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I went to church with my mom since I was born, got 'saved', and for about seventeen years I was bored to tears. I was sick to death of the carpeted stages, the fake plants, the hallelujahs, the gospel band, and pretty sure at that point that God must be equally boring, but if I didn’t want to go to hell, I should continue being bored anyway.

Then, after going to a horrific christian school where they taught things like ‘loud drumbeats summon demons’, I started reading the bible for myself simply because I didn’t believe a word any Christian said to me anymore, and shockingly, I found out that I loved what I read. I went through hell and back during this time, and one day it was as if God just suddenly showed me who he was, and I was stunned, and fell completely in love. He became my life and the center of my world. I think I was mostly stunned by the fact that it was really Jesus after all...since Christian culture appealed to me so little, I couldn’t believe that God was actually so astonishingly entrancing. I was even a little bit dissapointed that in order to follow him I’d have to be associated with people who sold ‘prayer cloths’ on television and sweat profusely.

I continue to go to various churches because my mother insists that in order to be a ‘good’ christian I must, but despite the fact that I love God more than life itself, I am STILL bored to tears. Nothing about church appeals to me at all. I don’t even get to talk to other Christians. I just have to endure the awful music, the blah scenery and the long speeches, and then leave. I love to discuss my beliefs, and bible studies are often ideal, but church itself is perfectly wretched to me. Even the subculture that is associated with it...the conferences, the tv shows, the disliking of Harry Potter, is all massively disgusting to me. Nothing about the modern day church reminds me of God. Nothing is beautiful, or awe-inspiring, or mysterious.

So, what’s the deal? Do any other Christians have this problem? I love spending time with other Christians, but church is just beyond me. I’ve tried participating in any way you can imagine. So why do I love God and I’m unable to like church?

2006-10-03 03:21:37 · 23 answers · asked by Silver Tongue 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

23 answers

I have only one advice:
Ask God, in your prayers, to show you the right way which you should follow....ask him with all your heart.
But at the same time walk in perfection....obey and understand God's word in its written format (bible).

If you do these 2 things I am sure God will answer your prayers....and will show you the true Church of God and there you will not feel like you are feeling now.

2006-10-03 03:32:08 · answer #1 · answered by andrescimmarusti 1 · 3 0

I hear you about boring church! I also struggled with this, especially when I was younger. Think about what it is that you like about the Bible studies and other Christians. You may just need to keep looking for another church, because there is usually one everywhere that suits different people.

We recently had a church evaluation, in which the final result showed that the people of our church wanted services that were more inspirational, so obviously, there are more people who think church is boring. I have joined a committee which is now dedicated to doing something about it, and getting involved in finding a way to make the church more like the beautiful, awe-inspiring place that you described has been incredible. The key for me was to get involved. I couldn't just sit back and let the spirituality happen to me!

Different people find different forms of worship inspiring, so that has been a challenge. Some people like an intellectual sermon, one that makes them think, so they prefer a church where there is more emphasis on the preaching than on the singing. Some people are moved by upbeat music and a firey "stir-m-up" preacher, so they prefer a more contemporary service. Some people prefer the community of believers, and so a small, low-key church, where everyone is always there to support each other regardless of the style of worship, is for them. Even within denominiations, there is a wide variety of worship styles.

One thing that can help is prayer. In our church, there is a group that meets before the service, to pray for the service, and to specifically ask God to inspire the the people in the congregation during the service. You can also pray yourself, that God would help you find a place where you can experience his presence in the worship and community.

There is no need to join a church that participates in the Harry Potter bashing or TV show nonsense. Many churches steer clear of that kind of stuff.

The Bible does talk about the importance of Christians meeting together, so I would not follow the advice of those that say "just don't bother with church." Trust that God will lead you to the church where he wants you, and be prepared to hear his calling to become involved in making the church the inspirational place that you want it to be!

Read I Corinthians 12, for a passage about the importance of belonging to the body of believers.

2006-10-04 01:19:41 · answer #2 · answered by crazyperson1972 5 · 0 0

John 4:24
God is a spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

What you get out of worship is what you put into worship.

Have you tried the Church of Christ. We neither have the music or the prayer cloths. Do not sell anything to get money, we give as we have prospered. If you can find a faithful Church of Christ, which isn't easy these days. So many congregations have strayed. If you would like my help I will find a connection to some people in your area and help you with finding a good faithful congregation.

Also I agree with another listing. If your bored with worship to God, you need to rethink your reason for going.
We are not there to be entertained, which is what the music and the yelling is all about. We must worship God with our minds. We are there to entertain God. We were made to worship God that is the reason God made the world.In heaven that is what we will be doing, praising God. If you are bored, do you think you really want to go there.

