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I would like to know only this. If the big bang is to be true, who made all the matter that came together in spot the size of this (.), who was the creator of that matter, and what about time, did it exist before the big bang, and space, well, where does space come from. I am a christian, and my bible explain this in the first 10 words. Genesis 1:1"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth",this explain the time factor, in the beginning, the who made the matter factor, earth, and the space factor, heaven. Now 2 "brilliant" scientists wants to prove the bible wrong, how patetic. My question is do think God will forgive those 2 scientists

2006-10-03 06:51:59 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

30 answers

Your question has way too many dumb presuppositions to try to answer. But I will try.

1. Time and space are aspects of the universe they depend on the universe for their meaning.

2. According to our best understanding of physics Mass Energy appears to be conserved not created. But Gravitational potential energy is negative. So as positive mass energy forms after the big bang, equal and opposite amounts of negative gravitational energy form to balance it. Total Mass Energy is likely Zero.

3. The fact you are christian does not excuse you from willful ignorance, I suggest you attempt to educate yourself.

2006-10-03 06:59:44 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I'm wondering if God will forgive you for questioning how he made the universe. Answer the questions you pose, and you will win the Nobel Prize. You will not win the Nobel Prize by quoting the biblical passages of Genesis, and there is a reason for that: "God did it" is NOT a sufficient explanation for SCIENCE. All the evidence IS in favor of the Big Bang being true - it is no longer considered a theory, it is now accepted in science as FACT. The bible explains the early universe in a way that persons from a few thousand years ago could understand - do you think they would have "got it" if you started to tell them about quantum physics? Just because YOU don't believe something to be true doesn't mean that it isn't. By the way, archaeology has PROVEN that bible is right in some places, but it has also proven that the bible is WRONG in others - it (the bible) is meant to be used as allegory and metaphor, but about 150 years ago somebody decided it had to be taken to mean exactly what it says, which riddles it with contradictions. Use your bible to keep you on the straight and narrow path, but just because two scientists want to prove something wrong in the bible doesn't mean they are "against" the bible - they just might think of it a different way than you do, like billions of other people do.

2006-10-03 14:04:55 · answer #2 · answered by Paul H 6 · 2 1

I believe that God will forgive those two scientist only if they have accepted his Son, Jesus Christ into there hearts and asked for forgivness. "The Only way to the Father is Through the Son", My Question to you is Why Did God create two planets and 8 moons or so that orbit in the reverse direction. A Christian High School Teacher asked a Professor of Science at Berkley the same question and the Proffesor asked what the High Schoold teacher thought. He said This "God wanted the Big Bang to Look Stupid" God Bless and have a Blessed Day

2006-10-03 14:35:50 · answer #3 · answered by certrvtech 2 · 0 0

First off Science doesn't "want" to prove God doesn't exist, it doesn't care.

Secondly many religious leaders embrace the Big Bang Theory because it DOES NOT conflict with the myth of creation.

Lemme help you out.....

You are ASSUMING that you understand the theory but you don't. We can observe that the universe is expanding from a central point........The Big Bang Theory just states that because it is expanding from a starting point at such a high velocity then in all probability it is the result of a massive explosion.

It does NOT attempt to explain where all the matter came from except to say it came from a specific location. It does NOT attempt to explain what came before the explosion. This is because there has been NO EVIDENCE found to suggest a theory yet.

See how your belief that God said “POOF! There it is” works well with that theory? God says “POOF! There it is” and the Big Bang happened. Unless you are suggesting that God can’t do it that way?

EDIT: Some of you people are hopelessly stupid and I am offended that you would so grossly misinform the gullible by having the audacity to use the word science in the same PARAGRAPH with your name let alone attach it as a personal descriptor.

