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I mean through dieting and walking, even if you have to gym, some place where the cost of exercising is not too expensive. Lastly how do you maintain your shape after you have achieved your goal?

2006-10-03 03:20:15 · 32 answers · asked by bluebell 1 in Health Diet & Fitness

32 answers

I've lost 32 pounds in just over 2 months by using Stack Body Tune Up and walking at our Krogers/Walgreens parking lot early in the morning.

To maintain, it would still require a modified diet and exercise.

If I can be of further assistance, let me know.


2006-10-03 03:26:51 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The first thing you should do before attempting a diet or a new exercise regime is to talk to your GP.

Assuming no specific health issues arise from the first step, the old adage of "you are what you eat" is true.

- avoid eating between meals
- avoid fatty foods
- eat when you are hungry, not because you are simply bored
- east slowly - if you eat too quickly, your body will tell you that you are full until after you have eaten too much
- some people find that bread has a bloating effect - consider cutting that out, replacing with other health foods
- avoid alcohol - it prevents you from processing body fat
- make contact with a weight watchers (or similar) group - loe weigh with other like mided folks, and make some new friends !
- do moderate exercize
- If you want to tone up, consider toning exercises / classes

This is not a "diet" - simply healthy living. Maintain this, and you wil maintain your shape.

Almost everybody you see who is overweight simple eats too much food.

2006-10-03 03:30:06 · answer #2 · answered by car buyer 2 · 0 0

I read a book years ago called "The Doctor's Quick Weight Loss Diet" by Irwin Maxwell Stillman MD, which contains not only details of a means of losing weight extremely fast, but other dieting ideas. Many people frown on crash dieting, but I did lose a lot of weight very fast indeed and remained healthy. I didn't merely cut out foods of various kinds: I used to walk four or five miles in the normal course of my day. I can tell you that the methods prescribed in the book work. Now I find it harder to lose weight, but I can honestly say that the principles in that book worked for me and it was many years and two pregnancies before the weight crept back. My current practice is small meals and exercise. But it's a slow process!

2006-10-03 03:35:45 · answer #3 · answered by Doethineb 7 · 0 0

Set yourself a reasonable target, and stick to it.You also shouldn't be losing more than about 3lb a week.

Don't crash diet, aim for a minimum of 1200kcal a day. Try to get a mix of all types of food, and drink about 2l of water a day.
Also, if you have a problem (like me) with picking at food, try to eat little and often; eat five to six times a day, about 200-300 kcal each time.

If you aren't able to go to a gym (they are really quite expensive!) could you try cycling three times a week? Also try the basic things; walk up stairs instead of escalator/lift, get off the bus one stop early and walk the rest of the way.

However, this is just stuff that I've picked up from hospital, and I am by no means a trained nutritionist. Take care and good luck.

2006-10-03 03:26:55 · answer #4 · answered by hippihappichick 2 · 0 0

Make it a way of life and a short term thing. I hate the word '' dieting''. You are what you eat so try and improve on all aspects of your diet. More meals of less. NEVER SKIP MEALS ! That sends the wrong message to your body. It will burn less calories. Any exercise and stretching will help. Watching TV;stretch, ab work leg lifts.... Doesn't have to be much, just something to keep the fire burning. Walk instead of parking closer or using elevators. Push-ups, squats, anytime you are pumping up the muscles the calories burn all day. Walk and the burning stops when you're done. Pump the muscles and they burn at a higher rate ALL DAY !!

2006-10-03 03:34:20 · answer #5 · answered by rock d 3 · 0 0

eat right and do an exercise tape at home. Sweating to the oldies (I know old, old tape) was fun for me. there is also Tai Bo. You lose weight and learn how to kick butt at the same time. If you can not buy the tapes check your local library or video store. they would have some tapes you can use. To maintain to the same thing only you can exericse a little less than when you needed to lose.

2006-10-03 03:28:23 · answer #6 · answered by Nelly 4 · 0 0

your not doing yourself a favor by not adding exercise to the mix..you will just get fat again. A healthy person needs exercise period.

Eat like a King for breakfast, a Prince for lunch and a pauper for dinner and dont eat 4-6 hours before you go to bed.

Try to walk 30 minutes or so a day.

2006-10-03 03:34:07 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hi go to weight watchers. Weight watchers is designed for everyone who wants to lose weight, So it works without excercising. I lost a stone in less than 3 months and i could of lost more if i excercised but i never excercised one bit. I found that when i excercise i never lose any weight but if i just cut down my protion sizes my weight drops quickly. So its worth a try its £5 every week till you reach you goal weight and then its free. Nearly the price you pay for going to the gym.

2006-10-03 06:13:27 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The formulation for dropping weight isn't complicated - consume much less and pass greater in many situations - the themes seem as quickly as we actually attempt to place that into operation! there are a number of opportunities to fail interior the huge huge international do not you think of?! the only undertaking which for sure confirmed effects for me is wu-yi tea, that's considered interior the source field below, they have a limited form of unfastened trials ultimate, it grow to be reported in Reader's Digest and CNN. I melted away 25 pounds, it for sure does artwork!

2016-10-01 21:26:13 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Follow the 80/20 rule, which means eating clean 80 percent almost daily and indulging a little 20 percent of the time.

2016-06-02 16:48:47 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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