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Why and how did the Catholic church get so off base ?Like,Mary the bridge to God, when the Bible clearly reads, Nobody can go to the Father, but thru me. When you see me you see my Father,both Catholic and Protestant bibles say this.
Where did all the "laws" of the Catholic church come from, most are not even Biblical, Pergatory for example.
Who made Paul the authority on women? He wasn't even married and not much of an example of a nice man.
Why are woman so secluded in the Bible ? If it wasn't for Mary a girl/ woman, Jesus Christ couldn't have been born at all. Concieved by God's Holy Spirt, birthed by Mary. Sounds pretty segnificant to me that's a ministery if there ever was one, barring and raising the, Only begottn Son of God.
Why is sex the "origanal" sin ?
Did God know Adam and Eve would fall ?
Why did He give Earth to Satan? He is a fallen angle.
These are my daughters questions, Help me anwswer her.
She's 19 and too smart..
Thanks people.

2006-10-02 21:15:04 · 18 answers · asked by paula b 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

Q: Why and how did the Catholic church get so off base ?

A: The Catholic Church is indefectable, and can't ever get off base, because Jesus is the constant head of it, and the Holy Spirit is the Church's official, full time advocate for divine truth ... all the way until the end of time.

It says this in the Bible.

Q: Like,Mary the bridge to God, when the Bible clearly reads, Nobody can go to the Father, but thru me. When you see me you see my Father,both Catholic and Protestant bibles say this.

A: Did God speak to the Israelites through Moses, and a series of other prophets? Yes! They routinely interceded with God for the benefit of Israel. Did Bathsheba, the Queen Mother (of the Royal House of David, under Solomon) officially interceed for her subjects with the King? Was it part of her duties under the rules of the House of David? Yes! Is Jesus Christ the eternal ruler of the House of David? Yes! Is Mary his mother? Yes! Than Mary is the Queen Mother, who is charged with making intercession with God for his people. Did Jesus assure us that the patriarchs of old weren't dead, but alive, and happy to see his arrival on the earth? Yes! Than all those who die in Christ are alive with him in heaven right now, and are given power and authority to assist him in his great work of saving souls.

Q: Where did all the "laws" of the Catholic church come from, most are not even Biblical, Pergatory for example.

A: It's spelled Purgatory ... and Purgatory is based on a book in the old testament which Protestants deleted from the Bible, as well as several new testament passages dealing with "burning, as by fire, but only in a limited fashion, unlike hell which is permanent and eternal.

As for laws, Jesus gave the power of binding and loosing only to the Church that he personally founded. He promised to bind in heaven, anything the Church bound on earth.

He placed no limits on this authority. As a result, any laws the Church makes are instantly ratified by God, and are binding on all the faithful.

It says this in the Bible.

The Church's authority is the reason we don't follow the old laws anymore. The Church decided that only very limited portions of the old law were applicable to the new covenant, and often in only a modified form.

It is the church which authoritatively testifies to divine, inerrant, and inspired nature of the Bible, as well, because Jesus founded a church and gave authority to it ... he didn't "found" the Bible.

Q: Who made Paul the authority on women? He wasn't even married and not much of an example of a nice man.

A: Paul wrote most of the new testament. That certainly makes him special. Jesus hand picked him for the job. That makes him special. Paul helped to convert millions of souls throughout his lifetime. That makes him special. How do you know he wasn't a real sweety-pie?

Q: Why are woman so secluded in the Bible ? If it wasn't for Mary a girl/ woman, Jesus Christ couldn't have been born at all. Concieved by God's Holy Spirt, birthed by Mary. Sounds pretty segnificant to me that's a ministery if there ever was one, barring and raising the, Only begottn Son of God.

A: If the Bible says all this about the Blessed Virgin, she must be pretty special. Why do Protestants insist on ignoring that fact, except when it suits them? Besides, there's a number of great women in the Bible, in both the old and new testaments, some with books named after them. Ruth, Deborah, Esther, Mary, Elizabeth, etc.

Q: Why is sex the "original" sin ?

A: The exact nature of original sin has never been revealed, and likely won't be until judgment day. Where did you get your information?

Q: Did God know Adam and Eve would fall ?

A: Absolutely! He knew it even before he created the heavens and the earth. St. Peter tells us Jesus is "the lamb slain before the foundations of the world." God always planned to redeem us, from the start.

Q: Why did He give Earth to Satan? He is a fallen angle.

A: God didn't give the earth to Satan. In the Book of Genesis, God gave dominion over the earth and everything on it, to Adam. Adam traded it all away to Satan for the "knowledge of good and evil". It was a fool's bargain!

May God bless you, your daughter, and your entire family.

2006-10-02 22:13:23 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

The catholic bible has more stuff in it that the protestant leaders didn't want anyone to read, so the catholic one is probably more accurate. And believe it or not, you protestants follow the exact same laws the catholics do, or are supposed to at least. And the bible was written at a time when women were considered property, so that is why there aren't in it.Purgatory IS in the bible, the protestants just decided to remove it. And Mary isn't the bridge to god, she is just a way to focus your thoughts and prayer on God. Besides, do you really think she isn't in heaven, withing an arms reach of God and Jesus. If you are going to ask anyone for assistance whit prayers, it would be logical for it to be her.
As for Paul being an authority, he made himself one, by forcing his way in after Peter died, and pushing Jesus' family aside, kind of like the fundamentalist christian preachers are trying to do with the pope by telling their followers that Catholicism is wrong and they are correct. Just remember one thing. All protestant sects were started by people( Calvin, Luther, King Henry 8th) who didn't like the fact that they had to answer to the catholic church hierarchy, and thought they should have the right to decide what they taught about the bible.
Sex isn't the original sin, but protestant leaders decided that it was for some reason, probably because THEY weren't getting any and they considcered anything pleasurable sinful. Even God cannot know for sure anythingthat will happen, there are too many possible variables. and he did NOT give Earth to Satan, he just gave Satan permission to find evil here.

