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Hello muslims I dont know what's the difference between two branches of the Islam.. I just know one thing Saudi Arabia it's doing Islamic Centers in the world Sunni and Iran it's supporting the shias...I'd like to know as well if the Islam is dominating for saudi arabia? or every Islamic country has the freedom to chose how they want to interpret the Quran and shariah..

2006-10-02 19:16:37 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

They do not necessarily have to choose between the two, but in not chooseing, one has already denounced the Shia which, in a way, makes them Sunni. There is no real reason to choose though unless you choose to be Shia. 85% of Muslims are Sunni, 15% are Shia. You are right, Iran is the most populous Shia country and Saudi Arabia has a very anti-Shia government. Wahabism took hold in Saudi Arabia and they are known for intolerance of the Shia.
These divisions you speak of are not done nationally however. Tke Iraq for example, where, up until recently, there were both Shias and Sunnis who were able to co-exist.
One can interpret the Qur'an freely. The difference is on who has the most authority over interpretation. In Sunni Islam, it was Hanafi, Shafi, Hanbali and Maliki. In Shia Islam the authority is placed in 12 Imams that were appointed by their predecessors after Muhammads death. Go here to get an overview of the differences:



Also, two other major sects:



Hope I helped.


Also, I would look at both sides of this issue; Sunnis have alot of misconceptions and lies about Shias that they take as truths and Shias tend to be overly defensive.

2006-10-02 19:37:16 · answer #1 · answered by Michael M 3 · 1 1

To be a muslim you have to say " Ashadu An La ilaha Illa Allah" and " Ashadu Anna Muhammadan Rasoolullah"

That is " I witness that there is no God but Allah and I witness that Mohammed is the messanger of Allah"

These two are called " Shahadatu Kalimah" by which one enters into Islam.
No body has any argue over these. Therefore, you do not have to look whether your are sunni or shia, One become Muslim by saying this Shahadah. Sunnis and Shias sects raised after the death of Prophet Mohammed. There was no such sects during his life, people only followed the Quran and Prophets deeds and says.
So your duty once you become a muslim is to live your life according to the Quran and Sunnah. You have to read and ask, then, you will find out whether you are on the right path or not.
Prophet says that he has left betweeen us two things to which if we hold tight we will not go astray: The Quran and Sunnah.

He also said that anybody who adds or delets from his sunnah has brought up a "Bidaa" these are things which he did not say or do. He said all bidaa are fault and all faults lead to hell.

You will see that some celeberates the Birthday of Prophet Mohammed, which is not from Sunnah, because prophet never celebrated his birthday, but people who came later began to celebrate as a loyality and love to prophet. But this is a bidaa made by people. not by prophet who said that we should not add or delete from his sunnah. What he has brought is enough and will not be burden on a muslim. We do not have to approach anybody or sacrifice our money or children to get our prayers answered, Allah says in Suratul ikhlas that he is the only one, no partner with him.
He is able to hear our prayers and answer them without a carrier. We can pray to him whenever, wherever, whatever.
You will see some people ask the dead ones to carry their prayers to Allah. This is a big "Shirk" which Allah will nor forgive as he said that he will forgive all sins except setting partners with him. How can dead who cannot see or hear carry your prayers,
It just need a little commen sense and the ability to think. You should not follow blindly whatever is said to you. Learn the Quran an Sunnah, then you will find out that you are on the right path
I will provide you with some site which may help you further

2006-10-03 03:30:46 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

To become a Muslim, you have to bear witness with full belief the following statement known as the "shahadah" (bearing witness):
No diety is worthy of worship but Allah, and Muhammad is his Messenger.

Both Shia and Sunni believe in that statement. The Shia stress Islamic teaching strictly related by one of the prophet's companions, Ali ibn Abi-Talib. In fact their name "shia" means followers of Ali. The Sunnis focus on the tradition of the prophet Muhammad as related by his closest and most trusted companions, of whom Ali is among them but certainly not the only one. The name "sunni" literally means those following the tradition of the prophet of Islam, Muhammad (PBUH). The division started as a political one, and has grown ever since. From what I understand, the Quran is the same for both Sunnis and Shias. The interpretation is different. Surprise!!!

