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There are some intelligent people here, and I'm wondering if any of you know why some people who are hell bent on suicide anyway, such as the Amish shooter, take innocents out with them.

To me that just seems like a cowardly, despicable act, yet it appears to be quite common.

Do any of you know the PSYCHOLOGY behind this?

Personal opinions?

Thanks for your time, and I put this in R&S because I like it here. You all give great answers.

2006-10-03 05:55:53 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

J P...that is truly frightening.

2006-10-03 06:04:16 · update #1

ryanjames....I plan on doing that later.

2006-10-03 06:05:58 · update #2

kj...I've known several who have also committed suicide. One that I knew killed his wife and daughter before turning the gun on himself. I knew this man personally, he lived next door to my mother. He seemed completely NORMAL. That's scary.

2006-10-03 06:09:01 · update #3

31 answers

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the concept of even a mentally unstable adult who feels the need for revenge for something some little girl did to him when he was 12. It makes no sense to me. How can anyonew look at another human being - especially a child - and have no mercy for them, not empathize with their fear?

2006-10-03 05:59:22 · answer #1 · answered by ZombieTrix 2012 6 · 5 0

The Amish shooter had a family he left behind. That stands out to me. He had daughters of his own and yet he killed girls.
To me what they do is desperate and cowardly.
They maybe want someone to feel the pain they feel.
Why take others? I can only guess maybe they do not want to go alone.
You can't find any reason why when the person is gone.
Murder /suicide is a selfish act. It was all about him. And the revenge thing, once again all about him.

2006-10-03 06:08:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I think some of those people had to deal with the issues of people picking on them and such mainly in school. All of which added up and caused them to be depressed. They did not seek help for their depression and it get outs of control. They start to feel like the only way to make their pain go away is to make people who hurt them and people who hurt other people like them. So they get all these mixed emotions and get to the point to where they cant really tell whats real and whats not. So they end up doing thinks like killing Innocent people along with killing their self.
I say if people would pay attention to people who could be depressed mainly the ones in school. Then if they would get them the help they need and monitor them ( the med's sometimes make things worse until they find the correct ones for that person and the correct dosage). I think that would cut back on a lot of those killings such as the one in the Amish school.
I have a cousin who is in high school and she is depressed but instead of harming others she cuts her self all the time. Cause it makes her feel like she is in control of her pain and no one else. Now that people are aware they got her the help she needs and its a slow long road but things are slowly improving for her.

2006-10-03 06:03:58 · answer #3 · answered by larrys_babygurl_4life 4 · 1 0

another great question which I can I hope help with.
For years I was primary caretaker of 10 boys at a time who were in my care due to neglect, deligquecy ADD and some other things that made them rejected members of society.

I always told the supervisors I did not want to give counsel to suidcidal boys because I was afraid talking to me might cause them to do it, bein as I could give them no reason to go on. Even trying to avoid these boys two of them that I knew, commited suidcide. Both of them at an earlier point had made that big change we call getting saved. Both exhibited instantaneous positive changes in their character.

One did it 5 years later in a jail cell. What I observed about this young man b4 he got saved was that he was easily subject to what I will call mischievious spirits. Some call them deamons. What ever they are I got a knack of noticing them when I frequented the haunts of my fellow sailors in the south Pacific. What I noticed at first was in these same bars inhabited tempororily by different populations (ships coming and going) was that after people started getting drunk that even though it was two different people every time that the raucus behavior began, the words and even the plot remained the same. Different characters and plots in different bars. The same characters (played by different players) in the same bars. After a year of dragging my undrunkable self though the same bars many times I started asking bar keeps what they noticed and indeed they saw the same thing. In fact they could predict who was getting possessed quite early and so knew what to do to avoid severe problems. One old guy said he knew when one of these characters first started coming round and it was after a sailor died there and that set of actions that caused his death would enevitably repeat itself several times a month.
So I have a sense of when this happens, and both of these suicides victims were the types who accomodate these beings, be they deamons or lost spirits or whatever.
Shrinks I have talked to in my years in the career have suspected there is something like this going on too.

Ok so my conjecture is this. First some entity finds a host and bothers and bothers until the person resides with that entity nearly full time and especially when they are alone.
Now lets add in the killing bunches of others in.
I always had a hard time understanding vandalism which is just as much a cowards way to behave. What I found was the cause is anger which is the result of a person needing to be in control. Usually trauma causes this need. One does not want something to happen a second time and so trys to manipulate his environment so as not to become a victim again. Unfortunately since a person is 85% more likely to be a victim a second time than the first time this practice of trying to be in control does not work.
The person as you would assume gets angrier and angryer. Commiting violent act especially the same one that happened to the victim brings temporary release. Vandalism works pretty good cuz getting caught is less likely.

