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13 answers

For me, dogs really are the best pets you can have, they are loyal, loving, always glad to see you when you come home, funny and so beautiful, we have a golden retriever, shes a rescue dog and was in a really bad way when we got her almost 10 years ago, ciggy burns under her neck and mange, been beaten really badly, no one wanted her because of the state she was in, we did and fell in love with her on sight, she is the best friend in our life, if you tickle her back paw she kicks you with it and that is really funny, she lays on her back on the sofa with her legs in the air and swings her body from side to side, like she is break dancing, she is really clumsy and can trip over herself, the funniest thing about her is her Elvis impression, her lip curls up at one side when you say something to her and she looks just like Elvis does and it just has me in stitches when she does it, wouldn't be without her for all the money in the world, we love her to bits and we know she feels the same about us too.

2006-10-03 12:36:06 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I've got a bulldog. He's always been fascinated by the seagulls who nest on our roof and watches them for hours at a time. One lunch break during Summer, I came home for lunch and let him out in the garden while I ate. One of the baby gulls fell off the roof and the dog wanted to make friends. I went into the garden at the end of my lunchbreak and the dog was chasing the gull up and down the garden, while the gull's parents were dive-bombing the dog and all were making a lot of noise. I called the dog back inside and the seagull made it's escape. He still likes watching the birds and I think it'd be cool to make him some sort of little remote controlled airship so he could join in with the flying.

I lived in Africa and used to have a little bush dog there. He was semi-wild and used to steal sausages before they could be barbecued, eat pigeons whole (beaks, feet, feathers, the lot) and take washing out of the machine, slip through the fence and distribute our laundry in neighbour's garden. Totally mad.

2006-10-06 14:42:25 · answer #2 · answered by Athene1710 4 · 0 0

Dogs are great, I am an animal person totally, at the moment I have 2 cats but if I had a garden I would get a dog, a little one though as I don't think I could handle a big one! The best dogs are chihuahuas, the really dinky ones. My other hald wants a Staffy.

2006-10-03 10:39:12 · answer #3 · answered by sparkleythings_4you 7 · 0 0

My dog Poppy is a Cavalier King Charles spaniel.....except shes not. She's more like a two in one. A dog and a cat. She definately has the posture and eating habits of a dog, but when it comes to chasing and sleeping shes such a kitty. She sleeps on the top of my sofa and chases but never brings it back. She will steal your seat if you get up, as she has an obsession with sofas, so never get up while shes in the room because she'll have your seat straight away, or settle for 2nd best which is usually your lap.

2006-10-03 15:00:06 · answer #4 · answered by Allie T 1 · 0 0

Yes, they are the best pets ever. I have one female staffie (16 months old) and my male staffie (15 months old) died yesterday. They are not pets to me but my children and they love the water. If I think of my male staffie (Oscar), I think of the swimming pool. When I dive into the pool he used tohave this worried look on his face and he would jump in after me and swam to me. My female staffie (Mienkie) loves the beach and she bites at the waves. I have phoned the vet and he sounded suprised and told me it can not be because he did not look that bad. I am not after money but feels that my dog has been taken from me unnessasary and he should still be here. If a vet does not even pet his patience while lying there, why is he or she a vet. I am so used to my vet talking to my animals and it is such a pitty that he was away on holiday when this happened and I had to go to a vet I did not know.

2006-10-03 10:45:38 · answer #5 · answered by Foxy 1 · 0 0

I like animals but dogs topped the list.

Been keeping Shih Tzus all my life, the last ones passed off and this one is a 3 yr old rescued dog.

The funniest thing he did was his first swim at the beach and when I copped him out of the water, his legs were still swimming in the air. Lots of other funny moments but that was most memorable to me.

2006-10-03 11:26:52 · answer #6 · answered by SHIH TZU SAYS 6 · 0 0

Hi Gray
i have a westie and she has done some mad things, Shes a rescued dog and was so scared when i got her she would hide all the time. Now 6months she a totally different dog. I was in the shower on Sunday and i brought my towels in with me as my shower is separate and while i was in the shower she came in and stole my towels. When i went to get out and look for them she was just looking at me as if to say not i have got my own back on you. She hates the shower. I had to run to the other side of my house to get more towels. When i was done i found the towels outside the front door. Its was so funny. I am glad tho i live on my own LOL

2006-10-03 10:17:47 · answer #7 · answered by chass_lee 6 · 0 0

Dogs are sooo the best pets, I`ve had dogs all my life. My latest one is Mikey a Jack Russel/ Staffie cross. He`s a rescue dog, about 3yrs old, totally untrained so hard work. But worth it. He loves to play football,and only stops playing when he bursts the ball. He loves cuddles, and goes all limp and floppy when he sleeps on my lap. Love him forever.

2006-10-03 12:12:42 · answer #8 · answered by sammydog67 1 · 0 0

Dogs are sooo the best! I have a shepherd/lab mix. We got her from a nearby shelter. She is awsome. She is 4 yrs old and still acts like a puppy. She rolls in the grass by first laying her head down and sticks her butt in the air. Then she slowly slides down and rolls around on her back. It's hilarious!! When she's tired she just stops walking and plops where she stands. Even if it's on me! She also loves my hair clips. It's the snapping noise they make I guess. We snap them on to her collar and she spins to get them for a minute then gives up and lays down. :) She's super cute and fun. Yay for dogs!!

2006-10-03 10:34:20 · answer #9 · answered by TB 2 · 0 0

Yeah, definately! I had a german shepherd but he's died now. He was called Muttley and was so cheeky! We used to let him out of the van when we got to work and he would run round the ind. est. for a while then come in with a carton of milk. It went on for months before someone followed him and we had to pay their milkman bill and get our own milkman!! Miss him soooooo much.

2006-10-03 10:42:28 · answer #10 · answered by jeeps 6 · 0 0

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