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15 answers

I am in agreement with many that we must control our borders. It is a national security issue which allowed terrorist in and the drug lords freely pass drugs into the United States. Okay but we have problems on both sides of the "fence". The "fence" will not stop the corruption of US Officials who allow these drugs to be passed. These same officials will have a key to open that "border fence" to admit the drug lords but will not permit the passage of the poor illegal immigrant that came to clean up your buildings instead of blowing them up. Why do so many drugs come into the United States. The answer supply and demand. We need these illegal immigrants to work the jobs that our so drug addicted nation will not fill. WE NEED COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM. We do not need to repair the damaged levy by placing our finger in the hole. We need to repair the entire levy. DON'T let these politicians keep you ignorant....This whole smoke screen/border fence is just a ploy to get them reelected. These same politicians know that we need this "illegal" work force just as much as they need us.....Think.....it it were not true would it have taken them so long to do something about it. NO it wouldn't have. The 911 incident caused us all to think....but did the illegal alien mastermind that event. No, he didn't so why treat him or her as if they did do it.

2006-10-03 02:55:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Yes, I agree with you. They import people from India, China, Iran, Iraq, Europe and Canada so they can save billions of dollars in real "thousand-dollar-paycheck jobs". I highly doubt a 5-6 dollar p/h worker can be much of a threat, specially picking oranges and tomatoes, however an entire team of Indian programmers with real insider information about pretty much EVERY major company... seems slightly more dangerous, don't you think? I don't know about you, but a part of the world that houses 1/3 of the population, such as china seems a little bit scarier than a country the size of two or three states. Cheap labor, definitely dangerous. I doubt a Mexican can steal your job, unless you speak Spanish all day at work and you use a fake ss card, however any of the other legal immigrants can and probably will if he or she is better than you and willing to work for cheaper. Either way, it's you against the biggest of companies, c'mon they run the gov, not Americans. All you can do to make the US a safer place is to be better than the immigrants, ask less money than the immigrants and that way you can kick them out. (I doubt it will ever happen however).

Illegal Immigrants don't need Native American's support. Honestly, if their vote really mattered, they wouldn't be stuck in reservations and would thrive as a culture and as humans, rather than mourning in their losses and running casinos. :)

2006-10-03 10:44:13 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

American business & corporations number #1 concern is $$$$. And they hire illegal immigrants more than anyone for cheap labor. They don't care what you, or I think. So all the racists here could keep on ranting and raving about Mexicans, cause the President and politicians will only cater to American business after they get elected.

2006-10-03 10:20:58 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I personally hire Mexicans - legally through the H2B program because Americans do not want to do landscaping work. Each year I place help wanted ads and when an American does answer and get hired, he works less than 1 week and stops showing up. As far as cheap labor, my men earn regular wages (anywhere from $9 - $16 per hour, depending on experience.) I don't hire for cheap wages, I hire those who actually want to work and will show up each day.

2006-10-03 08:58:07 · answer #4 · answered by tollerx2 2 · 2 0

No, especially if they are illegal aliens. They are breaking the law if they hire illegals and they are also taking jobs away from Americans that need jobs. I think these businesses should be held responsible for breaking the law.

You never know if there are terrorists coming in the country this way, but I'm sure that they do. They are opportunists.

2006-10-03 15:19:09 · answer #5 · answered by Laura R 2 · 0 0

I don't think that this is an issue of jeopardizing national security. What I do believe is that is a game of politics and to be honest racism. There are no fences going up along the Canadian border, only the Mexican border. And if my history serves me right, most of this land in the southwest and along the Mexican border was Mexican land. I agree that changes are needed but I believe that the existing laws should be enforced and corrections made to faulty ones, not fencing them out, or fencing us in. I also believe that this is strictly a move to deter the real problem...our inability to control terrorism so blame the border for our troubles. WRONG MOVE!

2006-10-03 07:58:27 · answer #6 · answered by Myrtle B 1 · 2 2

It is a violation of United States federal law to hire any illegal alien, for any job, at any time.
Any employer which hires any illegal alien, is committing a crime, and should be arrested and charged with that crime.

In response to the poster who wrote that this land "belonged" to Mexico. Please get an education.
This land, the US southwest, was the land of the US native American indian tribes, NONE of which were ever "mexican, mexicano, meztiso, hispanic, latino, spanish, aztec,mayan,toltec, chicano, cholo, vato or homie.
Spain claimed to own US native American indian lands before mexico existed as a nation, they called it Nuevo Espania, would you return part of the US southwest to the european nation of Spain? Texas belonged to France before the louisiana purchase traded Texas land to Spain (or rather the catholic church, since it was the EUROPEAN catholic church which did the actual "claiming" of lands here in America). Would you return Texas to France? along with another 1/3 of the US land, since France actually held claim on more land north of the current border than Spain ever did.
Or why not "return" the land to the first who "claimed" it? the US native American indian tribes. Mexicanos are not US native American indians,they are hispanic (european), indigenous to EUROPE, and mexican indio, indigenous to the land SOUTH of the current border.
So any way you look at it,now or in the past, Mexico holds no current claim or any first or second or third claim on the land of the USA .
Let's all live in the present, shall we?
As a US native American indian, I will tell you, we resent the fact that so many young people in the USA today believe our historical tribal lands "belonged" to Mexico, these lands were the lands of OUR ancestors,NOT "Mexicans".
And we US native American indians do NOT support illegal immigration, or open borders.

TO lucky: I live in the present, I was not saying the land should be returned to our tribes, I was stating facts about the history of this land, which most young hispancs today seen to be ignorant of, expecially those who say "return the land to mexico" or "this land was mexican first" it was NOT.
Oh and as to your ridiculous comment infering that all illegal aliens are picking crops, you obviously don't know what you are talking about.
At present less than 2% of illegal aliens here are picking crops and over 41% are on welfare.
Stop reiterating that "poor pablo, just comes here (illegally) to do jobs Americans won't work", it's a LIE, and you only look ignorant when you say it.

2006-10-03 10:41:44 · answer #7 · answered by shoshone 3 · 0 0

I'm more against their jeapardizing our schools, health care and services to have us subsidize their cheap labor.

I think if big business had its way, they would have absolute control of the border, but would still flood the country with poor immigrants (not criminal ones) we would have to subsidize in order to get their 'cheap' labor. Our schools are failing, and our children shouldn't be paying this price.

2006-10-03 11:19:02 · answer #8 · answered by DAR 7 · 0 0

NO! There are thousands of legal US citizens that are on welfare. What could be done it that they jobs are given to them instead. This would create a sense of pride for someone instead of just getting a handout.

2006-10-03 11:08:09 · answer #9 · answered by DRAGON 2 · 0 0

to curb the illegal employment we Americans need to start with policing the employment granters much more simple for ICE to check one warehouse building immigration check outside the gates seize the warehouse put the burden of proof on the management's when the illegal have no way to send OUR american dollars abroad soon they will seek greener passtures in Mexico

2006-10-03 08:02:01 · answer #10 · answered by aldo 6 · 1 1

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