Since Islam is a religion conveyed to Muhammad and not Ali, most Muslims today are Sunnis. Iran, Iraq, Lebanon and some parts of the Persian Gulf coast have the largest number of Shias, the rest of the world being Sunni majority. Saudi Arabia is ruled by the Sunnis family. The residets of Medina and Mecca have always been lead by the Sunni branch, and there's a very reliable and trusted statement attributed to Muhamad that states that Mecca and Medina will be guarded by angels till the day of resurection (in other words will be on the right path). Sunni Islam has always ruled during the Islamic civilization. (As you may realize, current governments ruling Muslims are considered to be Islamic by name only) The most populous Muslim nation is not of Arab descent, but of Asian, which is Indonesia. Indonesians converted into Islam after coming into contacts with Muslim traders from the Middle East.

I am a Sunni by upbringing, and not by choice. I would like to believe that if I had to choose between the two, I would chose Sunni, but I will never be able to find out. I'm just grateful that I'm Sunni. And I'm sure that there are Shias that would say the same about their branch.

I hope this has helped some. In your decision, try to talk to and meet with different Muslims. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask/email me, and I will do my best to provide with unbiased and objective answers. In my opinion, the most difficult decision is converting into Islam; choosing which branch is secondary.

2006-10-03 03:10:05 · answer #3 · answered by baraaa 3 · 0 0

No I am a muslim but I do not choose for Shia or Sunni Islam.I live in Indonesia and I want to follow the best life example that has been conducted by our prophet Muhammad peace be upon him..So in Indonesia there is a religion organization which is called Muhammadiyah.Islam has 73 sects not only Shia and Sunni.But in all Islam sects the basic Islamic teaching is similar,the differences lay only in the way how to practice its basic principles. in our everyday life.We are free to follow each of its sect.But we can also follow something that accordance to our mind that is right and logic.and do not against with the holy Qur'an and Hadith. as our firm life guidance.

2006-10-03 02:38:06 · answer #4 · answered by ? 7 · 1 0

Hi that's a very good question you have asked.

You know why muslims have been split into sunni and shia? Well, because before Prophet Muhammed's death, he had appointed Ali (A.S.) as the next leader for the muslims. Ali was chosen by Allah and Prophet Muhammed simply passed the mesaage to the people. However, after Mohammed's death, the muslims changed, they made Abu Bakr the leader - First Khalifa and snatched the rights of Ali.

Shia is another name for followers of Ali. Syed shias are from the same bloodline. Ali was the First true Imam followed by 11 others.

Sunnis don't believe in Ali's virtues and treat him as the fourth Kahlifa. They believe more in Au Bakr, Umar and Usman who converted from paganism to Islam forcefully.

Ali, however was with Muhammed since he was a child and infact was born in Kaaba, the house of Allah.

So, decide for yourself, will you follow converts or a true Muslim?

2006-10-03 02:23:49 · answer #5 · answered by Huda_Alee 3 · 1 2

hello, shortly i have to say there is no contrast amongst them. we both worship for the same god, both pray toward kaaba, our Quraan and prphet is the same and we both belive in Qayamat. but offcourse som little differences are existing. so as a Sunni muslim i have to tell u that in Shia branch, they don't perform all behaviour and performance of Muhammad pbuh. but Sunni means the one who follows Sunnat ( performance of mohammad pbuh ). by the way u may understand that majority has more credit and as 90% or something less are Sunni so this one is better but remeber never try to make difference between two brothers.
may Allah save you

2006-10-03 02:34:18 · answer #6 · answered by Jawad 1 · 0 0

If you want to be a Muslim, just be one. Believe in God and His messenger. Don't believe in the diff sect that will only confuse you. The difference between the sects are their routine and daily habits. But they never have a doubt in their hearts that Allah is the One God.

Believe in Allah first.

Also, you need to understand why the is a Shia... Sunni is the majority sect in the world.

2006-10-03 02:31:23 · answer #7 · answered by LeScorned 3 · 1 0

No u dont need to follow any, just read urself QURAN u will find the rite path.

Now a days most of the muslim are following FIQASIM (following the mis interpretations of IMAMS) and not the real ISLAM.

2006-10-03 04:54:02 · answer #8 · answered by Eccentric 7 · 0 0

Im a muslim and what others tdescribe me as a sunni muslim. As segregation of religion into smaller denominations is not allowed in Islam,Some political/religious Leaders are always trying to inteprete the Quran in their own way for their own benefit. And as a "sunni" muslim we believe that Muhammad(PBUH) is the final prophet(as said in the Quran).Well the main difference is, the Shia community do not believe so as they worship other "saints" that came after him.

2006-10-03 02:25:11 · answer #9 · answered by clairol3012 1 · 1 2

Theoritically no! But if you want practice Islam you have to choose either of them. Because on most aspect of practising Islam there is a difference among these groups. So you have to choose.
BTW, almost 90% muslims are sunnis

2006-10-03 02:22:07 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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