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My indoor dog won't stop scratching! She's bit and scratched herself raw just about everywhere she can reach! We've gone as far as shaving her in the raw areas to see if there are any idications, but nothing is obvious. She doesn't have fleas or ticks and she doesn't have a reason to be nervous or upset. My outside dogs are fine. Please help!

2006-10-02 19:39:25 · 19 answers · asked by Ravennesse 1 in Pets Dogs

She's 8 years old. And we don't have a flea problem. We had some ticks when we first moved in to our house in April, but after removing them as found from all the dogs, we haven't seen any for many months now. They were gone LONG before she started scratching.

2006-10-02 20:03:53 · update #1

19 answers

The most common medical complaint we see in dogs is skin or ear
related. Unlike humans who react to allergens with nasal symptoms,
dogs react with skin problems. These problems may range from poor coat
texture or length, to itching and chewing, to hot spots and self
mutilation. Allergies may also play a part in chronic ear infections.
To make matters more difficult to diagnose and treat, thyroid disease
may add to the problem as well.

In order to overcome these frustrating symptoms your approach needs to
be thorough and systematic. Shortcuts usually will not produce results
and only add to owner frustration. This article will cover diagnosing
and treating; inhalant, food, and flea allergies. I will also briefly
discuss thyroid disease and immune mediated disorders.

Remember, your best source of information is your vet. Many vets are
now recognizing the need for holistic allergy treatment instead of the
tried and true (and possibly ineffective or dangerous) standby of
corticosteroids. If your vet is not helpful, keep looking until you
find someone you are comfortable with. You need to remember though,
that the success or failure of treatment will rest mainly on you.
There is no magic pill to deal with these problems. Unfortunately,
there is also no "cure", only systematic treatment options. Much of
the information below is taken from "Guide to Skin and Haircoat
Problems in the Dog" by Lowell Ackerman, DMV.

Inhalant Allergies

Substances which can cause an allergic reaction in dogs are much the
same as those which cause reactions in people including pollens, dust
mites and molds. A clue to diagnosing these allergies is to look at
the timing of the reaction. Does it happen year round? This may be
mold or dust. If the reaction is seasonal, pollens may be the culprit.

Symptoms of inhalant allergies include: SCRATCHING, BITING, CHEWING AT
FEET AND CONSTANT LICKING. The itching may be most severe on feet,
flanks, groin and armpits. Dogs may rub their face on the carpet. Ear
flaps may become red and hot. Chronic ear infections may follow. Skin
becomes thickened, greasy and has a strong odor. Hot spots may develop
due to irritation from constant chewing or scratching, which is then
followed by infection. Allergies have also been implicated as a
possible cause of Acral Lick Granulomas, a frustrating, treatment
resistant condition whereby the dog creates a sore on his skin from
constant licking


If a dog has the above symptoms and responds well to the treatment
measures outlined below, no further diagnostic tests may be needed. If
the problem is severe and does not respond to simple measures, allergy
skin testing can be done. A portion of the skin is shaved and a
variety of substances are injected into the skin to see if they
provoke a reaction. If so, an individual series of injections are
formulated to give the dog over a period of time (there are blood
tests designed to identify allergens without the skin testing, however
their efficacy had not been proven. They should be reserved for cases
where skin testing is not possible).


Symptomatic Therapy
Treating the dogs symptoms may include; cool baths with or
without colloidal oatmeal, Epsom salts, or medicated shampoos.
This can be done frequently but provides only temporary relief.
Caution should be used with sprays and ointments because many
contain potentially harmful substances. According to Dr.
Ackerman, Dermacool is a safe spray containing witch hazel.
Cortispray is a low dose, nonsystemic cortisone spray which can
be safely used for short periods of time.

Allergy shots are very safe and many people have great success
with them, however, they are very slow to work. It may be six
to twelve months before improvement is seen. I spoke with Dr.
Christine Johnson, a veterinarian with the dermatology
department of the University of Pennsylvania, about intradermal
skin testing for inhalant allergies. She reports the average
success rate is 70-75%. This rate is for dogs showing any
improvement at all. At U of P. the cost for the procedure is
$69.00 for the exam, $122.00 for the sedation and testing, and
$85.00 for the first 5 months worth of vaccine. After that
vaccines are purchased in 7 month supply for $65.00. Substances
that are tested include cats(!), feathers, wool, molds, dust,
trees, insects, plants and pollens. Before testing, your pet
must be free from all steroids, oral or injected (including
those found in ear and eye medicines) for a specified period of
time in order for the test to be valid. In all about 60
different substances are tested for.

