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I have a male cross-bred puppy, I got him from a rescue centre (so he is not really house trained).
My problem is that I let him out at night (until he barks to come back in). There is always pee on the floor in the morning (we have newspaper all over the kitchen). He is left sometimes during the day but never makes a mess (we usually walk him in the woods first - is this why?).
Any training trips please?

2006-10-03 05:17:24 · 24 answers · asked by Jamie 1 in Pets Dogs

24 answers

When you let him outside at night, go out with him and make sure that he urinates. Praise him. Make sure that you pick up his water about 2 hours before you are ready for bed. You will have to use a strong cleanser to remove the smell of the urine on the kitchen floor. Check with your vet, they will have pet safe cleaners. Even though you may not be able to smell anything your puppy can and until the odor is removed, he will continue to do this.

If this does not work, you will need to crate him at night for about a two week period. This can be a dog kennel or a cardboard box that he can not climb out of. It needs to be just big enough for him to lay down in. Dogs will not mess in their cage if they can at all avoid it. As soon as you get up in the morning, take him out to an area in the yard that you want him to use as his restroom. As soon as he goes, really praise him and pet him. Take him in immediately. If you want him to play outside, that is okay, AFTER he does his business and you take him inside. Once he is inside after a couple of minutes you can let him outside to play. This shows him that you expect him to go outside for urination. You must do this constistantly for the two week period and he must urinate before you let him back inside.

As he gets older he will have more control over his bladder and you will not have to put his water up at night. And walking does help a dog take care of his business so the walk in the woods is very helpful.

Whatever you do, do not spank or rub the puppies nose is his puddle. He will not know what he is getting introuble for. If you see him squatting, clap your hands together loudly and in a firm voice, without using his name, say, "Bad dog!" Pick him up and take him outside, when he does his business, in a softer voice, praise him and pet him. Discipline and praising only work if they are done immediately after what you do not like or immediately after the behavior you do like.

Dogs are pack animals and by making him do what you want him to, you will become the Alpha. You can also achieve this by making him sit before you put his food down for him to eat. Dogs want to have an alpha, if you aren't the alpha, he will.

Good luck and these suggestions should work for you.

2006-10-03 05:44:42 · answer #1 · answered by kim 3 · 0 0

Young puppies may need to use the bathroom during the night, so I advise putting the crate in your bedroom. This way if the puppy sounds restless you can take him to the bathroom. This will also make your puppy feel more secure because he is close to you. If you do need to take your puppy out in the middle of the night make sure you allow him to go to the bathroom only. No playtime for these outings. Still give him a treat and praise, but do so in a quieter manner than you would during the day. This way you wont get him all riled up the middle of night. Remember if you let him get away with playing in the middle of the night he will begin to expect it, and you don't want that. How long night time outings will last depends on the age of your puppy, and how fast his bladder matures.
All Above Can Be Found On The Link Below
Hope This Helps.....

2006-10-03 05:34:25 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Don't let him drink anything for about 3 hours before he is going to bed, you could try walking him at night before you settle him down for the night, or if thats not possible you could try a crate, if he comes to see this as his bed he won't mess it.. Also male dogs tend to have smaller and weaker bladders than females and you don't say how long he is left during the night. Puppies usually can't be left for more than 4 or 5 hrs before they need to go. When he does go in the right place make a huge fuss over him, he'll soon learn that when he goes outside he makes you happy and that is what he wants to do most of all. Also when he has left a puddle in the morning just ignore it, if you shout at him he won't have a clue why are angry at him, dogs have a very short memory, he'll think whatever he is doing at that very moment is what is making you angry. Good luck and stick with it, it'll be worth it in the long run.

2006-10-03 05:29:25 · answer #3 · answered by MADMOM 2 · 0 0

You must praise the dog when he does his business outside and as he does it say a word - we used TOILET... then after our pup wee'd I would make a big fuss and give him a treat.