2006-10-03 14:08:32 · answer #4 · answered by thewolfskoll 5 · 3 1

I am a lay scientist and a Christian. Please do not try to marry the Big Bang and the Bible. This is called progressive creation and is promoted by scientists like Dr Hugh Ross. It compromises the bible teachings about creation, the flood, and redemption through Christ.
Please read the article in my sources.
Science and the bible both describe reality and support one another. The AnswersInGenesis.org site does a great job of apologetically handling problems in the evidence.
Remember: When science and the bible draw different conclusions, go with the bible.

2006-10-03 14:13:46 · answer #5 · answered by Jay Z 6 · 1 0

basically, as I understand it, there was probably some form of existence before the Big Bang; but the laws of physics for that reality would be so different from what we can measure that we have no way to even theorize what it could have been like.

Presumably, rather than all matter coming together to a single point, it was the point where matter and energy spilled out into our universe; spreading out like a puddle growing under a leaking fuel tank (bad metaphor, but you get the idea).

If you choose to believe a diety created it; fine. Good for you. But just as I respect your right to believe that, please respect anyone else's right not to.

Scientists, as far as I know, are not out to prove the bible wrong - they are out to solve the riddles of the universe using the clues available (if you choose to believe in a creator-diety; then you presumably would appreciate that this trail of clues is part of that creator's efforts).

The bible is not a text od scientific inquiry; it is a book of religion, presumably written by people doing their best to convey that religion. By their times, they are limited to what they know; they have no scientific tradition to incorporate, only stories and opinions. According to the bible, Pi equals three (it's actually 3.1415926 & on to infinity); we can measure any circle to find it ain't so.

Does that invalidate the bible? of course not. It does tell us, however, not to judge the bible as a document of measurable, imperic, scientific fact.

Just as poets aren't mad at scientists for contradicting Sandburg's "The fog comes on little cat feet," religious people should accept that science and the bible are not dancing partners (outside of history and cultural studies), and never will be.

2006-10-03 14:11:33 · answer #6 · answered by kent_shakespear 7 · 1 1

You're engaging in the logical fallacy known as "special pleading" -- saying that the universe needs a creator, but that your god doesn't. If a god can exist "necessarily", why not simply save a step and say that the UNIVERSE has always existed without needing a reason? Adding a god to the equation provides no further information, and there's no evidence to suggest that a god would be necessary.

Not to worry -- it's a common mistake among people who've never learned how to argue or think logically.

2006-10-03 13:55:46 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Science will probably not be able to answer what caused the singularity, since everything we can measure, detect and analyze originated there. It's the ultimate cause to which everything since is an effect. Science could never attribute this to God, since science is by its very nature about the natural world (things we can measure and detect with instruments).

If you wish to attribute the creation of the Universe to God, by all means do so; science doesn't prevent you. Science doesn't say anything at all about God, it only makes it a point not to *require* God. Science only explains *how* the Universe came about, not why or by whom.

2006-10-03 14:04:49 · answer #8 · answered by ThePeter 4 · 3 1

I don't think it is kind of you to lump all scientists together. Many are Christian. Many are of other faiths that have creation stories. Einstein found the beauty of God in his equations.

Please research before you speak.

Oh, the answer for me is God made the stuff and the laws.

Be careful when you quote the bible as fact. I don't want to get into what he created first or how long the flood lasted or...never mind.

2006-10-03 13:56:46 · answer #9 · answered by RJ 3 · 2 2

Are you aware that many scientist today really doubt the big bang theory. They have trouble with many planets and galaxies spinning "backwards" to others. The cite the "law" (not theory) of 'Conservation of Angular Momentum'. Which basically means that "if" everything was created by the big bang-then "EVERYTHING" would have to spin in the "SAME" direction. But in reality everything does not. And that's a fact!
Its most unfortunate that two scientist can be awarded the Nobel Prize for work that supports a theory that breaks the law.
I don't care how may prizes are awarded-I believe that God created it all.
And finally to answer your question-yes, God will forgive them-if they repent.

2006-10-03 14:04:33 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

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