These compounds reduce itching by reducing inflammation.
Unfortunately, they also affect every organ in the body.
According to Dr. Ackerman, steroids should be considered only
when the allergy season is short, the amount of drug required
is small or as a last resort to relieve a dog in extreme
discomfort. Side effects can include increased thirst and
appetite, increased need to urinate and behavioral changes.
Long term use can result in diabetes, decreased resistance to
infection and increased susceptibility to seizures. You can
recognize steroids by the suffix "-one", such as cortisone,
dexamethasone, prednisone..etc.. In short, alternatives to
steroid therapy should always be considered.

Antihistamines can be used with relative safety in dogs. About
one third of owners report success with them. The major
drawback, as with people, is sedation. Dr. Ackerman recommends
that a minimum of three different types of antihistamines be
tried before owners give up on this therapy. According to Dr.
Johnson, the most common problem with this type of treatment is
that owners give the drugs at doses that are too low. Check
with your vet on correct dosing. Examples of antihistamines
commonly used for dogs include: Tavist, Benadryl,
Chlortrimeton, Atarax and Seldane. Personally, I have seen the
best results with Atarax.

Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids
These fatty acids are natural anti-inflammatory agents. They
reportedly are helpful in 20% of allergic dogs. My own
experience puts this figure a little higher. They are certainly
worth a try because they are not harmful and have virtually no
side effects. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish oils
(especially krill and cod) and omega-6 fatty acids are derived
from plants containing gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), such as oil
from the evening primrose. These supplements are different from
those sold to produce a glossy coat. They tend to reduce
inflammation that may lead to skin sores but are not as
effective in reducing itching. Products that contain both
omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids include: Omega Pet, Derm Caps,
and EFA-Z Plus.

Environmental Control
If you know which substances your dog is allergic to avoidance
is the best method of control. Even if you are desensitizing
the dog with allergy shots, it is best to avoid the allergen
altogether. Molds can be reduced by using a dehumidifier or
placing activated charcoal on top of the exposed dirt in your
house plants. Dusts and pollens are best controlled by using an
air cleaner with a HEPA filter. Air conditioning can also
reduce circulating amounts of airborne allergens because
windows are then kept closed.

While there is nothing you can do to prevent a rescue dog from
developing allergies, breeders should be aware that allergic
dogs SHOULD NOT BE BRED!!! Dr. Johnson confirmed that there is
clinical proof that allergies are inherited!


Food and Flea Bite Allergies

The previous section of this article dealt with atopy or inhalant
allergies. This article will deal with food allergies or to be more
precise, food sensitivities. Much of the information presented here is
drawn from "Hair and Skincoat Problems in the Dog" by Lowell Ackerman
D.V.M. and an interview with Dr. Scott Krick of the VCA Sinking Spring
Veterinary Hospital. Food allergies account for only about 10% of
allergy problems in dogs, however they are easily treated so it makes
sense to test for them if you suspect they may be the culprit of your
dog's skin problems.

Like inhalant allergies, food sensitivities primarily manifest
themselves with itchy skin. Other symptoms include anal itching,
shaking of the head, ear inflammations, licking front paws, rubbing
faces on carpeting and rarely vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence,
sneezing, asthma like symptoms, behavioral changes or seizures. Many
people don't suspect food allergies as the cause of their dog's
itching because their pet has been fed the same food all its life and
has just recently started having symptoms. However, animals can
develop allergies to a substance over time, so this fact does not rule
out food allergies. Another common misconception is that dogs are only
sensitive to poor quality food. If the dog is allergic to an
ingredient it doesn't matter whether it is in premium food or the most
inexpensive brand on the market. One advantage to premium foods is
that some avoid common fillers that are often implicated in allergic


Dogs are not allergic to a dog food per se, rather they react to one
or more of the ingredients in the food. Some of the most common
culprits are beef, pork, chicken, milk, whey, eggs, fish, corn, soy,
wheat and preservatives. Many animals are now developing allergies to
lamb as well. This was once thought to be very hypo-allergenic, but
the more it is used, the more sensitivities are springing up.

