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Is it just me or does it seem like there is a high number of people who think that because they have a little bit of training in a martial art than they can take on anybody or they are all knowing on the subject. And they ussually lie about the amount of training they actually have.
It's like those people who have never played a sport like hockey or fought in an event like UFC but think they can kick everyones *** they see on TV.

2006-10-03 03:12:28 · 14 answers · asked by Judoka 5 in Sports Martial Arts

Let me Clearify. I don't hate the person. I hate the fact that people find it nessasary to do things like this in all aspects of their life.
These people should be learning a martial art it may help them understand life better and gain inner peace and happiness for who and what they are.

2006-10-03 05:07:25 · update #1

I don't feel that the UFC should be blamed for the reason why people don't know all that's involved in getting to that point. I think it's more pop culture with movies and TV.

I like all the different takes on why people do this. I know this was not so much a question as it was just to see what you guys all think as well.


2006-10-03 09:11:48 · update #2

14 answers

I have seen what you mean in this forum, and sadly in real life as well.

When I offer to answer questions, I only offer my take on a particular situation. I don't pretend to know all there is about any given subject, but perhaps my experience and the knowledge I do have can offer a different point of view or additional insight. Too many times have I read VERY specific questions only to see people who answer list off his/her own accomplishments and never answer the question at hand. Even then, the manner and terminology used in certain instances clearly proves them to be pretenders to anybody who knows better. To those who don't know better, I offer my advice and hope that regardless of who they choose to believe, they don't get hurt!

*whew* Now for my actual answer:
I don't hate anybody. You clarified in some of your further comments that you don't hate these people either, but rather the type of actions they perform. I agree with you. As Mark Twain once stated, "Better to remain silent and thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

... I don't answer too many questions here for how often I browse!

2006-10-03 11:38:23 · answer #1 · answered by Steel 7 · 2 0

Well, there is the image we see in movies. In movies, the Good Guy always beats the crap out of the Bad Guys (notice the plural in "Bad Guys"). This isn't just true in MA movies, but the genre is full of this sort of thing.

As are westerns.

And war movies.

Some of this is our need to see the underdog win. Many of us feel like underdogs in our lives, so seeing the underdog win makes us feel good.

But it *does* perpetuate the martial-artist-as-superman mythology and that can be a problem.

But, wait! There's more!

I can't speak for other arts, but in some Aikido schools I've been in there is the expression, "If you wan't to know exactly how a technique works, ask a shodan". Shodan is 1st black belt. Never mind the godan (5th black belt) who actually runs the school, the shodan *Knows Everything*.

Shodan is an accomplishment and in the excitement of the accomplishment it's easy for people (NOT just guys, IME) to overestimate what they actually know. Not all of this arrogance. Some of it is just excessive exuberance.

And then there is the view a lot of people *have* of black belts. Shodan is certainly an accomplishment, but a lot of schools consider a shodan a *serious beginner*. But society - at least US society - considers a black belt of any sort a deadly expert superman.

Yes, alright. No. I certainly don't feel like a deadly expert superman.

And, of course, there are the blatant frauds. Fraud happens in any field. For sincere martial artists fraud in our field is offensive. Oddly, plumbers and electricians feel the same way about fraud in their fields. And it's more common than you might expect, I've recently discovered. (You know there's a problem when the electrician about to work on your building encounters something someone else did and comments: "Isn't that special." and that's all he'll say.)

2006-10-03 06:22:20 · answer #2 · answered by mriehle 3 · 2 2

Yeah I don't like those kinds of Martial Artists; simply because they give all Martial Arts a bad name and a stigma that is hard to shake once it's rooted in someones mind.

given enough time, they'll show their ignorance by their words and actions, so I just let them talk and spit the trash they talk because they just haven't learned what Martial Arts is really about like the few that have.

because it should be more of a brotherhood/sisterhood where we learn from each other's experience(s) and not think "mY discipline's the best in the world and better than yours" or "I bet I've been in more fights than you." or "your discipline sucks because it looks too flashy and I don't think it's really effective on the street."

it's really their egoes, and pride to pump themselves up and look good in front of others and project that billybadass mentality.

so yeah it's tough to tolerate a few weeds in the garden every once in awhile.

2006-10-03 10:31:52 · answer #3 · answered by quiksilver8676 5 · 2 0

I think that TV and movies have given people the wrong impression of the martial arts. People like to think that they are more than they really are, but that's just human nature and everyone is guilty of that at some time or other.

2006-10-03 11:40:58 · answer #4 · answered by Jerry L 6 · 0 1

It is the societal culture of tough guy movies that put these ridiculous ideas into people's heads. They see people kicking a$s in movies anad have no concept that these are all staged fights with lots of digital effects thrown in. They see these movies and get pumped up and think yeah, I'm gonna kick someone's a$s now. It's SO stupid!

2006-10-03 03:23:37 · answer #5 · answered by LindaLou 7 · 1 1

Sounds like you could use some inner peace. People are people, that is some people need to do things to help their weak ego feel better. Rather than being angry with them, try feeling sympathy, and let go of your anger.

2006-10-03 13:55:40 · answer #6 · answered by Clown Knows 7 · 0 1

i love the ufc...........but they are part to blame showing all the fighter but none of the work it takes to get there. i have gone to dojos and been treated like crap by the green and brown belts never telling them i am a 5th dan black belt. just because you can fight doens not mean you should or have to prove it all the time. take it form me as a martial arts tacher/ police officer

2006-10-03 08:36:50 · answer #7 · answered by jay075 1 · 0 2

Such people will always exist. Don't waste your energy worrying about them.

Just train and be the best that you can be, both in technique and in character. Those who can will acquire what you are modelling for them. But there will also always be those who can't.

2006-10-03 06:54:44 · answer #8 · answered by The Roo 3 · 1 1

I would not say Hate,that,s a too strong of word,{for me}I would say highly dislike and they totally GROSS ME OUT!They act that way because their selfastiem is so low or they don,t have any!But Feel sorry for the poor Morons,Don,t hate Them!{The worst Thing for a person is having poeple pitty them,Worst then Hate!}Hollywood

2006-10-03 03:26:23 · answer #9 · answered by hollywood 5 · 0 2

I do not have hate in my heart. Hate creates bad karma.
Let people talk, if someone who blows hot air is given enough room to talk they will make fools of themselves.

2006-10-03 04:48:47 · answer #10 · answered by spidertiger440 6 · 3 0

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