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to be fulfilled. Has God ever anwered your prayer for a baby with a baby?

Like the promise, "Delight yourself in the Lord & He shall give you the desires of your heart."

2006-10-03 05:32:32 · 13 answers · asked by t_a_m_i_l 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality


Ps 37:4 Delight thyself also in the LORD; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart. 5 Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass. 6 And He shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light & thy judgment as the noonday.

This is a Psalm of David. How did He delight in the Lord? David delighted in the LORD's Law, Torrah, doing God's will, statutes, testimonies, commandments, comforts, peace. Basically David delighted in God's Word & the Sanctuary.

Delight oneself in the LORD, and He promises to give you your hearts desire. Also, Jesus said that if we abide in His Love & His Word, we can ask what we wish & He will give it to us.

So, yes, God can give us our hearts desire if we abide in Him & His Word.

2006-10-03 06:44:45 · update #1

His will is revealed in His Word. Delight yourself in His Word. Also one needs to delight oneself in the Lord & His Love. Abide in His love & His Word is a condition. It is His will for us. Also speaking the promises. That is what this ?is all about. What we don't want to say is, "I'll never have a baby girl. God thinks I'm not good enough." That is not God's will for us.

Yes, I know some who were prayed for & didn't get pregnant yet or doctors say couldn't (sometimes because of previous abortion). But I also know of some who were told the same thing & were prayed for & became pregnant.

I personally believe God wants my sister to have a baby girl. I want to claim the positive truth rather than what others may say are facts that it can't happen.
About your friend, one can still claim God's promises for her also. I guess it takes receiving it from God. Once God hears us, we need to receive. Sometimes a baby needs good adoptive parents, it's God's will

2006-10-03 15:44:20 · update #2


Thanks for all the info. I see you are trying to make me see a balance. I appreciate that. But, I have prayed for my sister & verses have come to mind when I wrote you. So, I'll have to pray those. As far as God giving us what we ask when we abide in Him (His love) & His Word (promises), ask what we will. So also if He hears us He answers us. When we have the assurance He heard us we can recieve, and if we receive, faith is the title deed, that what we don't see is made aparent. Love has to be the root. His Word also. Then we need to receive. Sometimes people don't receive, because they don't know what God has given them.

I believe my God keeps His promises. But if we ask for wrong reasons, we don't get.

Sorry that you disagree with me. But I may not be writing what I believe clearly.

2006-10-04 15:47:37 · update #3

13 answers

Know also that the verse that you quoted isn't the way some think it is. All that verse is really saying is when you delight yourself in the Lord, His will becomes your desires.

I have two very good friends that are believers. Both of them started two years ago trying to have a baby with their husbands. They both have very similar difficulties, but have been down very different paths. The one was at the last stage of how far she was willing to go with the doctor's invasivness. She just recently got pregnant. The other woman is going to adopt. They both prayed. They had other's praying with them. The both have fasted and prayed, and one got pregnant and the other didn't.

Around them several young girls got pregnant out of wedlock, and are having children, before the one got pregnant. God allows and doesn't allow things in our lives for reasons. The both want babies so bad, and one has finally been given the gift after 2 years. The other has peace about adopting. She would absolutely love to go conceive and give birth to her own child. Both couples are serving the Lord with all their heart.

I say all that to say that it is perfectly fine to pray for a baby. But God has a bigger picture that we can't see, so His answer is not always what we want it to be. The one friend that finally did get pregnant, beforehand discovered a growth around her reproductive area. The doctors removed it. Had she gotten pregnant and discovered it after, it would have put both mother and child at risk. Remember that His will is far above our thinking.

Also, if you are delighting yourself in the Lord just to get what you want, then you are delighting yourself for the wrong reasons.


I am just going to add to what you responded to me by asking, about my one friend that delighted herself in the Lord and wanted to have her own child but can't.

1Jo 5:14 And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:

It has to be according to His will. And how do we figure out His will by delighting ourselves in Him.

I don't know why my friend is unable to conceive despite doing everything you just mentioned. However, she understands that there is a bigger picture she can't see. The Lord's will for her might be to adopt and that child come to Christ. Or that she would be able to minister to other families that are going through circumstances such as hers.

The Lord has a plan for each of our lives that exceeds any of our desires. I am not saying I don't want your sister to have a baby or that she won't have a baby, motherhood is a wonderful thing. I have a beautiful daughter that brings so much to my life. I am saying sometimes God says no to what we want because He has something better planned for us.



