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Due to the radicals? I don't hate, or even dislike you or your faith. It's gets a bit tiring being called a heathen and a whore because I wear jeans and tee shirts as a female, but I can look past that. Many world leaders, and countless citizens of the world have a negative view about your religion. Moreso than most others. Muslims are on the TV and papers everyday blowing up people and buildings. Do the rest of you support their behavior? Or are you all going to help abolish this behavior internally? Do you claim these people as Muslims who conduct Jihad and terrorist acts? Don't take my word for it, facts speak for themselves:





How can you alter these views?

2006-10-03 05:29:44 · 18 answers · asked by Goddess of Nuts PBUH 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Edited to add: You cannot change anyone's mind, but what will YOU "good" Muslims do, other than wondering why, and protesting cartoons and the Pope to make better relations with the rest of the world? Many people assume you all support the terrorists and their behavior, even if you aren't doing it yourselves. You are not standing up to negate it publicly either.

2006-10-03 05:32:09 · update #1

Tatal...comments like yours is just why very few people take your religion with anything but a grain of salt, and armaments.

2006-10-03 05:36:24 · update #2

I'm from Missouri. SHOW ME.

2006-10-03 05:44:56 · update #3

18 answers

I don't honestly think they want to change views

2006-10-03 05:31:15 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 9 2

First of all, "good" Muslims are banding together to erase the notion that all Muslims are terrorists. And women wear jeans in most Muslim countries. We just wear them a little looser, and wear a long sleeved shirt with them. I dont think anyone in any country is saying that women who do not dress like we do are whores or anything else. But in Muslim countries the women who dress like this are usually prostitutes from other countries and this may be why. The Muslims who are on TV every day blowing up people are in the middle of a war. A war that the USA started btw. Now they are fighting to see which group will remain in control of this country. If this same war was in South America would you be saying these things about Catholics? Did you say the same about Catholics all over the world when the IRA was setting off bombs? No one did then. We recgonized that that was a group fighting for control and although we did not like the way they did it, we realized that it was not all Catholics. And what about Isreal? They took over Palestine, sent the people into refugee camps and killed anyone who tried to resist. And now they recently invaded Lebanon. If a group of people of one religion invaded your country and took over, what would you do?
The French were called the French resistance, freedom fighters but the Palestinians are called terrorists for basically the same type of actions. Isnt there a double standard in the world today. And why if a Muslim does anything they are always referred to as Muslim terrorists. When McVey blew up the Federal building in Oklahoma City did they give his religion? I dont ever remember hearing Methodist terrorist or Baptist terrorist. Only Muslims. Maybe this is a part of the frustration that Muslims feel today. Maybe this is why the people who want to pervert the religion of Islam for their own reasons find it so easy.

2006-10-03 05:43:59 · answer #2 · answered by brendagho 4 · 1 0

I believe that the moderate Muslims are appalled at the atrocities committed by radical Islamic terrorists who have perverted their religion into an excuse for attempting to compel the world to succumb to their radical thoughts.

However, the moderate Muslims are usually not in any position to decry the actions of the radicals. They can only live their lives according to their own belief system that they derive from their holy book.

Of course, you are right about their individual actions. Each moderate Muslim can do his small part in promoting harmony and friendship among themselves and with other religious entities on a one-on-one basis.

If individual Muslim don't make that effort, they must be assumed to be part of the radical movement that drives the terrorists.

2006-10-03 05:55:35 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I object! I believe there are many good Muslims out there. They far outweigh the bad ones you are refering to.

However, you are basing your experiences on TV and not on the real thing. Have you ever travelled to an Muslim-majority country like Turkey, Egypt, Indonesia, Malaysia, United Arab Emirates, Oman... etc. If your answer is NO, then I suggest you do that first before judging Muslims.

TV has become unfair and unbalanced since 9/11, and for good reason. It's the ratings that make a difference, not the content of what they show. Unfortunately, they show all the bad, but never show the good, where Muslims are talking out and condeming attacks ...etc. You just don't see it on your TV set.

Here is a interview that amazed me in FoxNews:


2006-10-03 05:43:04 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I don't know what more we are expected to do.
Our leaders are on TV and in the newspapers constantly condemning the acts. Issuing Fatwas of condemnation for those who desicrate churches and synagogues. Issuing declarations that the so-called "jihad" of Bin Laden is a false jihad and has no place in Islam.

