was a wreck when I realized I was pregnant with my daughter, but I felt that NO MATTER WHAT things would have to work out. I wouldn't change my daughter(who is now 3) for the world.I wish I could help you. You can contact me by email, if you need more advice, if you click on my name thing on this reply.

ALSO: a bit of advice to ALL: I got pregnant with my second child while I had the DEPOPREVERA shot. Then, after he was born, I switched to the bill and got pregnant with my third child. SO ALWAYS protect yourself anyway...birth control methods are not guaranteed to work!!!!I am now 22 years old(23 on Oct. 5th) and I have a three year old daughter,an 18 month old son, and a four month old son....

2006-10-03 08:05:21 · answer #5 · answered by stefanie s 2 · 0 0

First off i am not sure that 19 years old could be considered a run away (if you were to leave home:)
You really should wait to make sure,and why stress over something that may not even be. Go to the Doctors and or clinic for an accurate pregnancy reading result !
When you find out the results, and if you are indeed pregnant...you really should tell the guy( you didn't do this alone) find out his feelings.
And as for your mother she will find out soon enough (if u 2 decide 2 keep the baby). or not.
I think it is ashamed when young ladies as yourself get pregnant and don't know what to do....The PILL IS NOT 100% SAFE !
Now as you know you may NOT BE PREGNANT !
Most of them test are not as accurate as the ones in the doctors offices(because of the time they have been on the shelf).
See a doctor first , and find out for sure, then ask him what your options have,but don't forget to let the guy whose child you maybe caring know also.(but only after it is confirmed).
Good Luck To You, and Hang In There ...it will all work out.

2006-10-03 07:48:20 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think everything happens for a reason. And no it not the end of the world. I was there once and you know what everything worked out fine. I became a medical assistant while pregnant move in my own house and got a good job at the same age you are right now. It's a lot of programs that's out there to help you get threw. I was terrified yo tell my mom but I had to and you know what she ended up loving my baby just as much as me. I guess what I saying is that you can still have you dreams and goal and really achieve them with or without a baby. If you feel that you not ready to be a mommy right now that's understanding to. Just do whatever is best for you. Think positive everything will be just fine trust me i been there.

2006-10-03 07:37:43 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I got pregnant at 19 and I was going to college, Nothing has really changed that much. yes a baby needs attention 24hrs a day but do not give up on your dreams. you will figure out how to take care of the baby and work toward your dreams at the same time, you just need to live one day at a time and see how it goes. Babies are a maricle from God. God does not give you something that you will not be able to handle. if the guy really loves you then it shouldn't matter, he should still love you and the baby just as much. And voicing your opinion isn't always a bad thing. It is good sometimes to let people know how you feel. Your mother on the other hand, it might be hard to take it at first, but she will come around in time, she needs to understand that you made a mistake and you need her love and support. Just tell them the truth, and do not hide anthing and they should understand what you are going through. Good Luck and May God Bless you and the family I will be here for you if you need some one to talk to my email is lea95851@yahoo.com

2006-10-03 07:36:47 · answer #8 · answered by mama1230 2 · 0 0

I have been where you are now. I was nineteen and been with my guy for about nine months. I am now 23 and have a 3 1/2 year old son. Your best bet is to go to the doctor and have it confirmed. From there you will have to do some soul searching. But first, calm down.......I know its hard (i cried for over two hours). Do you have a close friend you can talk to? Call them. Its not easy going through this alone. Then, call your doctor and set up an appointment. OTC tests can be false. If you are pregnant, then talk to your mom. Don't feel ashamed, it happens.......I, like you, was uber protected and still got pregnant.

I hope this has helped.

2006-10-03 07:31:49 · answer #9 · answered by Dani G 7 · 0 0

I guess the doctor should have explained to you that it usually takes about 3 months for birth control pills to become effective, not only that, pills don't prevent STD's. Now, I know you don't want to be lectured and you sound pretty remourseful, but its a little late for all that now. First, you need to confirm if in fact you are really pregnant. I would make an appointment with the free clinic or your own doctor and get confirmation. You're 19, you're not 12, so calm down and stop freaking out. Once you get confirmation that you are in fact really pregnant, then you need to tell your boyfriend first and the two of you need to decide on your plans for the future. Once you've both decided on that together, then go to your mom together and explain whats going on. If you choose not to have the baby then send it to me.

Good luck!

2006-10-03 08:03:35 · answer #10 · answered by Sandi A 4 · 0 0

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