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If you cannot answer this without being rude, don't answer at all.

12 years ago, when my son was 8 years old, I got a call at work from the school principal. She said my son had been acting up and cursing at school. When I got there, the teacher told me everything that had happened. I ask him did he do it? He said yes. I told the teacher, Excuse me for a minute. She told me “If you whoop him, I’ll have to call the cops on you”. I said “That’ll be no problem. In fact, I’ll call the cops for you and tell them I whooped my child. When they get here, tell them I said if they think they can raise him better than I can, they can take him”. Needless to say, the call to the cops never happened but my child’s whooping did. My mother did the same thing to me, and I’ll admit I hated it, but I thanked her for it years later. She used to say “Where you act out at, you get your *** whooped at”. I never was a big fan of time out. The only rime out I took was a time out to take a belt to my son’s butt. How many of you spank your kids?

By the way, for those of you who think that my son might be emotionally scared, He’s fine and he told me “thank you, Mom” yesterday.

2006-10-03 06:28:18 · 30 answers · asked by Lady Tee 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

30 answers

YEAH!!!! KUDOS FOR YOU!!! I'm soo sick of these people saying that spanking your child teaches to HIT and be abusive!! BULL ****!!! My parents raised us to be respectful...(not like todays children who tell you where to go, how to get there and in what way you should enter!) IF we didn't follow their rules, or were disrespectful..our meaty parts of our butts got the hand!! We all hated them DIRECTLY after the spanking...but did we do it again...HELL NO!!

My children are being raised the same way...and NOT one will curse, or act up in school!! OR IN PUBLIC for that matter...KUDOS TO YOU!!! My oldest children thank me for giving them a strict upbringing...I did it as a single parent!

For the "time outs"...sit in this chair and THINK about what you did" okay...tried that...didn't work...what they did was THINK about how NOT to get caught...NEXT TIME !!! There is a line between abuse and discipline!! When my hand hurts more than their meaty butts...I feel bad about having to do that...but they don't do it again...SPANKINGS work!!!

2006-10-03 06:38:31 · answer #1 · answered by just me 4 · 7 0

Okay alot of people go all crazy when someone mentions a spanking, thing is people there is a difference between a spanking and a beating. To very different things!! I have friends and family that spank and some that are against it, but both sides have wonderful children and the ones that are adults now understand either. I myself was spanked, and those times I remember I damn well deserved it. My Son has gotten a couple spankings or a tap on the hand when he misbehaves, but anything that leaves a mark is abuse. Its more of a warning/I'm in charge when nothing else works.

I do not believe in using objects to spank with though, that is excessive for a person so small, open hand only, if a child has done something so bad as to deserve a "beating" professional help is a must here, for the parents and child. We are the adults and have the responsiblity to teach our kids disipline and right & wrong, we do not have the right to abuse or beat. Everyone no matter how old has human rights & freedoms.

2006-10-03 08:20:54 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

I agree completely. It really irks me now a days how the word "cops" or "social services" can be thrown in your face so easily. I have a 6 month old. When he is old enough to be whipped. I will whip him he if does wrong. (It is not a lack of imagination on other ways do disipline him) it is a way to control your child just like generations before.
I was whipped when I was a child. I deserved it. I took it. I accepted it. I do not regret it. I, as an adult now, do not look for ways to be violent as some would claim is a result of being whipped as a child. When I was young my dad would get the belt after me and fire me up. I do not feel I was abused. I will tell you that I never made that mistake again. He taught me that there are consequences with doing wrong With disobeying my parents.
Parents can blame the tv, the celebrities, the blah blah blah... but you know if you taught them right from wrong in the beginning those things would not have AS much effect on them.
I will whip my child if he is out of line. Not over stupid stuff, or out of anger, but if they do something wrong I will.

PS. Even when I was in school the teachers and principals were allowed to paddle (With a wooden paddle) the children if they were out of line. Why is it different now? Why for those who were able to whip kids now allowed to call the cops if a child is whipped?

2006-10-03 06:45:36 · answer #3 · answered by Keith Perry 6 · 4 0

I believe that there is a fine line between discipline and abuse. My son is now 10 years old and no longer needs spanking but when he was younger he would receive a firm but non-abusive spank when he did something wrong or threw a temper fit. Now I am constantly getting complements on how polite and kind my son is.

Unfortunately in most places even the non-abusive spankings are grounds for legal repercussions so more and more parents are backing away from disciplining there children and I truly believe that this is why there are so many rude, ignorant and ungrateful children out there!