We did NOT punish him when he went inside - BUT if you catch him about to do it (ie turning in circles - sniffing at the ground) then tell him no - guide him outside and say - TOILET... wait til he goes and praise again.

Paper on the floor makes them think they can pee anywhere...

Take up all the paper and buy yourself some proper cleaner for dog mess - this takes away any scent they leave. It will not be long before he realises it is DIRTY to pee in the home.. and he doesn't get a treat unless he does it when you are around.

There will always be accidents - Borris was doing so well... no accidents at all then we moved home and his bedroom moved from the entry hall to the dining area of the kichen - and for a few nights he had nervous poops!

You just have to clean it up - and don't yell at them! They don't understand the reasons unless you catch them at it you see.

Good luck. It will settle soon...

Just take the paper up... honestly... and buy that cleaner. Simple answer for you there ok!

2006-10-03 07:32:41 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

House training is fairly simple but takes dedication.

First, buy a crate. Buy one big enough for the dog when it is an adult but can be partitioned off for while it is a puppy.

Puppies can not hold their bladder all day or all night till they are more than 12 weeks old. Depending on how young a puppy it is it has to be brought outside every few hours and immediately after eating or drinking. You must stay outside with it until it goes potty. Reward it with lots of enthusiastic love and a nice treat when it goes outside.

Thats all there is to it. As long as you dont make the dog hold try to hold it longer than its bladder physically can you will have a housetrained dog in a week or less.

2006-10-03 05:44:40 · answer #5 · answered by boyandhisdog2 2 · 1 0

Hi, I understand that you are looking for some advice or resources to help fully train your dog or fix behavior problems. If a professional dog trainer is not an option at this time, or if you want to trt training your dog on your own (a great way to bond), I'd suggest you https://bitly.im/aL1ZG

A friend recommened it to me a few years ago, and I was amazed how quickly it worked, which is why I recommend it to others. The dog training academy also has as an excellent home training course.

2016-05-14 10:24:47 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

To tell your pup they have to pee outside when you first get them take them outside dont let them in put out lots of water and they will probably hold it until they cant because this is a new experience for them but do this repeatedly for the first week and it will become a habit for your dog at night take water up 2 hours before you go to bed and make sure you take them outside to pee right before you go to bed then but a training mat down i hope this helps x

By the way what also helps is showing them by another dog doing it and if you really really cant so that you may have to show them yourself (only if your a boy hehe) girls will get messy

2014-06-13 15:05:07 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

take the water up 2 hours before bedtime
use a training cage overnight - if you fill it with bedding they are reluctant to mess in their own bed and learn to hold it.
check the label if you feed meat - a lot of dog meat is 85% moisture. go for something a bit lower. tesco own is only 78%
tire him out before bed by playing with ball etc
dont put newspaper all over, it will label it as a big pee pad. cut it down to a small patch near the door
dont use dettol and bleach - the amonia in it can smell like wee to a dog which encourages them to use that spot again, use soap powedr in your mop bucket when cleaning the kitchen floor.
praise him when he is good, it works better than punishing him when hes bad

2006-10-03 06:35:56 · answer #8 · answered by stacey 2 · 0 0

Reward is the key. Don't be cross if he goes in the wrong place from time to time as they will just hide it away.
Newspaper method. Cover large area near door with newspaper, gradually reduce the amount of paper nearer to the door. Let dog out or walk after food etc. and big reward for outdoor toileting, take a few treats in your pocket to give immediate reward.
Good luck

2006-10-03 06:10:00 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, consistancy is the key to any training. Do you walk your dog? Do you praise you treat your dog when he does do business outside? Do you know that your dog is doing his business outside? I would use a pee pad for starter training. You put the pad down, he pees on it, you change it and move it closer to the door. Before you know, your dog will be going to the door asking to be let out. You might want to consider a crate to put him in while your out. Dont get one too big, your dog will use it instead of the floor.

2006-10-03 05:21:22 · answer #10 · answered by Dalmatian Rescue 3 · 1 0

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