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My dog taught himself to jump up and grab a rope and swing by it..This is how he has fun..He has never had any aggressive behavior..Not all pit bulls are mean and or aggressive..I believe they will only act that way if they are taught or treated that way. We treat our 's like a member of our family.In all the years we have had him he has never gone after anyone or anybody and has bever bitten anyone or even acted like he wanted to..

2006-10-03 04:39:16 · 12 answers · asked by mistiluke 1 in Pets Dogs

12 answers

The media! That's why people assume all pitbulls are mean. I am a professional dog trainer and have had pitbulls in my classes that included children and other dogs. They have all been very stable, loving dogs. The reason why there is such hype about them is because when they do bite, it is almost always severe. They were bred to fight thus they have incredibly strong jaws that are not easily pried open. It's not their fault they were bred that way. The problem lies with the owners and/or breeders who are breeding them to guard caches of drugs, money, or other ill-gotten gains. These are the dogs that you read about in the media. If you do the research, you will find that there are 100 times more bites from Labradors than Pit Bulls. The media just didn't decide to attack the Labrador breed. There were approx. 475 deaths due to dog-bite related accidents between 1978 & 1998. Of this 87% of these dogs were NOT Pit Bulls. There was even a death caused by a Yorkshire Terrier. People need to stop listening to the media because all they want to do is sell papers. Do your homework before making up your mind. You may be surprised. And don't support Breed Bans! Support vicious dog by-laws. This will get rid of all the dogs that are causing problems, not just a single breed of them. If you ban Pit Bulls, the druggies will then go to Rotweillers, when they are banned, they will go for German Shepherds, then Belgian Shepherds, then... you get my point. The problem is not Pit Bulls, the problem is the owner/breeder breeding specifically for aggression and the media going to town to sell newspapers

2006-10-03 05:21:15 · answer #1 · answered by k9 trainer 1 · 1 1

You are absolutely right about pit bulls not being mean unless people teach them to be mean, but I have to disagree about the way you use the word "aggressive". Pit bulls are normally very energetic, usually very intelligent and devoted to their humans. This natural energetic quality can easily become aggression if the dog isn't taught how to play without hurting other animals or people. It takes a good human to raise a good dog- someone who can guide the dog through social interactions with humans and with other animals. If you have raised a friendly dog, that says something about you as a person. Share your practical experience with other pit bull owners.

2006-10-03 04:58:06 · answer #2 · answered by anyone 5 · 2 0

Pitbulls have a bad reputation due to movies, TV, and people using them as guard dogs. No dog breed is born vicious, they are trained. Pit Bulls, Rotties, and Dobies are naturally agressive. This is becasue they are protective and territorial, that is why they make such great guard dogs. I love Pit Bulls. My family rescued a Doberman and he was the sweetest dog I've ever had. He was actually a huge wuss too. He was abused and the MSPCA resued him, but he still wasn't aggressive! The only time Tyrone ( our dobbie) ever bit anyone was when my sisters and I were having a crab apple fight and out neighbor had my sister pegged in a corner and she was screaming. He was being protective and it didn't even break the skin. Dogs are eager to please, so what you train them to do is what they will do. Treat them like family, with lots of love and affection, they are affectionate. Train them to be vicious and mean, and that's what they are. I hate that Pit Bulls and the like have such a bad rap!

2006-10-03 05:45:38 · answer #3 · answered by ~mj~ 3 · 0 1

just one word of advice...not sure if you know but always make sure when he's hanging on his rope that his back feet stay on the ground..if not you risk the chance of him pulling his back out ...pits are not aggressive they are like any other dog they are just a strong breed so their bite causes more injury than say a cocker spaniel...if your pit is trained and properly socialized they are the most loyal,loving,and caring breed you can own!!! just keep up the good work with your dog and give him a big hug from me !!!!

2006-10-03 05:12:47 · answer #4 · answered by Ronni F 3 · 0 0

The problem is, pitbulls are BRED to be attacking and aggressive, so even if they are not behaving in this way, they have the genetic POTENTIAL to do so at any time. In almost every pitbull attack case, the owners say, our dog has always been friendly and playful up to now! We never imagined he would suddenly turn on us (or kill the neighbor's child, or whatever)! No matter how loving and careful owners are, or how well-behaved and sweet the dog under NORMAL circumstances, they may not be able to prevent the specific circumstances that in a particular case may bring out the dog's genetic programming to behave aggressively. This is why no matter how nice the individual dog is, you can never be too careful. There have been too many incidents where the dog surprises everyone by turning aggressive for people not to have learned something!

That's why I hope that, no matter how good-tempered your dog is, you and your family are not letting your guard down but being very careful about his contact with strangers and not letting him run around loose in the neighborhood.

2006-10-03 04:51:12 · answer #5 · answered by surlygurl 6 · 1 4

Because they kill people, mostly children.

I hope it never happens that one day that rope he's playing with will be someones throat.

When was the last time you heard about someone being mauled to death by a goldfish?

People are so naive to think they always have complete control over their pets' behavior. These are the only fools in this world "Comon Sense".

Now I'm not going to get 10 points because I didn't tell you what you wanted to hear, even though it's a correct answer to your question.

If you don't assume all pitbulls are mean, you shouldn't even be answering this question. The question is really directed to people who do think they're all mean.

2006-10-03 04:54:55 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

the same reason some people think all Mexicans are illegal - ignorance. the astoundingly ignorant ones also tell you that even a well-raised pit bull will "turn on you", because people like that don't have a clue, but still feel the need to flap their ignorant gums at others.

2006-10-03 07:32:20 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I am so glad there are people who know the true pit bull, these people that say there bad probably know nothing about them but what they have seen on tv , and if your saying yes i do then what is there true name it is not pit bull, my pit is a lot nicer than my chiuahua

2006-10-03 16:39:56 · answer #8 · answered by chiuabull 1 · 0 1

No not all are mean but by their nature more often than not they are. Some rottweilers are the same way. My son got attacked by one that was not aggressive nor know to ever be mean. No my son was not antagonizing him either. The dog just attacked.

2006-10-03 04:43:31 · answer #9 · answered by rranderson1968 4 · 0 2

Because of the breeding. You can treat one like a baby, but if it has relatives in its back ground that was breed for fighting than it is a very good possibility that your dog could end up turning on you & your family. Let's hope & pray that does not happen. Good Luck

2006-10-03 04:44:56 · answer #10 · answered by smiley 4 · 1 3

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