We are vocal, the problem is that when we have a public demonstration to raise our voices it gets ten seconds on the air as opposed to minutes of coverage that a smaller number of people get for causing destruction.

When our leaders speak in newspapers the statements are heavily edited and often appear buried at the bottom of a page full of "continued" storied from all over the newspaper.

One fact that you have not taken into consideration is that approximately 10 Million Muslims live in the United States.

How many crimes are actually committed by these 10 Million American Citizens who happen to be Muslim?

By contrast, how many crimes are committed against our community specifically because we are Muslim?
If you sign up for the CAIR newswire then you will see acts of vandalism, hate, assault and desicration on a daily basis linked from various papers across the United States and Canada.

By contrast, our experience in this country shows that non-Muslims are more violent than Muslims when it comes to American crime!
That, I feel, is the strongest piece of evidence to show that acts of violence committed around the world have thier motivation in something other than religion.
For the most part, I think it is a combination of ignorance and frustration at being beaten up for so long that these people are lashing out whenever given the opportunity.

Anyone who is Muslim and actually READS the Qur'an will see that violence is prohibited with only one exception: defense.
The ONLY time you are allowed to wage war or physically fight another in Islam is when you are defending yourself, your family or your country from slaughter and destruction.

There is a section in the Qur'an that even says "And fight them as they fight you..." which I feel is an indication that when we are attacked with words that we should defend ourselves with words.
But when one is attacked with words and then goes out to burn a church, this is clearly a violation of Islamic law as outlined in the Qur'an.

2006-10-03 05:42:24 · answer #5 · answered by Hajj Saifullah 2 · 1 1

I am here :-) I really don’t think there are “good” and “bad” Muslims/ Christians etc. There are “true” Muslims/Christians etc, and there are good/bad people.

There have been people who blew off the buildings, killed innocent people calling themselves "Muslims". Real Muslims don’t consider those people as “Muslims” since a Muslim is banned to kill a living thing. Just because they call themselves as “Muslims” don’t make them real Muslims, true believers. There have been bad Christians as well who killed innocent Amish girls or blew off buildings or killed millions during Crusades under the name of religion. However, “true” Christians don’t consider them as “Christian” either. A true believer whatever his/her religion is wouldn’t do such thing. Even an atheist/agnostic with strict moral codes wouldn’t kill/harm people like that.

Some Muslims are really scared off what so-called Muslims would do to them as well because they are extremists and insane.

BTW thank you for the compliment on decency of Muslim women (even though I have decent female/male friends from all religions, races and languages.)

Thank you.

2006-10-03 05:55:02 · answer #6 · answered by gülçin c 1 · 1 0

What do you want us to do?
We are constantly denouncing terrorism, constantly denouncing violence, constantly talking to other countries and developing programs to help the youth (but which isn't possible when they keep getting bombed), we are constantly doing everything we can!
Its more awesome to have a misguided lesbian, aka Irshad Manji, who bashes Islam. Its much cooler to see hate-filled Muslims condoning suicide bombings.

How many conventions must I go to? How many articles must I write?
I'm just sick of it. You want to lump terrorism with us, thats your perogative. Our goal is to stop people from butchering our religion and changing its message (which is what these terrorists are doing).
I could care less if you see it or not

Edit: Missouri has one of the largest Muslim populations in the country. The largest Muslim organization started in St. Louis! Some of the most noted Islamic scholars/speakers are from there.
If you can't see us then you are blind. Search ISNA