2006-10-03 03:44:58 · answer #3 · answered by Rhonda 3 · 0 0


This is a hard question to answer:

1. The people you talk about do not SOUND like Christians. It is not my place to judge - but if they are not following the Bible to the last letter - then they are not truly Christians. Keep reading the Bible, in it you will find your answers.

2. We go to Church to GIVE not GET. If you go to Church to GET something - then you have been going for the wrong reasons. If you go to Church to GIVE praise to God - then you are on the right step. It bothers me when people say they are "bored to tears" when they go to church. Just think how BORED God was while the bored person was there at church for all the wrong reasons.

3. A quick question - if our worship is not acceptable to God, will we make it to Heaven?

2006-10-03 03:33:55 · answer #4 · answered by Gladiator 5 · 2 0

Thre thing about church is that the Church is the body of Christ. Now just imagine if your head didn't have a body. The Boredom with Church i can understand I have Been there. The thing that I have come to realize is that when I don't want to goto church the most is when I need to be there, because God has a Message for me. It always happenes that way for me. The Holy Spirit will guide you and If the church you goto now isn't feeding you spiritually then you need to find a church that does feed you. Try a feww different churches. Goto one several times, then to another and ask God to direct you to the church you need to attend. God works wonders and will guide you to the place you need to be. Just step out in faith and God is there. God will never leave you, Nor forsake you - God Bless and have a Blessed day

2006-10-03 03:43:35 · answer #5 · answered by certrvtech 2 · 0 1

The reason one should like church is because it should be centered around the preaching of the Word and the fellowship of saints, If the preaching is watered down, and the people are unsociable, this makes church boring, or unlikable. I like churhc because it is like family, and because I really like my pastor, and the way he preaches. Also the worship of God. Our church just sings hymns, I don't have anything against a beat in church, but we also need to make sure that we don't have distractions taking away from the words and thefocus of praising and glorifying God. A church should be growig towards God together, and as we get closer to God, we become closer to each other, and it should be enjoyable.

2006-10-03 03:30:19 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Poor fellowship is the problem here people should talk b4 and after church it is not a business oppurunity but rather a place to worship god.

But as so many things the intent of the church is violated some use it as a meet market others as a business oppurunity, but the good and the evil live here together,

good luck.

2006-10-03 03:28:03 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I'm not christian, but i can certianly understand. In Judiasm, our religion is practiced in the home. A few prayers are said, we eat, and that's usually enough. On the few days where synagog attendance is required(well, by my family, not by god), I usually bring something to do. I once asked my dad why we go to temple and he said, "God is an all loving, all giving being. You don't pray for him. You pray to bring light to yourself."

I can't believe that a god, who created everything we see and feel...who created the stars in our cosmos, who created the cosmos...would send a good person to hell just becaue you didn't go to an institution created by failable humans for worship. In judiasm, we have books to pray by, just like you. And when we pray at night, we have one prayer memorized. And I say it every night, because I was taught to say it since I was little, but after I say the hebrew prayer, I speak to god in my own voice. In Judiasm, our actions count, not our thoughts...And it doesn't matter whether or not we go to temple on the sabbath, so long as we rest. If you love god, in YOUR way, I don't think you'll go to hell. Good people are good people. God understands this, even if your mom doesnt.

2006-10-03 03:47:32 · answer #8 · answered by Chit P 4 · 0 0

Sometimes we must do things we don't enjoy. Life is not all about me, me, me. The fact that you don't like church is not so bad, I find it quite boring at times as well. I believe church is there to help keep you in check. It's easy in life to stop doing what we believe is right because there are so many things pulling the opposite direction. Church is a place to get away from that, to refresh your thoughts for the week and to show God you are committed to him. Maybe you just haven't found the right place. Church meetings can be very "fun". But they aren't always fun. When you are moved spiritually in a church service, its the best feeling in the world. It is the way God lets us know what is truth and what isn't. Pray about church. There is an answer for you, but you need to seek it out for your self. "Seek and yea shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you". I believe you just haven't found what you're looking for.

2006-10-03 03:34:57 · answer #9 · answered by backdoc 3 · 0 2

My grandmother-in-law has this to say about church:
If God can't hear you while you're on the toilet, he can't hear you in a fancy building.

I imagine that if there is a god who placed us here, it wasn't for the purpose of being bored.

Not only can churches be boring, but you are subjecting yourself to the interpretation of one man (or woman). When sit during a sermon, you're not worshiping God. You're worshiping the pastor. You treat his words with more importance than you should give to your creator.

You took the right step in learning on your own. Some Christians would frown upon that. Those Christians are happier parroting someone else's ideas rather than think up some of their own. You're joining the ranks of the free-thinking Christian, and that is admirable.

2006-10-03 03:26:18 · answer #10 · answered by Rev Kev 5 · 2 2

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