This will be my last response on this as I am not going to beat a dead horse, and if you disagree we will have to agree to disagree

I believe we need to pray in faith for our desires. I have done it again and again. Many times God has changed my desires especially when I was really seeking Him on them. He has even told me no before, because He had something better for me.

I have heard much about the claim it perspective and I agree with praying in faith but as James says, God allows us to go through tough times and things we don't understand to make us rely more on Him and to grow us.

If what you claim were to be true about someone delighting in the Lord, praying, and claiming, then God should give every Christian that abides in Him and in His love what they desire. At least that is the way it sounds from what you wrote. The problem is there have been many strong Christian women that have never been able to have children. I use that as the example because that is what we have been talking about.

The question I pose is why does God heal one and not the other when both are doing the same thing? Because God's will is different for each one.

God speaks through prayer, supernatural circumstances, His people, and His word.

God reveals His will to each believer. He doesn't necessarily use His word like you said. When God called me to be a pastor's wife, He used His people to reveal His will for my life. He used His word and prayer to confirm it, but revealing and confirming are two different things.

Again I say that I hope that your sister is able to have her own children, praying in faith is great. If per chance, God's will for your sister does not include her own children, she needs to understand and others need to be there to encourage her and let her know that God hasn't abandoned her, she is still loved and important to God, and God still has a purpose for her.

It is a very difficult road to travel. Eventhough I never experienced it, I walked with both of my friends and counceled them. The one came to me as a shoulder to cry on, I desired so much for them both to have a baby that I spent a lot of my time on my face before the Lord praying for them. I fasted and prayed for them both. The church anointed both of them with oil, and the elders laid hands on them to pray for them. I understand the power of prayer. I have seen people healed from brain tumors, cancer, etc. The Lord healed me of sever back pain. I have seen others that have died eventhough we prayed the same way for them as those that were healed. Sometimes the Lord says no.

As far as my friend that didn't conceive goes, she has never had an abortion. She has had physical problems from when she was a teenager. She still believes and prays believing, I have been praying for her, but God never promised she would have a child. She trusts God whether He gives her a child or not and her faith is strong.

2006-10-03 06:05:14 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Pray that shes has a healthy baby. Get a focus group together and pray for your sisters health and marriage- Gender is one of God's surprises!!

2006-10-03 12:40:02 · answer #2 · answered by SavedbyGrace 2 · 1 0

You can pray for this, but just remember that God knows what is best for you. Pray for his will, and make sure you are praying for the right reasons. Whether you get a girl or a boy is up to Him, and he will answer our prayers in the way he sees fit, not what we think is best for our lives.

2006-10-03 12:39:22 · answer #3 · answered by Daniel K 2 · 1 1

I prayed to have a baby when I got married my son was conceived on our wedding night and was born 9 months later.
That kinda answered my prayer

2006-10-03 12:35:53 · answer #4 · answered by Twilight_dreaming 4 · 1 0

Considering how well the hundreds of millions of prayers for God to stop Hitler from killing 30 million+ during WWII worked, what makes you think some made-up god gives a rats behind whether your sister has a girl child or not?

2006-10-03 12:51:45 · answer #5 · answered by iknowtruthismine 7 · 0 3

Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all these things shall be added unto thee.

2006-10-03 12:35:47 · answer #6 · answered by JesusFreak 4 · 1 0

John 16: 23-24 - ".... Truly, truly, I say to you, if you ask the Father for anything in My name, He will give it to you. Until now you have asked for nothing in My name; ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be made full".

2006-10-03 12:40:39 · answer #7 · answered by PaulCyp 7 · 2 0

She should pray herself over to a fertility clinic, where they will take her husband's semen and separate out the the y chromosomes and artificially inseminate her with them. She will miraculously have a girl (or two or three) in nine months.

2006-10-03 12:37:55 · answer #8 · answered by nora22000 7 · 3 1

She should try praying for a healthy baby. Gender shouldn't matter. All babies are blessings.

2006-10-03 12:51:44 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

didnt God promise sarah, she had Isaac, and He promised Hannah, and she had Samuel.... Have faith in Him, and He will give you the desires of your heart, because he cares for you!

2006-10-03 12:50:53 · answer #10 · answered by Hurray for the ANGELS! 3 · 1 0

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