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Since God has no physical form, which means “it’ has no brain to produce ‘love’ chemicals, how is ‘it’ able to love anyone?

Is God maybe just a ‘power’ or ‘force’ we can ‘tap’ into through ritual, magick and meditation?

What are your thoughts on this and what’s the ‘source’ of your thoughts (where did you get the information to answer this question)?

2006-10-03 04:57:52 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

God does not exist!


2006-10-03 05:01:50 · answer #1 · answered by Fluffy 5 · 1 1

Any "love" that comes from chemicals in the body is no love at all, because it is conditional. God is capable of pure, unconditional love, which means that if he loves someone than his love will not be affected by that person's actions.

God is the purest and the most wise Soul in existence. If you think of him, your Soul is sending out a thin beam of energy to him which he can clearly see and from which he can precisely read the contents and the nature of your thoughts. If your thoughts are worthy, he may respond in a way that you may "pick up". This may be by giving you a certain feeling, maybe even a "dream", or a thought.

If you would like to read more about an entirely logical explanation of God, the Universe, and people's place in it, please click on "Rational Spirituality" on the Dhaxem website.

2006-10-03 06:59:26 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Your Question is a bit confusing! You are addressing to person's who believe that God has a Personality, But then you start statement saying that God has no form.
Bhagavad Gita and Vedic Literatures states that God has both personality and form...

Your mention of Love being dependent on some chemical is baseless. Lust can be based on secretion of chemicals and it’s gone by secretion of another chemical, but Love is different from Lust.

As you have intelligently asked the "Source" of my thoughts. Hence you aggree that Intelligence needs Source too. Similarly any power or force needs Source too. You can know a little about the source by studying the energy, but that never means that energy is all in all or energy is same as the source (that is the cause of the energy)....
In the Srimad-Bhagavatam (1.2.11) the conception of the Absolute Truth is explained thus:
“The Absolute Truth is realized in three phases of understanding by the knower of the Absolute Truth, and all of them are identical. Such phases of the Absolute Truth are expressed as Brahman, Paramatma, and Bhagavan.”
These three divine aspects can be explained by the example of the sun, which also has three different aspects, namely the sunshine, the sun’s surface and the sun planet itself.
One who studies the sunshine only is the preliminary student. One who understands the sun’s surface is further advanced. And one who can enter into the sun planet is the highest. Ordinary students who are satisfied by simply understanding the sunshine—its universal pervasiveness and the glaring effulgence of its impersonal nature—may be compared to those who can realize only the Impersonal feature of the Absolute Truth. The student who has advanced still further can know the sun disc, which is compared to knowledge of the Paramatma (God being situated in the Heart) feature of the Absolute
And the student who can enter into the heart of the sun planet is compared to those who realize the personal features of the Supreme Absolute Truth.
Therefore, the transcendentalists who have realized the Bhagavan (Personal) feature of the Absolute Truth, are the topmost transcendentalists.
Although all students who are engaged in the study of the Absolute Truth, are engaged in the same subject matter.
The sunshine, the sun disc and the inner affairs of the sun planet cannot be separated from one another, and yet the students of the three different phases are not in the same category.

2006-10-03 05:23:59 · answer #3 · answered by Parsu 4 · 0 0

Here's a suggestion:- why don't you look into the scriptures if you want to know about God?

If you did, then you'd find that God has a personality.
You would also find out that he hasn't got a physical body like you or I, but he is a spirit. - JOHN 4:24
You'd also find out about his personality, requirements & purposes for the earth & mankind.

But of course, if you don't look - then you won't find out, will you?
The scriptures have all the answers - 2 TIMOTHY 3:16 & 17

The 'source' of my thought on this subject is by looking into the Bible with an open mind (not being clouded by things I was raised to believe) and by checking everything with the scriptures to see if they were true or not.

Any more questions?

2006-10-03 12:09:45 · answer #4 · answered by New ♥ System ♥ Lady 4 · 1 0

i've got have been given faith in god. this question is almost pointless haha. Did you have a foul day and settle directly to take your anger out on believers of god?.. yah no i dont have schizophrenia or a different character illness thank you for asking whether. Merry Christmas and characteristic a satisfied new 3 hundred and sixty 5 days!

2016-12-26 08:19:19 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you believe as I do that life in all it's complexity couldn't have arisen through a random sequence of events {bear with me!}, then surely there must be an intelligent designer behind life on Earth. Where there's inteligence there's always a personality behind the inteligence. How could some abstract impersonal force be responsible for the wonders of Creation

2006-10-03 09:24:20 · answer #6 · answered by I tell you whut! 6 · 0 0

u dont know what and how God is, thus u dont know how it works...

u just have to accept 1 thing.. u cant do anything by urself, u only a creature that is created and managed by God...

Its all from God.

who create and produce the chemicals? who allows the chemicals to function? who create brains? who create u?

u r nothing... and u can do nothing without the will from God.

just like a robot, it wont function unless the creator swith the On button...

2006-10-03 16:36:23 · answer #7 · answered by sweetzy 4 · 0 0

God is a spirit,and therefore unseen to human eyes.e.g you cant see the wind,can you?however you can see and feel the effect of its power. It is similar to God, we can see the effect of his handiwork all around us. GOD is love,the very definition of it,though some do ask why does he allow all this badness we see around us to go on if he is a god of love?.that is a question and answer for another time,and there is a positive answer.GOD IS A SPIRIT AND WE MUST WORSHIP HIM IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH,the Bible tells us .In other words we must believe that he really is there, and that he becomes a rewarder of those earnestly seeking him.

2006-10-03 05:27:15 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Some people think of God the way you describe it. However, God's personality is shown in community. For instance, man and woman as bearers of God's image; a community or cluster of community of believers struggling for peace, and social and economic justice, or man-woman-community together with the environment. This is why Christians uphold Jesus Christ as the most satisfactory revelation of God.

2006-10-03 05:05:01 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

All of the traits you speak of were given to us by God. People often give too much credit to the human understanding, but if you must mention the brain and all of it's "glory" then consider this:

Why is it that we can only use a very minimal part of our brain?

2006-10-03 05:03:33 · answer #10 · answered by righton 3 · 0 0

God doesn't exist, therefore he cannot love anyone, or show any emotion. He is a myth.

My information comes from being absolutely certain that there is no God. There is no evidence to support this. Religion was created as a way to instill fear, explain the unexplainable and control the masses.

2006-10-03 05:02:48 · answer #11 · answered by . 5 · 0 1

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