2006-10-03 05:41:38 · answer #7 · answered by aliasasim 5 · 0 1

-Does Islam help the theory that religious ideals and practices do not make somebody a follower of God as adversarial to a how they stay their life? In Islam, each and everything you do on your life is an element of your faith. There are sensible rules for each ingredient of your life. for this reason for us, the religious ideals and practices are actually not break free life ideals and practices. however the respond on your question could be a sure. because of the fact for God to settle for you and forgive your sins, you need to not basically have self assurance in Him, yet teach this perception of yours by potential of performing solid, in the direction of your self, in the direction of human beings (His creatures), and best an exemplary life. the two are inseparable. -How would desire to one examine/use the Qur'an (e.g. can one take it actually and understand its message)? sure the Qur'an is often literal. you will desire to examine it with a assertion tho. the reason being that each and every verse interior the Qur'an has been sent to Prophet Muhammad consequently of a few thing that had surpassed off to him. it rather is Gods words of advice and education that have been sent the two earlier or after an journey surpassed off. because of the fact the Qur'an would not incorporate something yet Gods words, you will desire to understand which verse noted which journey as a fashion to appreciate its magnitude. -what's the reasoning/magnitude of religious practices including praying 5 situations and day? There are too many to point yet we could suffice to declare here in precis: a million. 5 on a daily basis (touch) Salat prayers are diverse from the different prayer youve come for the era of. they seem to be a ceremonial journey that leaves guy and God on my own with one yet another. the biggest reason of Salat is remembrance of the author, and giving because of the fact of Him for being alive. Being grateful is emphasised lots in Islam, ungratefulness to guy, ungratefulness to God is seen because of the fact the reason in the back of an unhappy and unsuccessful life. 2. Islam additionally makes the main considerable tennets of the religion closed for human changing. until eventually prayer is executed in a definite way, it could exchange over the years and according to probability lose its which potential. Many worship practices have rules in Islam, that inhibit the tainting of guy and his ego.

2016-10-15 11:35:00 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

The fact that you are calling on "good" muslims shows the absurdity of your question. the Fact that you state" most of the world shares a bad notion" shows your ecocentrism and bias.The fact that you "know" there are "good" muslims is enough, they must be doing some good. There are two ways to change ppls opinions about you 1# Dont try to show ppl that you are good, Just do good because it is right. 2# have a media machine like the USA. The real question is.. What are you doing to combat the negative image YOU are PROPAGATING about Islam? You only propogate the evil people's actions and attribute it to the whole muslim body. ie. Islam/terrorism. How Arrogant and silly to assume 1.7 billion ppl are evil ?! There are many evil ppl in the United states. Racists, murderers, pedophile priests, rapists, pedophiles, satanists, thieves, soliciters of prostitutes, child pornographers and the list goes on. But wouldn't it be arrogant, silly, and unfair to call all 200+million americans evil?
What are YOU doing to show muslims that YOU are not, crusading, blood thirsty, fornicating, obese, terrorist, murdering, Anti-Islamic, satanic rapist war-mongering theives with bombs and guns and a cross. Hungry to enter anyone's country to rape and slaughter the weak? Bet you wouldnt even try. Frankly, I can almost feel the arrogant grin on your face as you read this and say to yourself "HAH I have nothing to prove to you scum muslims"
Listen! If you allow porn into your house constantly over and over for your children and then complain that women are not doing enough to combat the bad image of them as sex objects.....who's the fool??? And then the audacity to claim that all the modest, civilised women are to blame for not doing enough to PROVE that they are not whores!?? Well this is precisely what YOU do to 1.7billion muslims. Stupid huh?
In fact, it is only in YOUR house that Muslims and Islam have a bad name because YOU propagate that in YOUR media. You say this about muslims because you want to believe it. You wouldnt dare show muslims praying and giving in charity and fasting and caring for sick. Or how about allowing some of the Muslim news channels on your tv? yeah right!
It is known that Muslims are Good ppl. How else could you call on them to challenge the western media machines image?? The media has an agenda. "good" muslims........Give me a break!!
The real question is:
What are YOU doing.... to get rid of and stop the porn ie (negative propaganda) coming into YOUR house??
PS. will you even take into consideration that there are "good" muslims opposing and answering you on this site? I doubt it
You are either with us or against us! Peace be upon you

2006-10-03 05:46:27 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The Islamic religion cannot be blamed for the acts of terrorism by the few who call themselves jihadis, the same you cannot blame the act of terrorism done by the followers of Christianity and Judaism around the world. The crusades of the Christians were also form of terrorism against Islam. The difference is, we now live in an era, where bias media is bombarding day and night the propaganda against Islam. All religions teach peace and prosperity, its the evil followers who mess the purity of these religions.

2006-10-03 05:42:19 · answer #10 · answered by miamian 3 · 1 2

Propaganda does not make a fact. Nor does belief. Even devils believe there is one God. Rather evidence is what makes a fact. And there is enough biblical and historical evidence to make it "evident"(PLAINLY obvious) "that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God" who never desired sacrifice for sin, nor ever took pleasure in watching such law law take place.

I suggest ye do err alter yer blame game views.
Blame game inducts into shame, not into fame.
Heb 11: these all died & rec'd "not" the promise.

It's not about muslims, rather about Law OR Grace.

The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

2006-10-03 05:52:57 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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