I do not condone abuse but believe that there is a need to discipline children on right and wrong.

2006-10-03 06:44:18 · answer #4 · answered by GMSlade 1 · 4 1

maximum people who communicate approximately bare backside spankings on listed below are perverts/trolls with spanking fetishes. i do no longer comprehend absolutely everyone who particularly does that. I do have faith that spanking could be needed for babies at a definite age (approximately 2-5). for a baby that youthful nonetheless, the punishment could be precise after the reality in any different case this is ineffective because of the fact they have such a short interest span, so taking time to undress them seems quite stupid. With an older baby, i do no longer think of you're able to be spanking in any respect because of the fact they're the right age to be self wakeful approximately their bodies, plus they could desire to renowned the guidelines and hear you for the main area of you have been consistent with self-discipline from the time they have been youthful. and that they are the right age to lose privileges or get grounded. yet back, by using a definite age this is totally humiliating and degrading to smack a baby on the backside, and doing it bare could basically be 10 situations worse. I agree that this is unwell, yet that man or woman you're speaking approximately possibly replaced right into a troll.

2016-10-18 10:19:33 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Spank away. I don't think that using a belt or stick is okay, but two or three good ones on the butt is acceptable to me. Some kids need a spanking every single day others once a month others once in a life time! It's the knowing when you should and when you shouldn't that makes the difference.

2006-10-03 10:44:48 · answer #6 · answered by Lesley C 3 · 6 1

Children have to have some sort of discipline, whether it be time out or a spanking. I believe in whooping...I don't believe in beating them so hard that they can't stand up, but if you let your child get away with whatever he should be getting in trouble for, what kind of person is he going to be when gets older??? What if he gets in trouble for just something silly like stealing a pencil from a kid that goes to school with him?? Well, if you don't teach him that that is wrong, what will he steal when he gets older??? A car, money?? You never know, that's why it's better to discipline kids while they are still young enough to be taught right from wrong!

2006-10-03 06:38:45 · answer #7 · answered by shawna b 1 · 3 1

Alright. I think it is alright to spank your child. I DO NOT think it is alright to beat your child. And I don't think you should spank while you're mad. If you read any pshychology book it will say the same thing. My son is only 6 months old, of course, I don't spank him. lol .. But when he gets older and he shows his *** then I will spank him for it. My sister is 12 years old, I'm 24. She is NEVER disiplined and it pisses me off. I believe that she embarrasses my parents with her attitude, her smart mouth, her rude actions and everything she does because she's not disiplined. I LIVED ON RESTRICTION!!! She can get away with murder. Some children need whoopins!

I believe that parents do not know how to disipline there kids these days and that's why they're running around dressed in gothic crap with holes all over there body. Grades aren't that important to kids either, why?? "because they need there own personality" oohh ok! Well why punish those kids that shot up Columbine? They're just showing there personality!! ?? What's wrong with people these days afraid of there children. KEYWORD: CHILDREN!! Parents that can't take control over a situtation need to have there kids taken away just as much as parents who beat there kids.

DISIPLINE YOUR CHILDREN! SHOW THEM WHO'S BOSS! Or else, they could turn out to be the next person on COPS!

2006-10-03 06:35:57 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

I can't believe the way this country has gone in the way of corporal punishment. I got spanked when I did something wrong, but it was said with "I love you" It was always through clothes and never had marks. These time-out things are the worst thing to ever happen. One whap on the butt with a hand is not going to scar you for life, but it will make you adhere to the rules! Kids these days are so coddled.

2006-10-03 06:51:11 · answer #9 · answered by chefgrille 7 · 4 0

Up to a certain age spanking (not beating) is the only punishment that children understand. I always spanked my children up til about age 10. I felt then they were old enough to understand and have privledges taken away for mis behavior.
I have watch the new age parents withold emotional support (by telling and showing their children how unhappy they have been made by the child) I feel that is much more emotionally scarring then the swat that I gave. My children never doubted that I loved them and after the swat on the tail it was all over.

2006-10-03 06:35:32 · answer #10 · answered by Coolgrandma 2 · 4 0

We made sure our kids had clearly defined limits. When those limits were pushed, the kid was immediately reminded. If the behavior continued, the kid was spanked. I think I spanked each of my kids once or twice in their lives. Too many parents want an easy way out so they either spank too much or too hard, or they don't spank at all. The PARENT must be responsible, loving, consistent. Spanking? Yes. But be a parent.

2006-10-03 06:48:13 · answer #11 · answered by oligopistoi 1 · 3 0

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