What better act to get control but suicide and murder and how better to get started than with the help of a spirit bent on repeating an act they did to get in control.
I am not sure I did a good job of explaining this complicated theory but perhaps you can hone it to perfection.
We have input from Spirits and people who are suseptable and anger and previous abuse of some kind. My bet is you will find all three in most of the types of killings you ask about.

just read bob l"s answer note the similar elements,,,interesting huh

2006-10-03 19:17:00 · answer #4 · answered by icheeknows 5 · 0 0

Scary isn't it? Who were they harming. I have often wondered if they didn't have the right idea about society and living apart. I too do not understand. They are peaceful people. Why is it when some choose suicide they feel inclined to take anyone else with them? I truly am confused and I have several semesters of Psychology under my belt.

2006-10-03 06:21:01 · answer #5 · answered by Debra M. Wishing Peace To All 7 · 1 0

Actually I find many people in this section to be downright rude. I asked a psychology question in the psychology section once, and I got some really good, intelligent answers.
I posted the same question here and got a whole lot of hateful crap. You should post in the psych section too, and you may get better responses.
Sorry, I don't actually have an answer to your question.

I think it's really tragic, and I don't understand how someone could be that full of hate, or whatever kind of turmoil causes them to do things like that.

2006-10-03 06:03:07 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

They tend to feel that they are always the victim. Also they do not take responsibility for their part in the wrongs in their life. taking innocent people is a way to say I am in control now and to them there are no innocent people. Why did he not think of his own children if he was such a great Dad as his wife stated? They are Narcissistic, totally self absorbed.

2006-10-03 06:03:04 · answer #7 · answered by roeskats 4 · 2 0

It is cowardly. Some people reach the end of their rope and are so filled with hate that they want as many people to suffer for their crimes (real or imagined). It's always those left behind who suffer the most. A friend of mine killed herself when I was in High School. For years I carried around guilt because I thought I should have known and stopped her. I"m sure the people related to the killers are feeling that way, and of course the victim's families are suffering. My heart goes out to them.

2006-10-03 06:19:53 · answer #8 · answered by sister steph 6 · 1 0

If you allow yourself to feel victimized by life for a long period of time, without realizing that you have the power to control your own destiny, you become angry and bitter. If you blame God (humanity, life, government, Christians, Jews, Muslims, etc…) for all the problems in your life or the world without ever learning how to take personal responsibility for your actions, emotions, doing your part to fix the injustice and social issues you see, etc… you begin to feel desperate and hopeless.

When a “victim of life” loses hope and becomes desperate they start to believe that the only way to strike back at the oppressor and regain some semblance of control is through an extreme act. Many believe that to end the pain and victimization is to kill themselves as well (and isn't choosing when and how you die ultimate control of your life), which is true in a way because the have relinquished all personal empowerment in their belief of being a victim of forces aligned against them.

I know it is over-simplified and not a complete picture but I believe it to be the “broad strokes” in many instances.

2006-10-03 06:19:23 · answer #9 · answered by thewolfskoll 5 · 1 0

Well !!! its very strange that pplz committ suiside, they r not fine mentaly , there can be many reasons for that, someitmes one feel soooo much disappointed that he/she geoes for suisidal attepmts, but here i wud like to mestion a group who want the death in a way that pplz should discuss them after death, may be for some fam or they want pplz not to forget them .these are generaly neglected peoples in society, gulity is an other factor, which is intolerable sometimes n person goes for that extrem ,fear of dishonour thst something very common among eastern countries n especily by females, who r unable to cover soemthing which is unforgivable by the society so they choose that way out,
soo see !!! gulilty , fear , disappintments, n few percent of mentle illness (for those who want to remain unforgetable) these r factors which mask ur intelligence n then u do wht u think is fine that time, usualy person who 'just act when they think ' are victoms coz they dont allow their brain to see the outcome......
all i wud say ESCAPE , so u r right cowardness is basic factor

2006-10-03 07:13:57 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Recently, it has been directed a young girls. I don't understand it either. I am wondering if it is not a physiological problem as well? Something in the brain, itself. The news alluded to a prior history with the Amish but I did not hear the explanation. So, tragic. Those poor families must be devastated.

2006-10-03 06:03:17 · answer #11 · answered by Gorgeoustxwoman2013 7 · 2 0

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