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What good is it?

2006-10-03 03:45:29 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

25 answers

Because it's rancid at its core and for the most part, it attracts the weakest in society...

2006-10-03 03:48:48 · answer #1 · answered by mutterhals 4 · 1 6

If you look in any group of people you will find good and bad. There are a lot of Christians, so there are a lot of bad Christians. It's just human nature. Most use Christianity as a scape-goat, the old "Jesus died for our sins" bull-crap. To a lot of people this is an excuse for bad behavior. Christianity is unique that way, it offers you a way to be a sinner while allowing you to repent your sins and go on committing more.

Although Buddhist is a much more peaceful religion, there have been Buddhist leaders that some how justified going to war. You have to ask yourself, is that leader really Buddhist, or is he using Buddhism for another reason. Ask yourself that of current leaders. Imagine a candidate running for office while at the same time acknowledging he/she was an atheist. It would be political suicide. All politicians claim to be some form of Christian because they need it to get elected. This doesn't make them a real Christian, and that is why we get "Bad Christians" in the nation news doing things such as sending sexual emails to teenage boys, money laundering, racism, and other various non-Christian things.

2006-10-03 10:58:50 · answer #2 · answered by Duffmuff 3 · 0 0

I think any religion that teaches their followers that they are above anyone else for simply being a follower produces ego. And with their egos to conqueor they may not make such wise decisions which can be perceived as bad. I feel that one person cannot tell another how they should believe. And when they do then they are interfering with each individuals spiritual walk. I think the problem is that subjectively they feel they are right, but yet the real answer is they are not right nor are they wrong. Just as you are neither so are they. We must understand that everyone of us has our own faith, and with each passing day we reexamine that faith, so that we can evolve. If you are stuck in one idea then you can never move. I wish you well.

2006-10-03 11:16:13 · answer #3 · answered by fryedaddy 3 · 0 0

Religions don't manufacture good or bad people. People are already good or bad, and if they happen to belong to a particular group (religous or otherwise), then observers make simplistic associations.

Some of the most ethical people I have known are atheists. Many Christians are ethical too. Don't use religion as a tag for ethical behavior.

2006-10-03 10:55:23 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Absent of an objective philosphy, there is no definition of 'good' and 'bad' that is universal, so it is hard to discuss why any particular group of people is bad as we all have differing opinions.

That said, for what I think you are referring to as bad, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism, and Atheism also manufacture a lot of bad people, so the bigger question is "why are there bad people". That has a much more interesting answer :)

2006-10-03 11:03:08 · answer #5 · answered by Alex T 2 · 0 0

I think a lot of people are confusing race/religion/nationality. I believe I may be guilty myself. Not all white people are Christians,or Americans. Not all christians are white or americans. I confuse terrorists with Middle Eastern arab muslims. But not all muslims are terrorists, nor are all Arabs muslims. therefor all Arabs aren't terrorists.
What bad people would you be referring to?
Those naughty Catholic priests, Timothy McVeigh, Congressman Foley from the State of Florida.
I think what is creating Bad People all over the world is the fact that now( in America at least ) the people live without fear of retribution ( justice can't touch them and now there is no God to punish you in the afterlife)
People no longer are afraid of going to jail, they are not afraid of going to hell, they have absolutely no problem looking at themselves in the mirror after behaving like barbarians.
What is wrong with people all over the World is that they no longer believe they have a soul? they behave and live their lives as if there is no tommorrow and that they are entitled to their happiness regardless of how it may affect someone else.
What has happened is that I and Me have replaced WE. People are selfish and suffer from a very severe form of nearsightedness.

2006-10-03 11:24:30 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It seems like every faith, or lack thereof, manufactures just as many "bad people." Your claim seems biased and based in hate. You might want to get some help for that.

As for what good it is: It's made my life about 150% better and that's all I need to know. Are you trying to force your beliefs on me my friend?

2006-10-03 10:54:01 · answer #7 · answered by luvwinz 4 · 2 1

It attracts a lot of people who are vulnerble and seeking meaning in their life by promising instant salvation free of charge. Most Christians aren't bad just very misguided.

2006-10-03 11:05:58 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Christianity sets moral goals for its people and then gives them the choice to obey or disobey. Unlike others that are a "Obey or die" logic. When one walks away from the teachings of Christianity and behaves as they want people like you need to understand the choices they make are their own and their are now representing only themselves.

2006-10-03 10:51:48 · answer #9 · answered by williamzo 5 · 1 1

Maybe you are expecting perfection from Christians. Maybe you notice their flaws more than you would a person who is not a Christian. All people are imperfect.

John 8:7
So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, HE THAT IS WITHOUT SIN AMONG YOU, LET HIM FIRST CAST A STONE AT HER.

John 8:10
When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?

2006-10-03 11:02:20 · answer #10 · answered by Rhonda 3 · 0 0

They're not so much "bad" as confused, I think. Like these people who murder their children before the world can corrupt them and stuff - Andrea Yates and that List guy, for example - are just so consumed by the religion thing that they think murder is right. It creeps me out.

2006-10-03 10:58:26 · answer #11 · answered by ZombieTrix 2012 6 · 0 1

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