2006-10-02 21:39:55 · answer #2 · answered by judy_r8 6 · 1 2

You aren't asking a question. You are just preaching against Catholicism- perhaps the oldest extant form of Christianity.
As for the laws of Catholicism, you aren't talking about laws. I'm actually not a Catholic or Protestant, so I won't go into it all. Just realize that in the epistle of Timothy it speaks of the "tradition of the apostles." Catholics, and the Orthodox churches, lay claim to being the apostolic church. They have records showing an unbroken line of succession from the apostles through their successors- the bishops (episkopos in the New Testament Greek). Because they have this succession, they have the apostolic tradition intact. Meaning that the bible may not preach about certain things, but Jesus told his apostles and they told the bishops etc. The bible did not create the Church, the Church (the apostles, etc) created the bible under God's inspiration. The Church also infallibly holds the tradition of the apostles from God. Jesus speaks about Peter being the rock (petra) upon which the Church is built. Thus Jesus established the Church.

2006-10-02 21:24:25 · answer #3 · answered by KP 2 · 3 1

The Protestant Bible far more accurate.
The Cathlic laws came from selfish men who wanted control.
Since Paul was spirit filled and spirit lead, I would say that it was the Holy Spirit in him that was the expert on women.
The women as second class citsens was more of a cultural thing, even today in the Middle East women are considersd second class.
I do not know why sex is called the "origional sin" maybe its because we are all born from sex so it is the first sin to effect us. I would say disobedience is the origional sin since that was the first sin ever committed.
Yes, Jesus was the redemption plan from the beginning.
God gave the earth to us, and when Adem and Eve sinned they gave control to Satan.

2006-10-02 21:35:38 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1


Read Ezekiel 18, it explains it pretty well.

Eze 18:1 A message came to me from the LORD. He said,
Eze 18:2 “You people have a proverb about the land of Israel. What do you mean by it? It says, “‘The parents eat sour grapes. But the children have a bitter taste in their mouths.’
Eze 18:3 “You will not use that proverb in Israel anymore,” announces the LORD and King. “And that is just as sure as I am alive.
Eze 18:4 Everyone belongs to me. Father and son alike belong to me. People will die because of their own sins.
Eze 18:18 But his father will die because of his own sin. He got rich by cheating others. He robbed his relatives. He also did what was wrong among his people.
Eze 18:19 “But you still ask, ‘Is the son guilty along with his father?’ No! The son did what was fair and right. He was careful to keep all of my rules. So you can be sure he will live.
Eze 18:20 People will die because of their own sins. The son will not be guilty because of what his father did. And the father will not be guilty because of what his son did. The right things a godly person does will be added to his account. The wrong things a sinful person does will be charged against him.

KP paradosis does not occur in Timothy. apostolos is used 4 times, each is singular and clearly refers to Paul alone. Please stop lying and teaching falsely in the name of Christ.

The catholics accept many "Old Testament" books and passages that the JEWS NEVER ACCEPTED. WHY?

2006-10-02 21:30:06 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

both translations are accurate, but neither follow the acurrate translation mary may have been Jesus mother but that his where her use ended, even Jesus asked her "who is my Mother?" sex is'nt the original sin as lots of religions say, adam and eve were told to procreate and fill the earth if sex was a sin how was that possible? the original sin was the disobeying of Gods law not even the eating of the fruit but the act of disobeying God.

Yes the world is in satans power but only for a short period of time until Jesus puts an end to him in the final battle.

As for the laws of the catholic church they came about through mis application of the scriptures nowhere in the bible does it speak of pergatory hell is not a place of torment but the common grave of mankind as is sheol.

hope this helps or maybe creates a few more questions!!

2006-10-02 21:27:15 · answer #6 · answered by Twilight_dreaming 4 · 0 3

she should read the bible herself the catholic church at the begining adaopted many pagen bel;eaves which they still use as in Mary replacing the Godess diana to draw in her followers and they made her queen of heaven all of which is repulsive to God read a bible fore your self or get several

2006-10-02 21:20:22 · answer #7 · answered by Sam's 6 · 2 1

"Contrary to common belief, there was never a one-time, truly universal decision as to which books should be included in the Bible.
It took over a century of the proliferation of numerous writings before anyone even bothered to start picking and choosing, and then it was largely a cumulative, individual and happenstance event, guided by chance and prejudice more than objective and scholarly research, until priests and academics began pronouncing what was authoritative and holy, and even they were not unanimous"

2006-10-02 21:17:48 · answer #8 · answered by CJunk 4 · 3 3

tell her, to do her research instead of relying on a biased point of view i.e priest, faithful followers. tell her to go out and really know god not though a book or person, but through herself in her own unique way. if shes not mature enough to do that, then just make up answers and let her live in ignorance, for ignorance is bliss.

2006-10-02 21:24:32 · answer #9 · answered by balanced112 2 · 0 3


2006-10-02 21:43:12 · answer #10 · answered by funnana 6 · 0 2

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