The first step in diagnosing a food allergy is to eliminate all
possible allergens and feed ONLY a homemade diet with ingredients the
dog has never eaten before. The diet should be a protein and a starch.
Good examples are one part lamb, rabbit or venison mixed with two
parts rice or potatoes. NOTHING else can be fed during this time; no
biscuits, chewable heartworm pills, chew toys or any table scraps!!
You must also keep the dog away from feces if he or she is prone to
eating stool.

This diet should only to be fed for a short period, while testing for
allergies. It is not nutritionally complete enough for long term use.
Check with your veterinarian before beginning the test. If the
symptoms improve during the trial diet, go back to the original food
for several days. If symptoms reoccur you know that something in the
food is causing the reaction. The next step is to return to the trial
diet and add one new ingredient a week (i.e. add beef for one week and
if no symptoms occur add corn the next week for one week).

Once you have discovered the allergen you can look for a commercial
food which does not contain that ingredient. According to Dr.
Ackerman, approximately 80% of dogs with food allergies can be
maintained on a commercial hypo-allergenic diet. Some of the common
hypoallergenic diets include "Nature's Recipe", "Sensible Choice" and
"Natural Life". "Nature's Recipe" makes a lamb and rice food, a
venison and rice diet and a vegetarian diet, none contain chemical
preservatives. "Natural Life" also makes a preservative free, lamb and
rice food called Lamaderm. "Sensible Choice" is a third brand that is
considered hypoallergenic because it contains neither wheat or corn
and comes in a lamb and rice formulation.

Note: just because a food is labeled "Lamb and Rice" do not assume it
is hypoallergenic. Many contain wheat, corn, soy, beef or
preservatives. This process of elimination is trying and time
consuming. You should be aware that it may take up to 10 weeks to see
an improvement. However, it is the best method available to test for
food allergies. You may wish to try switching your dog to one of the
foods listed above for a month as a trial. If the dog shows
improvement you know you are dealing with a food sensitivity, you just
won't know which ingredient to avoid. If there is no improvement, you
will need to begin the elimination testing.

Flea Allergies

This type of reaction, again usually severe itching, is not to the
flea itself but rather to proteins in its saliva. Dr. Ackerman writes
that dogs most prone to this problem, interestingly enough, are not
dogs who are constantly flea ridden, but those who are exposed only
occasionally! A single bite can cause a reaction for five to seven
days, so you don't need a lot of fleas to have a miserable dog.

To test for flea allergies, a skin test is performed which must be
read in fifteen minutes and again in forty eight hours. Unfortunately
injections to desensitize are not very effective because it is hard to
collect enough flea saliva to make a serum!

For dogs with this problem a strict flea control regime must be
maintained. We would caution you, however, against using strong
chemical preparations on your dog. Often times the flea control
program produces more harmful effects than the fleas, including
seizures and skin problems, so please use caution.

2006-10-02 20:07:28 · answer #1 · answered by Blossom 4 · 0 0

I find that indoor dogs suffer from skin problems far more often than outdoor ones. ( the reasons for this may just be that the outdoor dogs are not being seen scratching as often) Have you had the carpets cleaned recently? new cleaning products on your kitchen/bathroom floor? Have you recently changed her diet? rule out the obvious first and if there are still issues after going through the list of things that may be causing it (taking a week or two between changing each one) then I would suggest going to the vet for a cortisone shot and seeing if it improves. If it does then there are things your vet will suggest that you can give your dog to help. If not there may be another thing going on. There are lots of parasites other than fleas and ticks that are not visible to the naked eye. (lice, mange, etc etc) Even internal parasites such as worms can cause itching. A lot of times all it takes is One flea bite even if the fleas are not present on your dog all they have to do is come in on your shoe jump on your dog bite it and hop away and your dog will break out itching like crazy. Flea allergies are terrible. definitely try these things and I wish you tons of luck.

2006-10-02 23:40:38 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hi Raven, Your little girl has some kind of allergies.It could be the grass,if you changed her food,or about anything.This would make her scratch herself,and bite herself until she is raw.She can't help herself.You need to bathe her in an oatmeal dog shampoo,this will help alittle.Take her into her vet,and try and get this under control.The little one is really suffering,and needs help now.Things will work out for her. A Dog Lover...


2006-10-02 20:07:46 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Could very well be allergies. Food, contact, or airborne. Take her to the vet just to be sure. I use Oatmeal shampoo to assist with skin irritation. We had this problem with one of our older dogs and just about went crazy trying to discover the cause, actually we never found the reason but our vet recommended a course of medication, the oatmeal baths, and removal of people food from his diet. Worked for him! But again, you should take her to the vet and be prepared to describe anything new she may have been exposed to ... and I do mean ANYTHING! Fabric softener, laundry detergent in bedding, new bedding, new treats, new people food, carpet, shampoo, even something as simple as air fresher that is sprayed. You know the saying, what comes up must come down. This could turn into a long process but first things first and that is to make the poor girl comfortable and make a vet appointment. Good luck

2006-10-02 20:47:21 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Try putting your dog on a corn-free diet for one month. Corn is the number one food allergen for dogs. My dog does not eat a bit of corn in her diet and her coat is shiny and silky and she does not scratch, never has. Just try it. What do you have to lose? Your dog will be happier and you won't have vet bills. Many grocery store canned foods have no corn, but all the dry ones have corn, so dry food will have to come from a pet store or vet, but it is less expensive than vet visits and drug bills for the dog. And less trouble than slathering cream on the dog. Try it and then see if the dog is better.

2016-03-18 03:59:20 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


Atopy or atopic dermatitis is an allergic skin disease of dogs. In the allergic state, the dog’s immune system ‘overreacts’ to foreign substances (allergens) to which it is exposed. The most common type of allergy is the inhalant type, also known as atopy. It results in itchiness, either localized (in one or several areas) or generalized (all over the dog). Common allergens that can cause atopy include tree pollens, grass and weed pollens, moulds, mildew, and the house dust mite.

Many of these allergies occur seasonally, just as in human asthmatics, and it is a genetically inherited disease. Although it is seen in all breeds of dogs, Fox Terriers, Poodles, Dalmatians and West Highland Terriers suffer most commonly.

Atopy is most commonly seen for the first time in dogs 1-3 years of age, and initially may be associated with the 'pollen' season, although symptoms are constantly present in older dogs.

Inflammation of the skin produces severe itching, usually generalized. The dog chews, licks, and scratches its skin, resulting in hair loss and secondary infections. The problem may be worse in the axillae (armpits) and underside of the abdomen. Some dogs mainly chew their feet. Saliva will stain light coloured hair, so dogs that lick excessively will have reddish brown areas on their coat.
Here is a site that tells of treatment> http://www.upei.ca/cidd/Diseases/immune%20disorders/atopy.htm
the first thing I would do is to eliminate corn and soy from the diet..many dogs are allergic to Swiffer wet jet, and other household cleaners and air fresheners..

2006-10-02 19:46:29 · answer #6 · answered by Chetco 7 · 1 0

Dogs also itch for dry skin or allergies. She may need steroids, or allergy shots. Also if the dog just goes outside for the bathroom she could be exposed to fleas. There are products called bitter apple adn bitter yuck @ petsmart. They are natural and safe to spray on the area. When they go to bite @ the area it doesn't taste good and it tends to help when they are scratching to much.

2006-10-02 21:13:27 · answer #7 · answered by tera_duke 4 · 0 0

For a seeming unfair reason allot of dogs have flea allergy's - Use front-line or something similar every 6-8 ks. Eucalyptus shampoo repels fleas. Flea powder is ecomomical

2006-10-02 19:49:53 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What does the vet say? There ARE products, but unless there is a diagnoises, you may get the wrong medication. Being through pets myself, and money too.-- The diagnoises and bloodwork (if needed) are very important. It could mean a peaceful nights rest for you or a night of helplessness. Being there!

2006-10-02 19:45:34 · answer #9 · answered by regwoman123 4 · 0 0


2017-02-09 19:21:22 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

she could be having an allergic reaction to something, i would take her to the vet. my female Chinese Shar Pei always looses her hair after having a littler of puppies because the puppies claw her stomach and legs so much, the vet gave us this pill that looks like vitamin e and a special shampoo to bathe her in. Her hair grew back and then the next litter, after the puppies started clawing her so bad, i just gave her the pills and used the shampoo and didn't take her to the vet and her hair grew back and she did fine.

2006-10-02 19:43:40 · answer #11 · answered by tiggerkitty3 4 · 0 0

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